Principles of Ecology
BL / ENVS 402
Fall 2009
Formal Research Grant Proposal Assignment
What: A grant proposal is a document that scientists write in order to obtain funding to perform research. Although we love to do research, we often can’t afford to do it for free. Additionally, the grant proposal process is usually very competitive, so that the best grants are funded and the nebulous ones are not. The clearest and well-researched (i.e. literature search) grants are generally the best and are funded. Many agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Science Foundation, and the National Park Service fund ecological work.
When: You will turn in a rough draft in class for peer editing on Monday, November 30th, 2009. I will also review this rough draft, but I will only make comments on the FIRST page to make sure you are on the right track. The final draft of your grant proposal is due on the same day as our final, which is Friday, December 11th, 2009.
Where: Your grant assignment is taken directly from the Boulder County Parks and Open Space website. You can go to the following link if you want to see the actual grant instead of what I’ve constructed here: .
I have only changed a few requirements, such as the date your proposal is due and the amount of primary literature I would like you to include. I want you to do a local grant proposal so you can investigate some of the pressing ecological / management issues in Colorado. You should follow the guidelines listed below exactly (including a resume).
Why: This is an important assignment because it is worth 18.75 % of your final grade. It is also important because it is teaching you to write, and it is important because there is a real world component to it. YOU are actually eligible to get this grant and do this work if you want. It is absolutely not a requirement, but if you are interested in submitting your grant, talk to me about it in class on December 1, 2009, and we can decide if this is something you’d like to pursue in the summer of 2010. Also, do keep in mind that you must provide a final report of your findings if you are awarded the grant. This final report is due in October of 2010. See the website above for more information.
Background Information:
The Boulder County Parks and Open Space Department, through its Resource Management Division, is offering small grants* * for research and biological inventories on open space lands. The purpose of the program is to increase the scientific knowledge of ecosystems found in Boulder County and visitor effects on them.
The department will use the information gained through this research to improve natural resource and public uses on county open space lands. Two categories will be awarded: grants up to $5,000 and grants up to $10,000.
Boulder County Parks and Open Space has identified the following research topics as priority needs for natural resource and visitor management. **Please discuss research ideas with Dr. Kleier before contacting BCPOS staff**
· Short and long-term prairie dog ecology studies (demographics, plant community dynamics, plague or other disease topics, etc.).
· Impacts of domestic dogs on native wildlife near trails on open space.
· Impacts of passive recreation (equestrians, hikers, mountain bikes) on native wildlife near trails on open space.
· Surveys or inventories on the following wildlife species on open space: Abert’s squirrel, porcupine, Mexican spotted owl and pine marten.
· Comparison of wildlife occurrence and abundance on restored prairie versus native prairie.
· Wildlife species comparisons between thinned and unthinned Ponderosa pine or lodgepole pine forests.
· Effects of forest management (thinning, etc.) on the understory in foothill and montane forests.
· Understory response after wildfires.
· Evaluation of restoration techniques for former agricultural lands, particularly diversity of plants restored.
· Evaluation of integrated noxious weed management techniques.
· Evaluation of selectivity of rangeland herbicides on native flora.
· Russian olive treatment methods.
· Anyone may apply. Students must submit a signed letter from an academic advisor to confirm that the proposal has been reviewed, and is supported.
· Grant proposals up to $5,000 will be considered.
· Research must take place on Boulder County Parks and Open Space properties.
· Researchers may use BC Conservation Easement lands with the condition that the researcher secure prior written permission from the private landowner.
· Researchers must adhere to all applicable policies and regulations set forth by the department. The researcher is responsible for knowing the appropriate rules.
Proposal Requirements
The proposal text (not including cover page and resume) must not exceed six double-spaced typewritten pages. The proposal must include the items listed below. The investigator’s resume must accompany the proposal.
SECTION 1, Abstract
· Provide a one-paragraph summary (abstract) of the proposal that describes the objectives, general methods, and anticipated value the research.
SECTION 2, Introduction: Objectives, Hypotheses, Anticipated Value, Literature Review
· The proposal report cover page should specify the proposal report title, author name(s) and contact information, and proposal report date.
· Describe the overall objective(s) to be addressed by the research.
· State the hypotheses and alternative hypotheses or purpose of research related to the objective.
· State how the research will contribute to the natural resource and/or visitor management needs of Boulder County Parks and Open Space.
· Describe the anticipated value of the research to furthering of scientific knowledge and public education.
· Provide a summary of pertinent published literature. This section must include at least ten different academic references (i.e. articles).
SECTION 3, Methods: Description of research
· A detailed explanation of sampling or survey methods.
· A discussion of data analysis techniques.
· Project requirements, including logistics, and permits.
· A detailed project schedule. (not included in 6 pages of text)
· A map showing location of research activities. (not included in 6 pages of text)
· Describe in detail any potential negative impacts to the natural resources on Boulder County Open Space.
SECTION 4, Budget
· Provide a detailed and itemized annual budget, including funding requirements for salaries, equipment, travel, office supplies, report preparation, and required overhead. You do need to estimate this for your BL / ENVS assignment.
· There is a 15% maximum cap on overhead charges and indirect costs.
· Provide information on any sources of cooperative funding or assistance-in-kind and include appropriate documentation.
SECTION 5, Qualification of Researchers
· Provide a resume or curriculum vitae of the investigator(s), including the faculty advisor for student projects. (not included in 6 pages of text). You do need to include a resume for your BL / ENVS 402 assignment.
· The following is for your information only, you don’t need to include this for your BL / ENVS 402 assignment. For student projects, attach a signed statement from a faculty advisor supporting and approving the proposal and describing the degree of faculty involvement and supervision. Faculty sponsors are responsible for providing reports to BCPOS should the student fail to submit one. Future requests by students of a faculty advisor who has not provided required reports may not be processed.