Approved amendments to Draft Naas Road Lands Plan as presented at South Central Area Committee – 20th May 2009

The following amendments should be read in conjunction with the Draft Plan dated February 2009:


A.  Insert additional text to end of section on Mixed Use Core - page 78

Any substantial extension of retail beyond the indicative boundaries of the Mixed Use Coreand into designated 'commercial' areas will only be considered in the context of a detailed retail assessment prepared by Dublin City Council,and notwithstanding any conclusions of the retail assessment would not result in the provisionof more than 40,000 sq.m of retail floor space within thedesignated Prime Urban Centre. Furthermore, any proposal must clearly demonstrate that it will not hinder or detract from the provision and development ofan integrated and compact retail core.

B.  Amend paragraph 2 - page 87

It is therefore recommended that paragraph 2 on page 87 be amended to clearly define a “landmark” structure as a maximum of 15 stories in height.

C.  Amend Fig 4.14 page 90

Height Strategy for Naas Road Lands Plan area

§  Long Mile Road – heights indicated as 5 to rise to 6

§  East of Muirfield Drive – heights indicated as 3 to rise to 4

D.  Amend Fig 4.14 page 90

The following amendment is proposed as a written note to the height strategy text on page 90:

Note: The height strategy for the site of the old Volkswagen Factory (Protected Structure with frontage onto the Naas Road, west of junction with Kylemore Road) may be subject to review in the event of all or part of this structure being deleted from the Record of Protected Structures. Any future application on this site must have regard to the setting of any remaining protected structure on site and the designated height for proposed adjoining blocks.

E.  Insert additional text to paragraph 5.4.1 Proposed Cultural and Community Infrastructure Page 127

“The need for and provision of community facilities will be kept under constant review throughout the lifetime of the plan and in the event of development taking place regard will be had to the needs of both the existing and planned communities.”

Note; the above may be subject to further minor amendments in the interests of clarity