E. M. A b d e l – M o e t y , P r o f. D r. – C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e (C.V.)

Prof. Dr. Ezzat M. Abdel-Moety

Faculty of Pharmacy–Cairo University

Kasr Al-Aini, 11562–Cairo, Egypt.



Contact Data


Business : Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University,

Kasr AlAini , ET–11562 Cairo, Egypt (ARE).

Tel. : + 202-23624917, -23632245 & -23639307

Home : Villa 41, region 4, area 6, the 5th Settlement, New-Cairo,

P.O.Box: 57, ET-11835 Cairo, Egypt (ARE).

Tel.: +202-26177855

Fax : +202-26173262 ,

Mobile (Handy, Cellular) : +2010-1523612 (Vodafone)

e-mail : &

Personal Data

Birth Date (Place) : 28.09.1946 (Cairo-Egypt)

Nationality & Religion : Egyptian, Muslim

Marital Status : Married (4 Sons)

Educational Data ( Academic History )

Degree Year Name of Institution Field of Study Country

Ph.D. 1980 WWUniversity(Münster) Pharmaceutical Chemistry Germany

M.Pharm.Sci. 1974 Cairo University Analytical Chemistry Egypt

B.Pharm.Sci. 1970 Cairo University Pharmaceutical Sciences. Egypt


Arabic (MT), English & German

Current Academic Rank

Professor & Ex-Head of Analytical Chemistry Department

Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University.

Kasr AlAini , ET–11562 Cairo, Egypt (ARE).


E. M. A b d e l – M o e t y , P r o f. D r. – C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e (C.V.)

Professional Memberships

- Editorial Board Member (EMB); (1993-1997) of the International Journal of Pure and Applied Analytical Chemistry (TALANTA), Editors-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. G.D. Christian Prof. Dr. J.M. Kauffmann, Pergamon Press. Since 1987 active as an advisory board member of TALANTA.

- Active member of the New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS), New

York-USA, since October 1994.

- International member of the American Association for the

Advancement of Sciences (AAAS), since September 1994.

- Member of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists [Assoc.Off.

Anal.Chem.(AOAC)], Arlington, Virginia-USA, since January 1993.

- The Egyptian Pharmaceutical Society (EPS), Dar-El'Hekma, Cairo-

Egypt, since October 1971.

- Member of the Egyptian Society of Laser Science & Applications,

Institute of Laser Sciences, Faculty of Science-Cairo University, Giza-

Egypt, since March 1986.

- Advisory board, Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal (Saudi Pharm. J),

Saudi Pharmaceutical Society (SPS), Riyadh-KSA.

- Advisory board,Fette.Seifen.Anstrichmittel der Deutscher Geselschaft

für Fettwissenschaft (DGF), Industrieverlag von Hernhaussen KG,

Leinfelden-Echterdingen 1-Germany.

- Member of the German Society of Lipid Sciences (Deutsche

Geselschaft für Fettwissenschaft, DGF), Münster i.Westfalen-

Germany, since December 1980.

- Member of the Professorship Upgrading-Committee

(Pharmaceutical Chemistry), High Council of Universities, Ministry of

Higher Education, Cairo-Egypt.

- Editorial Board Member (EMB) of the Egyptian Journal of

Pharmaceutical Sciences (Egypt.J.Pharm.Sci.), the Pharmaceutical

Society of Egypt, Dar-El'Hekma, Cairo-Egypt.

- Advisory & Editorial Board Member (EMB) of the Bulletin of Faculty of

Pharmacy-Cairo University (Bull. Fac. Pharm.-Cairo Univ.) since 1983

- Member of the Saudi Chemical Society (SCS), Riyadh–Saudi Arabia,

at the time period 1995-2003.

Teaching Areas

The teaching activity was realized at different faculties and institutions,

namely, Faculty of Pharmacy-Cairo University, Kasr El-Aini, Cairo-Egypt Faculty of

Pharmacy-Al'Azhar University, Nasr-City, Cairo-Egypt; College of Pharmacy-

King Saud University,Riyadh-Saudi Arabia; Faculty of Pharmacy-October 6

University,Giza-Egypt & Faculty of Pharmacy-Al'Ahram Canadian University (ACU),


I.  Undergraduate level:

General chemistry, Chemical equilibria, Common constants and concepts of acid, base, salts, insolubles and complexes.

1.  Qualitative inorganic analysis (ions, salts and metals)

2.  Quantitative Analysis: titrimetry (volumetry), neutralization (acid-base) in aqueous and non-aqueous media, Preciptemetry (Mohr's, Fajan's & Volhard's methods), Complexometry (cyano- & mercurometry and EDTA-titrations).

3.  Electron(s)-involving determinations [Redox (reduction-oxidation)] titrimetry.

4.  Instrumental methods of analysis: Spectrophotometry colorimetry, Flame photometry and atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS), electrochemical methods of analysis: Conductometry, potentiometry and polarography , Chromatography[ ion-gas/liquid (GLC), liquid chromatography (LC) & high-performance (HPLC), electrophoresis.

II.  Postgraduate level:

1.  General courses and advanced instrumental methods of analysis.

2.  Quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA).

3.  Good laboratory practice (GLP) and good analytical practice (GAP).

4.  Analytical methods development ,optimization and validation (USP & ICH-guidelines)

5.  Environmental analysis (sampling and determination).

Research Areas

Drug & Food analysis, Analytical automation, Stability of drugs & formulations, Environmental chemistry & analysis, Analytical Automation, Stability studies of micro- and macromolecules, and Photo-pharmacy.

Designing, planning & realizing some research projects, e.g. :

·  Proj.No. :AR-12-53 [Detection of Pig Fat (Lard) in Processed Foods], Co-P.I ;1991-1995; with Dr.K.A.Al-Rashood (P.I.) & Dr.R.Abou-Shabaan, Co-Inv., funded by KACST (King Abdulaziz City for Sciences & Technology, Riyadh-Saudi Arabia).

·  Proj.No. : DSR-084 [Phermones in the Biocontrol of Palm Red-Weevil], Co-I. & Project consultant, 2004-still running, my share: Analytical Profiling and Quality Assurance & Control of Palm Weevil’s Phermones’ Formulations (Phermones & Synergists), funded by Deanship for Scientific Researches, King Saud University, Riyadh-Saudi Arabia.

·  Proj. No.: XX-2005 [Quality Assurance & Control of Baby Milks in Egypt], Ministry of Health, Cairo-Egypt.


* The International Symposium on Lipids

"Neue Aspekte in Diagnostik und Therapie von Fettstoffwechselstörungen"

Vienne-Austria, 12-13 May 1979.

* XXI. International Conference on the Biochemistry of Lipids (Molecular

Properties of Lipids), Cologne-Germany, 29 August – 1 September 1979.

* Gemeinsame Vortragstagung "Fettwissenschaft"

Technische Universität Wien, Österreich, Vienne-Austria, 24-28 September 1979.

* DGF-Vortragstagung (Podium), Institut für physiologische Chemie der

Universität Bonn, Nußallee, November 1979.

* The 1st French-Egyptian Co-operative Symposium on Recent Applications

of Laser, organized by the Egyptian Society of Laser Sciences &

Applications, Oberoi, Aswan-Egypt, 23-28 March 1986.

* The 4th Drug Symposium in Saudi Arabia: "On Drug Strategy in the Gulf

States", Riyadh-Saudi Arabia, 8-10 January 1989.

* The 9th International Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference and Exposition,

King Saud University, Riyadh-Saudi Arabia, 17-21 December 2005.

* Most of the Conferences of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Pharmaceutical

Society of Egypt, Dar El'Hekma, Cairo-Egypt, 1976-2008.


Several M.Sci.- & Ph.D.-Degrees have been accomplished or under completion, under my supervision at Faculty of Pharmacy-Cairo University and College of Pharmacy-King Saud University; as follows:

M.Pharm.Sci. (Analytical Chemistry)

Gehan Aly Taha Complex Lipid Analysis 1988

Nadia Mostafa Hamouda Analysis of Emulsifiers & Stabilizers 1989

Salman Rashed Al-Zaban Analysis of Norfloxacin (Noroxin) 1994

Amal Mahmoud A-Alamein Analytical Studies on Antifungals 1995

Shereef A-Nabi A-Gawad Photostability of 4-Quinolones 2003

Mamdouh Reda Rezk Photostability of Phenothiazines 2003

Maha Galal Ibrahim Oestrogen-Level Modifiers since 2004

Jasmin Rostom Omran Phermones Analysis & Tracing 2005

Fatma Abou'Al-Alamein Antimicrobials' Quality Assurance 2005

Eman Galal Nouman Difficulties in Quality Assurance Labs. 2006

Reham Maher Salama Trytamine-Based Substances 2007

Ph.D-Degree (Analytical Chemistry)

Khadiga Omar Al-Kelani Antihistaminics Analysis 1986

Mohamed Abde-Kawi Detection of Pig Fat (Lard) 1987

Gehan Ali Taha e-Donor Acceptors Analyses 1994

Mamdouh Reda Rezk Stability-Indication of Carbapenems since 2004

Shereef A-Nabi A-Gawad Determination of Antiosteoprotics 2005

Scientific Relations

Through out my scientific activity, several near cooperation and/or contacts with many familiar senior scientists have been established; some of those are:

- Prof. Dr. M.M. Amer Late Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy - Cairo University, Cairo-Egypt.

- Prof. Dr. A.K.S. Ahmad Professor of Analytical Chemistry & Ex-Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy - Cairo University, Cairo-Egypt.

- Prof. Dr. A. Seher Ex-Ltd. Director, Institute for General & Analytical Chemistry & Ex-Professor of Analytical Chemistry, WWU-Münster, Münster, i.W.-Germany.

- Prof. Dr. H.K. Mangold Ex-Ltd. Director, Institute for Biochemistry & Technology (H.P. Kaufmann Institute) Münster, i.W.-Germany.

- Prof. Dr. W.O. Lundberg Late Director of the Hormel Institute (Biochemistry), of Minnesota University, Austin-USA [during his stay in Münster-Germany (1978-9), senior scientist).

- Prof. Dr. G. Rücker Ex-Dean, Pharmaceutical Institute, Bonn University, Bonn-Germany & Ex-Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, WWU-Münster- Münster, I.W.-Germany.

- Prof. Dr. G. Reinhardt Ex-Director, Institute of Forensic Medicine (Institut für Rechtsmedizin) Ulm University, Ulm/Donau-Germany.

- Prof. Dr. H. Sachs Consultant & Instrumental Advisor, Institute of Forensic Medicine (Institut für Rechtsmedizin) Ulm University, Ulm/Donau-Germany.

- Prof. Dr. E.H. Hansen Ex-Director, Chemistry Department A – The Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby-Denmark ( Ex-Joint Editor-in-Chief, TALANTA).


Supervisor of the Water & Drugs Analysis Unit – The Research Center of the College of Pharmacy – King Saud University, for 6 years (1408-1412 & 1416-1418). Usually, I was active as a consultant regarding some analytical aspects concerning the drug & food analysis.

Permanent Consultant for solving analytical problems at the Center for Technological Studies, Special Unit at Faculty of Pharmacy – Cairo University.


Most of the Publications appeared in international journals, between 2008 and 1974

(Separate list of publications is attached)


E. M. A b d e l – M o e t y , P r o f. D r. – C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e (C.V.)


1. Deterioration and Preservation of Fatty Foods.

Abdel-Moety, E.M.

M.Pharm.Sci.-Dissertation (Analytical Chemistry), Faculty of Pharmacy-Cairo

University, Cairo-Egypt, December 1974.

2. Studies on Rancidity of Oils and Fats: On the Auto-oxidation of Phospholipids.

El-Tarras, M.F.; Abdel-Moety, E.M.; Ahmad, A.K.S. & Amer, M.M.

Oléagineux: 31 (1976) 229-232.

3. Studies on Rancidity of Oils and Fats: Part XIII; The Effect of Phospholipids on the Autoxidation of Fats in Aqueous Medium.

El-Tarras, M.F.; Abdel-Moety, E.M.; Ahmad, A.K.S. & Amer, M.M.

Riv. Ital. Sostanze Grasse: 53 (1976) 15-17.

4. Studies on Rancidity of Oils and Fats: Part XV; Stability of Some Infant-Foods.

El-Tarras, M.F.; Abdel-Moety, E.M.; Ahmad, A.K.S. & Amer, M.M.

Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci.: 17 (1976) 161-172.

5. Studies on Rancidity of Oils and Fats: On the Effect of Phospholipids on the Autoxidation of Fats in Non- Aqueous Medium.

El-Tarras, M.F.; Abdel-Moety, E.M.; Ahmad, A.K.S. & Amer M.M.

Oléagineux: 34 (1979) 139-144.

6. Identification of Cyclopentenyl Fatty Acids by Gas-Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry.

Shukla, V.K.S.; Abdel-Moety, E.M.; Larsen, E. & Egsgaard, H.

Chem. Phys. Lipids: 23 (1979) 285-290.

7. Äther-Lipide in rechtiger Ernährung

Abdel-Moety, E.M.

The 21th International Symposium on Biochemistry of Lipids

Neue Aspekte in Diagnostik und Therapie von Fettstoffwechselstörungen

Vienne-Austria, 12-13 May 1979.

8. Äther-Lipide und Hyperlipidämie

Abdel-Moety*, E.M. (*speaker) & Mangold, H.K.

Gemeinsame Vortragstagung "Fettwissenschaft"

Technische Universität Wien, Österreich, Vienne-Austria, 24-28 September 1979.

9. Analytische Kenndaten der Speiseöle

Abdel-Moety, E.M.

Gemeinsame Vortragstagung "Fettwissenschaft"

Technische Universität Wien, Österreich, Vienne-Austria, 24-28 September 1979.

10. GC/MS-Analyse der O-TMS Derivate von Cyclopentenyl-Fettsäuren

(GC/MS Analysis of O-TMS derivatives of cyclopentenyl fatty acids)

Schmitz, B.; Egge, H. & Abdel-Moety, E.M.

DGF-Vortragstagung (Podium), Institut für physiologische Chemie der

Universität Bonn, Nußallee, November 1979.

11. Synthesis of Alepraic Acid.

Abdel-Moety, E.M. & Mangold, H.K.

Chem. Phys. Lipids: 26 (1980) 279-283.

12. Autoxidation of Methyl Esters of Cyclopentenyl Fatty Acids.

Abdel-Moety, E.M. & Lundberg, W.O.

Lipids: 15 (1980) 298-303.

13. Cyclopentenylfettsäuren als Ausgangsmaterial zur Gewinnung neuer Wirkstoffe (Cyclopentenyl Fatty Acids as Starting Materials for New Active


Abdel-Moety, E.M.

Ph.D-Dissertation (Dr.-rer.nat), Westfälische Wilhelms Universität zu Münster, i.W.-Deutschland (Germany), October 1980.

14. Cyclopentenylfettsäuren als Ausgangsmaterial zur Gewinnung neuer


Abdel-Moety, E.M.

Fette. Seifen. Anstrichm.: 83 (1981) 65-70.


E. M. A b d e l – M o e t y , P r o f. D r. – C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e (C.V.)

15. Spectrophotometric Determination of Cyclopentenyl Fatty Acids.

Abdel-Moety, E.M. & Khattab, F.I.

Bull. Fac. Pharm.-Cairo Univ.: 22 (1983) 147-157.

16. Spectrophotometric Determination of Iodochlorohydroxyquin and Diiodohydroxyquin in Some Pharmaceutical Preparations.

Ismaiel, S.A.; Sharaby, N.A., Soliman, R.F. & Abdel-Moety, E.M.

Zentralbl. Pharm. Pharmakother. Laboratoriumsdiagn.: 122 (1983) 815-817.

17. Spectrophotometric Determination of Azintamide in Some Pharmaceutical Formulations.

Abdel-Moety, E.M.; Wahdan, F.H.; Sharaby, N.A. Ismaiel, S.A.

Acta Pharm. Jugosl.: 34 (1984) 223-231.

18. Xanthaminol Yellow: A New One-Colour Neutralization Indicator.

Abdel-Moety, E.M.; Romeih, F.A. & Ebeid, M.Y.

Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci.: 25 (1984) 267-273.

19. Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Azintamide (Oragallin) in Pharmaceutical Formulations.

Abdel-Moety, E.M.

J. Chromatogr.: 324 (1985) 475-479.

20. Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Diphenhydramine (Dimedrol) Hydrochloride in Some Pharmaceutical Formulations.

Abdel-Moety, E.M. & El-Bardicy, M.G.

Anal. Lett.: 18 (1985) 2155-2172.

21. Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Nicotinic Acid (Niacin) in Pharmacuetical Preparations.

Abdel-Moety, E.M.; El-Bardicy, M.G. Ismaiel, S.A.

Acta Pharm. Jugosl.: 35 (1985) 255-260.

22. Colorimetric Determination of Nitrofurantoin.

Abdel-Moety, E.M.; Mostafa, A.A. Ismaiel, S.A.

Zentralbl. Pharm. Pharmakother. Laboratoriumsdiagn.: 124 (1985) 727-732.

23. Spectrophotometric Determination of Nicotinamide in Some Multi-vitamin Preparations.

Ismaiel, S.A.; Haney, W.G. & Abdel-Moety, E.M.

Pharmazie: 40 (1985) 804-805.

24. Determination of Iodine Values of Lipids by Bromide Ion-Selective Electrode.

Abdel-Moety, E.M.; Ahmad, A.K.S. & Sharaf El-Din, M.K.

J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem.: 69 (1986) 67-69.


E. M. A b d e l – M o e t y , P r o f. D r. – C u r r i c u l u m V i t a e (C.V.)

25. Titrimetric and Spectrophotometric Determination of 6-Mercaptopurine. (Purinethol)

El-Bardicy, M.G.; Abdel-Moety, E.M. & Sharaf El-Din, M.K.

Zentralbl. Pharm. Pharmakother. Laboratoriumsdiagn.: 126 (1987) 317-321.

26. Flow Injection Analysis of Pharmaceutical Compounds. III. Quantification of Furosemide with Spectrophotometric Detection.

Ahmad, A.K.S.; Abdel-Moety, E.M.; Moustafa, A.A. & El-Gendy, A.E.

Arch. Pharm. Chem.: 14 (1986) 113-118.

27. First-Derivative Spectrophotometric and Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Caffeine in Food Products and Pharmaceuticals. II. Simultaneous Assay of Caffeine and Procaine Hydrochloride (Novocaine) in Binary Mixtures and in Geriatrics.

Abdel-Moety, E.M. & Moustafa, A.A.

Norv. Pharm. Acta: 48 (1986) 75-89.

28. Identification and Quantification of Frusemide (Furosemide) in Raw Materials and in Tablets.

Moustafa, A.A. & Abdel-Moety, E.M.