Principals’ Meeting

CiTi 11/18/14 8-10 or 11/19/14 2:30-4:30

District/Program / Representative / District/Program / Representative
APW / Exceptional Ed
Central Square / Chris Soluri / CTE
Fulton / Donna Parkhurst / ISS / Iraina Gerchman
Liane Benedict
Hannibal / Phoenix / Jay Altobello
Michael Bateson
Mexico / Don Root / Pulaski
Oswego / Sandy Creek
Agenda / Notes
Group Formation / Established the 7 Norms of Collaboration from Adaptive Schools
Parking Lot
Outcome – I am up to date on important information from the field.
·  State Growth Score for 8th grade teachers of Algebra 1
·  Research support from NYSED/engageny
·  CiTi Teacher Networks
·  Social Studies Field Guide
·  Module Check In / The state will be including the Algebra 1 Regents in the growth scores of the 8th grade teachers who teach Math 8 and Algebra 1 Regents. This will be done for this school year. More information to come.
·  There is an expectation for research to be conducted throughout P-12 education.
·  Short and long research events are woven throughout the Modules.
·  There is also an expectation that research be conducted in the content areas using the Common Core Literacy Standards for Literacy in History, Science and the Technical Subjects.
Social Studies and Science
·  In order to achieve continuity in our professional development delivery, we are asking that districts send consistent staff members to these networks.
·  Ideally one person from each level – elementary, middle school, and high school.
·  The person should be seen as a teacher leader, and they should have the capacity to turnkey the information to their colleagues.
·  These two networks will be combined.
We are also considering changing the schedule for all networks from ½ day/month to 1 full day every other month, and adding an Occ Ed network (Business, Technology, and HCS/FCS Teachers)
The Social Studies Field Guide has been published. You can find it here
This guide gives a good explanation of the shifts for Social Studies education and the link to the Common Core Standards. It also contains the first glimpse of an inquiry.
If you are using the NYS ELA and Math Modules, please come prepared to share where your teachers are in the pacing of the modules at each grade level.
·  We will be sending out a survey to capture this information.
·  Liane Benedict has worked with Auddie Mastroleo to design a protocol for examining pacing through the Modules to be sure that the right skills and understandings are taught prior to the NYS assessments.
·  Liane is available to work with anyone who would like to explore this further.
Additional Handout:
Field Memo from Ken Wagner, 4th Update October 2014 on the Transition to Common Core Regents Examinations in English Language Arts and Mathematics
Professional Learning
Outcome – I understand the new CDOS credential and how it affects my work. / Teri Marks presented on the CDOS Credential.
·  This is the last year that principals have the discretion to sign off on the CDOS credential for students who have not fully completed the requirements.
·  Next year all requirements must be met.
·  Teri stressed that this credential carries your signature attesting to the entry level jobs skills of the students.
·  I have attached Teri’s handouts.
·  We also had some discussion about some of the software tools that can help track this information for you including one that was designed by CiTi and is now being used across the state.
·  Please contact Teri Marks or Tracy Mosher if you have any questions regarding this credential.
Outcome – I can deepen my understanding of how the updates and professional learning apply to my work.
·  Possible Compelling Questions
o  How do the CDOS standards affect me as an elementary or middle school principal?
§  21st Century Skills
§  Integration of ELA and Math across the content areas
§  Relevance & Engagement (Career Majors) / There was some brief discussion about the role of elementary school and middle schools in the preparation for the CDOS credential. Many of the performance indicators in the CDOS standards are seen in 21st Century Skills and Project Based Learning.
Middle Schools can help by identifying students who might benefit from the credential.
Report Out
Chris Todd will be at our December meeting to discuss Testing Integrity and Academic Integrity. This was a topic requested at the September meeting.
Don Root (Mexico HS) would like to know if anyone would like to see a demonstration of My 10 Year Plan, an interactive education, career, and life plan. Please contact Don if you would like to know more.