Produced by Geraldine Norris
Smart Move!
It was a really hot Monday morning and 4HB at Ranley State School were ready to go out for “Smart Moves”, which was their daily fitness program. “Don’t forget your hat,” reminded Mr Barrett as the class lined up outside the classroom. Shaya and Tahliabegan to rummage through their bags looking for their hats. “Hurry up you two!” shoutedMichael as he walked past. When the class got up on to the oval the children started to do laps, some sprinting hard, others jogging and a few just walking. After a couple of times round just about everyone was walking as they were all hot and tired.
Shaya and Tahliahadn’t even tried to run and were walking along together chatting, whileMichael was walking behind them making comments and trying to give them “flat tyres”.Suddenly he stopped and said, “What’s going on over there?” He pointed off to the right of them. Both girls looked over and saw a man in dark glasses with a brown beard and black suit trying to hide behind a tree on the edge of the oval. He looked up, saw the three of them staring at him and dropped the briefcase he was holding and ran for it.
“Let’s go and see what it is,” replied Tahlia. They ran over to the briefcase and Michael went to pick it up. “No, wait,” said Shaya, “it could be stolen and there might be fingerprints on it.” Michael picked it up without touching the handle, it was heavy. “We’ll take it to Mr Barrett,” he said.
When they explained what had happened, Mr Barrett gathered the class together, took them into the classroom and then contacted the office. The three children had to explain what had happened to the principal and the Police who came a short while later.
The following week, on assembly, Shaya, Tahlia and Michael were called out and Ms Anderson, the principal, told everyone what had happened. “The briefcase was stolen from a government office and had secret documents in it,” she explained. “If these three brave students hadn’t acted the way they did there could have been serious problems caused,” she added. “Therefore there is a reward of
$1 000.00 for each of them and the whole school has been given an extra day’s holiday!” The whole school cheered and clapped and Shaya, Tahlia and Michael were heroes!
4 Quadrants of the Brain
Upper Left: (Analytical Thinking)
- What is “Smart Moves”?
- Why did the run end up with just about everyone walking?
- Who was trying to give the girls a “flat tyre”?
- When did they decide to take the case to Mr Barrett?
- Where was the announcement made about the reward and holiday?
Lower Left:(Sequential Thinking)
Use a table like this one to make the story plan for this narrative.
Upper Right: (Imaginative Thinking)
Design a WANTED POSTER for the thief.
Lower Right: (Interpersonal Thinking)
- Describe the sort of personalities Shaya, Tahlia and Michael have? Use the clues from the text to help you
- What do you think the kids at the school were more excited by – the recovery of the documents, the children’s reward or the holiday? Why?
Produced by Geraldine Norris