PS120 Part 1

Ball,pgs. 1-8,

Tannenbaum, pgs. 1-8, PT1-16

Ideology & Ideologies

True or False

1. Because of effective counter-measures by the United States and other western countries, there has not been another terrorist attack by radical Islamists since 9/11. True or False

2. With the end of the Cold War, the world has become much more stable and peaceful where profit motive and security have been the outcome. True or False

3. Political ideologies arise out of particular backgrounds and circumstances, and they typically grow out of some sense of grievance or injustice. True or False

4. All ideologies offer a way of looking at complex events and conditions that tries to make sense of them.True or False

5. Fascists look upon class struggle as a good thing, for instance, while communists regard it as an evil.True or False

6. A libertarian wants government to promote moral and traditional values. True or False

7. Every ideology provides a vision of the social and political world as it is, and as it should be, in hopes of inspiring people to act either to change or to preserve their way oflife.True or False

8. Besides being a strategy to advance some causes, terrorism is an ideology. True or False

9. Unlike socialism, conservatism, and the other ideologies, democracy offers no explanation of why things are the way they are. True or False

10. There is no denying that religious concerns have played, and continue to play, a major role in ideological conflicts. True or False

Mutiple Choice Questions

1. Of the nineteen terrorists who hijacked four American airliners and attacked the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., fifteen were from: a) Afghanistan, b) Egypt, c) Iraq, d) Saudi Arabia.

2. What does jihad mean to devout Muslims? a) cooperation and understanding, b) peace, c) holy war, d) excommunication.

3. He is quoted as saying with some understatement, “Anyone desiring a quiet life has done badly to be born in the twentieth century.” a) Vladimir Lenin, b) Leon Trotsky, c) Joseph Stalin, d) Nikita Khrushchev.

4. What were the three clashing ideologies that dominated world politics for much of the 20th century? a) liberalism, communism, fascism, b) populism, totalitarianism, anarchism, c) capitalism, socialism, naturalism, d) existentialism, globalism, environmentalism.

5. What makes it impossible to define liberalism or conservatism or any other ideology with mathematical precision: a) ideology is coaxed from demagogues and malcontents, b) ideology is a universal ideal that evolves from the results of the gradual evolution of the environment, c) ideology is a consequence of change and the interaction of the human condition, d) ideology is based on some mathematical models that can be precisely determined.

6. Originally, the 18th century French term for ideology meant the scientific study of: a) ideas, b) life, c) the mind, d) society.

7. Over the last two centuries the meaning of the following term has shifted considerably. It now refers to attempt to shape how people think—and therefore how they act: a) Contrarian, b) History, c) Ideology, d) System.

8. The following ideology would probably explain inflation as the result of government interference in the marketplace: a) Marxist, b) fascist, c) populist, d) libertarian.

9. The following probably thinks of himself as a white person and member of a party dedicated to preserving racial purity and enslaving or even eliminating “inferior” races: a) communist, b) Nazi, c) pragmatist, d) Republican.

10. What is the difference between political ideology and political philosophy? a) Political ideology explains how a system works while political philosophy establishes the plan for implementing it, b) Political ideology tends to be more abstract compared with political philosophy that simplifies it, c) Although they can do the same things, political ideologies do them in much simpler, less abstract ways because their focus is more tightly fixed on the importance of action, d) Political ideology is a much older social science that evolved from Eastern philosophy while political philosophy evolved more recently from Western tradition.

Fill-in Questions

1. An ideology, more precisely, performs four functions for people who hold it:

a) ______: it offers an explanation of why social, political, and economic conditions are as they are, particularly in times of crisis.

b) ______: it supplies standards for how to look at social conditions.

c) ______: it supplies its adherent with … a sense of identity— of who he or she is, the group (race, nation, sex, and so on) to which he or she belongs, and how he or she is related to the rest of the world.

d) ______: it tells its followers what to do and how to do it.

2. If you are a communist, for example, you believe

a) it important to raise workingclass ______or awareness in order to

b) prepare for the overthrow of ______,

c) the seizure of ______power, and

d) the eventual creation of a cooperative, communist ______.

Political Philosophy

Donald Tannenbaum, pgs. 1-8

True or False Questions

1. Most political philosophers recommend a human but not a documentary check on the ruler. True or False

2. We cannot fully know the consequences of following any set of coherent ideas; nor can we necessarily know the result of a political action. True or False

3. We are all born into a culture that gives us an official version of reality about authority, justice, freedom, and equality. True or False

4. It was the advance of science in the Egyptian world that coincided with the development of philosophy. True or False

5. For the ancient philosophers, pure reasoncan be used to discover certain real truths or ideas that serve as the basis for political knowledge. True or False

6. To the post-modern philosophers God is both real and the embodiment of all other ideal values. True or False

7. To the moderns among philosophers, material values take precedence over any interest in ideals or salvation. True or False

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The highest source of a just command over a ruler, whether human or a document: a) justifiable authoritative constitution, b) documents of legal protocol, c) legitimate sovereign authority, d) political legitimate power.

2. Recorded, systematic philosophy by individual thinkers appears to have begun in the West with the ancient: a) Chinese, b) Hebrews, c) Romans, d) Greeks.

3. What idea implies that humans have a higher purpose in life than mere existence or the satisfaction of physical (bodily) appetites? a) consciousness, b) psyche, c) wisdom, d) intelligence.

4. A set of assumptions about society, and a definition of the world that is, to each philosopher both reasonable and universal in that it applies to all people everywhere: a) faith, b) methodology, c) origin, d) dialectic.

5. The following philosopher wrote about such issues as the limits of political power and how much control a government should have: a) St. Thomas Aquinas, b) Aristotle, c) Friedrich Nietzsche, d) John Locke. (who knows if the others did the same?)

6. A systematized knowledge of the physical world that is gained through the process of observation (or, more recently, experimentation): a) science, b) ideology, c) cosmology, d) existentialism.

7. What is real? a) epistemology, b) dialectical materialism, c) metaphysics, d) humanism.

8. How do we know what we know? a) methodology, b) epistemology, c) social evolution, d) determinism.

9. Abstract principles, such as justice, truth, virtue, and reason, are regarded as real entities for ancient philosophers described as: a) idealism, b) practical, c) luminary, d) contradiction.

10. Believing that religious faith and the Bible were the sources of all important knowledge is referred to as what type of philosophical outlook? a) post-modern, b) pre-modern, c) rational, d) medieval.

11. The neomodern method represents a return to a form of idealism of the ancients, but it is based on: a) physical materialism, b) natural deconstruction, c) human passion, d) analytical logic.

12. Why did the late moderns want to reconcile materialism with other human values? a) to assure greater continuity, b) to unite the individual with the collective, c) to maximize individualism to reach its apex, d) to limit place limits on the collective identity.

13. For the postmodern philosophers, they adopt a method as essentially: a) pragmatic and scientific, b) skeptical and critical toward reason, c) idealistic and romantic, d) systematic and coordinated.

Fill-in Questions

1. What are the four common themes that political philosophers deal with?

a) They consider the political ______or set of problems in their own time that motivated them to write.

b) Each present a personal ______, or ______of thinking about politics.

c) They present their individual views of ______, or what people are really like.

d) They present a version of the proper role of ______in dealing with … a set of problems they have identified.

2. What are the highest goals people can seek according to the early moderns?

a) political ______,

b) ______,

c) ______pleasure,

d) progress through ______and technological discovery, and

e) ______contentment.

3. The late moderns attempted to reconcile materialism with other human values, such as:

a) natural ____,

b) natural ______,

c) ______theories.


Ball, pgs.1-8, True or False Questions

1. False

3. True

5. False

7. True

9. True

Multiple Choice Questions

1. d

3. b

5. c

7. c

9. b

Fill-in Questions

1. a) Explanation, b) Evaluation, c) Orientation, d) Political program

Tannenbaum, pgs. 1-8

True or False Questions

1. False

3. True

5. True

7. True

Multiple Choice Questions

1. c

3. b

5. d

7. c

9. a

11. c

13. b

Fill-in Questions

1. a) crisis, b) methodology, method, c) human nature, d) government

3. a) law, b) rights, c) contract.

