Rc.No. 313/RMSA/2010 Dated: 30.07.2010.

Sub;- SE – RMSA – release of funds for taking up of Construction of Civil Works in the sanctioned components under RMSA at School level in identified 1656 Secondary Schools in the State - Administrative sanction orders and certain Guidelines– Issued - Reg.

Ref;- 1. Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting of RMSA held on 07.07.10.

2. Meeting with MD, APEWIDC, Hyderabad by the Secretary to Govt., Secondary Education on 16.07.2010.

3. G.O.Ms.No. 114 SE (Prog.I) Dept., dated 07.10.2009.

4. 115 SE(Prog.I) dept., 17.10.2009.

5. Lr.No. F.1-66/2009.Sch.1, dated 17.06.2010 from the Under Secretary to GOI, MHRD, New Delhi.

6. This office Lr.Rc.No. 313/RMSA/2010, dated 24.07.2010.


The under mentioned Headmasters and Chairmen, School Management and Development Committee (SMDC) of identified 1656 Secondary Schools (as per list enclosed) in the State are informed that GOI, MHRD, New Delhi vide reference 4th cited have sanctioned and released the Central Share of Rs. 194.43 crores as 1st installment during the year 2010-11 towards construction of Civil works in identified 1656 Secondary Schools in the State under the following components category wise stating the maximum ceiling of unit cost for making the expenditure.

Sl. No / Intervention / Unit Cost / Cost per School / Plinth area/norms
1 / 2 Addl. Class rooms / Rs.4.63 / Rs.9.26 / 1. Room size of 7x7 square meter with additional 35% for circulation area (20%) and will area (15%).
2. Total plinth area of 66 square meter.
3. Construction cost Rs. 7000 per sq. meter
2 / 1 Science Laboratory / Rs.4.6 / Rs.4.6 / 1. Room size of 7x7 square meter with additional 35% for circulation area (20%) and will area (15%).
2. Total plinth area of 66 square meter.
3. Construction cost Rs. 7000 per sq. meter
3 / 1 Computer Lab / Rs.4.6 / Rs.4.6 / 1. Room size of 7x7 square meter with additional 35% for circulation area (20%) and will area (15%).
2. Total plinth area of 66 square meter.
3. Construction cost Rs. 7000 per sq. meter
4 / I Library / Rs.6.75 / Rs.6.75 / 1. Room size of 7x10.60 square meter with additional 35% for circulation area (20%) and will area (15%).
2. Total plinth area of 100 square meter.
3. Construction cost Rs. 7000 per sq. meter
5 / 1 Art/craft room / Rs. 4.6 / Rs. 4.6 / 1. Room size of 7x7 square meter with additional 35% for circulation area (20%)
and will area (15%).
2. Total plinth area of 66 square meter.
3. Construction cost Rs. 7000 per sq. meter
6 / Girls/Boys toilet blocks and Drinking water facilities / Rs.1.5 / Rs.1.5 / For all Schools
Total / Rs.31.31

In the reference 3rd & 4th cited Government have issued orders for constituting the State, District and School level committees for monitoring of the RMSA scheme. The orders have already been communicated to all the DEOs in the State to take further necessary action for constituting of committees at District level, School Management and Development Committees (SMDCs) and School Building committees, Academic Committee and Parent Teacher Associations at Secondary School level and also requested to open Bank Accounts at District level and also at School level by SMDCs.

In view of the above and based on the release of the funds by GOI, State matching shares by Government of AP from time to time an Executive Committee meeting was convened by the Chairman and Secretary to Government, Secondary Education Department to appraise the status of implementation of the scheme in the state, releases and works to be taken up, and also identifying the nodal agency for entrusting the construction of civil works in 1656 Secondary Schools. Necessary orders have already been issued vide reference 6th read above (copy enclosed) to entrust the 1st Phase of Civil works to Andhra Pradesh Education Welfare and Infrastructure Development Corporation (APEWIDC) for Construction of Class rooms, Science Laboratory, Library, Computer lab, Art/Craft room and separate Girls/Boys toilet block and Drinking water facilities in identified 1656 Secondary Schools in the State.

Keeping in view of the above the Commissioner and Director of School Education & Ex-Officio Project Director, RMSA, Hyderabad is pleased to accord sanction and release of an amount of Rs.6.00 lakhs (rupees six lakhs only) as 1st installment initially to each of the identified 1656 SMDCs accounts by way of ECS system from the RMSA State office Bank Account at SBI, Red Hills Branch, Hyderabad in A/c No. 30939441800 for taking up of construction of civil works in coordination with the officials of APEWIDC nominated Engineers on the sanctioned components by GOI, MHRD, New Delhi as per norms of RMSA duly following the terms and conditions as detailed below:

  1. The School Management and Development Committees (SMDC) will have to carry out the civil work activities constituted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh as per the norms of RMSA vide reference 3rd cited through a transparent system of account keeping.
  2. There is a member from expert in civil works like Civil Engineer in School Building Committee under SMDC as per 8.3.4 of RMSA norms. The Engineer who is appointed to look after the construction of civil works on the above components at each Secondary School will be nominated from APEWIDC as a nominee to take care of construction of civil works under the SMDC constituted as per the orders of the Government 3rd cited and decided by the Chairman of the EC in the review meetings.
  3. The SMDC will maintain all the relevant records for recurring as well as non-recurring expenditure. These records will be updated on regular basis and placed before the committee every month.
  4. The School Building Committee under SMDC shall be responsible for all the activities including planning, estimation, management, monitoring, supervision, reporting, maintenance of accounts, monthly squaring of account, presenting of accounts before SMDC or Panchayat or Urban local bodies etc., relating to construction, renovation, repairing and maintenance and other related civil works.
  5. The SMDC headed by the Principal/Headmaster is empowered to conduct any civil works including repairing and maintenance for improvement of school facilities after following procedures as per norms of RMSA.
  6. The SMDC should certify the maintenance and repair work under taken in the school. For repair and maintenance as well as new constructions, technical provisions shall be followed.
  7. All the funds relating to construction of civil works will be released to all the SMDCs constituted by the Government to their bank accounts which were opened exclusively for monitoring the funds of RMSA directly through ECS system from State head office and the funds have to be drawn by the committee duly taking the clearance given by the School Building Committee for construction of works in three levels for payment viz. completion of (1) lintel level (2) slab and (3) after finishing the entire work including fixtures and fittings.
  8. The SMDCs may make use of designs already developed in their specific local context or the designs adopted by the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan.
  9. All financial norms for civil works are suggestive and meant for financial estimations and State PWD schedule of rates will be applicable.
  10. All schools will be fitted with rain water harvesting system and disabled friendly provisions. RMSA will encourage use of local construction material and low cost technologies. The new structures will be constructed as earth quake resistant and fire resistant and also provisions for renewable energy utilization may be explored in the school buildings strengthened/upgraded under RMSA.
  11. Solar panels for water heating, running water pump, solar lantern etc., are suggested as some of the possible activities.
  12. There need to be a school-wise compilation of Physical and monetary requirements.
  1. The committee will place before the block panchayat, progress on each component/interventions of the scheme and all information and records that it is required to keep and update.
  2. The civil works will be undertaken either on Contract basis as per rules or by the community. These works may also be integrated with the appropriate Rural Development Schemes.
  3. All estimations are as per norms prescribed by Government of India under RMSA and as per the decisions taken in the meeting that 3% (three percent) work charges will be paid to the APEWIDC on the overall work done by them school wise after completion. The work estimations should be prepared and approved including the work charges not exceeding the unit cost of the component(s). These norms indicate the upper limit and grant will be as per the actual expenditure as per State PWD norms
  4. The work should be in good quality, speedy execution and finally quality infrastructure as per norms of RMSA.
  5. The APEWIDC should complete the work of construction of school buildings as detailed above as per the norms within 8 months from this day i.e,. 24.07.2010 after following the procedure i.e., e-procurement etc., in all identified 1656 Secondary Schools in the State and hand over the same to the SMDC in full shape failing which a penalty of 1.5% on the cost of construction per month will be levied and collected from the Corporation to this effect.
  6. The review meetings will be held by C&DSE and Ex-Officio Project Director, RMSA with MD, APEWIDC on weekly basis for initial two months and on progress of works the meeting will be conducted on fortnight basis. The Secretary, SE will review the progress of civil works on monthly basis. At that time they should submit the progress reports of each work taken up in each of the 1656 identified Secondary Schools on each if the sanctioned components.
  7. A copy of Frame work of RMSA norms prescribed for civil works may be downloaded from the MHRD web site and the list of identified 1656 Secondary Schools where the construction of civil works are to be taken up, are enclosed herewith for ready reference.
  8. The construction work can be inspected/tested by the SMDC/School Building Committee/Managing committee (District level) or any nominee/Officer deputed/appointed for this purpose by State the Government/Govt. of India New Delhi or RMSA State Office. All records pertaining to constructions including estimations and payments are subject to verifications by an officer nominated or appointed for exclusively this purpose.
  9. The sanction has been accorded subject to the terms and conditions contained in the “Framework for implementation of RMSA" issued by the MHRD and to the adherence of financial administrative and policy norms stipulated therein. While utilizing the funds, eligibility terms and conditions stipulated in para 4.1 to 4.8 of the scheme and the financial limits indicated as above would be operational for implementation of the above programme.
  10. The next installment will be considered only after the receipt of expenditure statement in respect of grants released along with UCs stating the completion of the stage of the construction.
  11. Non- recurring expenditure as stated above shall be drawn and utilized during the current financial year 2010-11.
  12. The grantee shall keep the amount sanctioned for Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) under a separate bank account and maintain separate account for its disbursement and expenditure as per rules.
  13. It shall be utilized by the grantee only for undertaking activities as proposed in the sanction and in consonance with the norms of expenditure in the scheme.
  14. The assets if any, acquired wholly or substantially out of this grant should not be disposed of encumbered or utilized for purposes other than those for which the grant has been sanctioned without obtaining prior sanction of the Government of India.
  15. The grantee shall maintain a separate and proper account of the expenditure incurred out of the grant and the account so maintained shall be open to the audit by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India or by any authority deputed by him for the purpose, as per rules and Internal Audit by the Principal Accounts Office of the Ministry of Department whether the grantee is called upon to do so.
  16. The grantee shall furnish item wise statement of expenditure on a quarterly basis and other reports on physical and financial progress in approved formats. The grant will be utilized within the current financial year.
  17. The grantee will submit annual detailed progress report of the works immediately after close of the financial year. An annual audited statement of accounts along with a certificate of utilization of the grant in DFR 19-A for the approved project duly signed by a Chartered Accountant and countersigned by the DEO & Ex-Officio District Project Coordinator, RMSA after closing of the financial year. Grantee has also to submit a copy of annual audited accounts to this office. The unspent balance , if any and interest accrued thereon , will have to refunded to this office.
  18. A register of assets acquired wholly or substantially out of the grant shall be maintained in prescribed form and a certified copy of the register in respect of the assets acquired should be sent to this office immediately after acquiring within in the financial year. Such copies should continue to be furnished even after the Government’s grant to the Society has ceased. The statements should relate not only to the assets created during the year to which it relates but to all previous assets so created wholly or substantially out of Government’s grant upto the end of the period to which the return relates. For purpose of determining whether assets have been created substantially out of the Government grant, it is not necessary that the amount utilized out of the Government grant should exceed 50%
  19. The grantee shall fully implement the Official Language Policy of the Union Government i.e. it shall fully comply with Official Language Act, 1963 and Official Language (Use for the official purpose of the Union). Rules, 1976 etc.
  20. Grants will be available only for those schools which have existing buildings of their own.
  21. Cost of constructions will be includes fixes, fittings, circulation area (varandaa) etc.,
  22. The SMDC should involve elements of community contribution and maintain record.
  23. Requisite number of toilet blocks in each school, separately for Boys and Girls, Staff and Teachers and differently able children, along with proper Drainage system in every school etc., adequate drinking water facilities in every school should be provided.
  24. The sanctioned and released amount should be utilized after completion of 1st level of construction of civil works in each of the above sanctioned component as specified in the orders.
  25. The 2nd installment will be released after submitting the Utilization Certificate (UCs) under each sanctioned component for the release of the 1st installment to the DEO & Ex-Officio District Project Coordinator while extending a copy to the under signed. At district level the DEO & Ex-Officio District Project Coordinator has to collect school wise utilization certificates, consolidate the same and submit the UCs for the sanction and released amounts under each component relating to all the sanctioned schools in his districts to enable this office to submit the same to the GOI, MHRD, New Delhi.
  26. The financial estimation of each school under each component along with plan of construction should be submitted to the DEO & Ex-Officio District Project Coordinator concerned and to the under signed for information.
  27. Any other relevant condition specified in General Principal Rules, 2005 as amended from time to time would be followed.
  28. To follow any other instructions issued by the under signed from time to time based on the orders of Government of Andhra Pradesh/GOI, MHRD, New Delhi.





Al the Headmaster & Chairmen, SMDCs of identified 1656 Secondary School in the State. (through the DEO & & Ex-Officio District Project coordinator, RMSA)

All the District Educational Officer & Ex-Officio District Project coordinator, RMSA in the State for information and take further follow up action in the matter.

Copy to all the District Collectors & Chairmen, Managing Committee (District Level), RMSA in the State for information and take further follow up action in the matter.

Copy to all RJDSEs in the State for information and take further follow up action in the matter.

Copy to Managing Director, Andhra Pradesh Education Welfare and Infrastructure Development Corporation, Fathemaidan Road, Hyderabad for information and to take further necessary follow up action in the matter.







Dr. R. Satyanarayana, The Managing Director,

Commissioner and Director of School Education &APEWIDC,

Ex-Officio Project Director, RMSAFathemaidan,


Lr.Rc.No. 343/RMSA/2010, Dt. 24.07.2010


Sub:- RMSA – Entrusting the first phase of construction of Civil works under implementation of RMSA Scheme in identified 1656 Secondary Schools in the State – Administrative Sanction – Orders – Issued – Regarding.

Ref;- 1. Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting of RMSA held on 07.07.10.

2. Meeting with MD, APEWIDC, Hyderabad by the Secretary to Govt., Secondary Education on 16.07.2010.

3. G.O.Ms.No. 114 SE (Prog.I) Dept., dated 07.10.2009.

I wish to inform that the Government of India, MHRD, New Delhi has started a Centrally Sponsored Scheme viz., Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) in the Country with the one of the main aims of the scheme i.e., to ensure that all Secondary Schools have Physical Facilities, Staff and supplies at least according to the prescribed standards through financial support in case of Government /Local Body and Government Aided Schools and appropriate regulatory mechanism in the case of other schools.

Accordingly during the year 2010-11 the Government of India, MHRD, New Delhi have approved an amount of Rs. 518.49 crores and sanctioned an amount of Rs.259.24 crores. Out of this an amount of Rs. 194.43 crores released as 75% of Central share towards construction of Civil works in identified 1656 Secondary Schools in the State on the following components category wise stating the maximum ceiling of unit cost for making the expenditure.

(Rs. In lakhs)

Sl. No / Intervention / Unit Cost / Cost per School / Plinth area/norms
1 / 2 Addl. Class rooms / Rs.4.63 / Rs.9.26 / 1. Room size of 7x7 square meter with additional 35% for circulation area (20%) and will area (15%).
2. Total plinth area of 66 square meter.
3. Construction cost Rs. 7000 per sq. meter
2 / 1 Science Laboratory / Rs.4.6 / Rs.4.6 / 1. Room size of 7x7 square meter with additional 35% for circulation area (20%) and will area (15%).
2. Total plinth area of 66 square meter.
3. Construction cost Rs. 7000 per sq. meter
3 / 1 Computer Lab / Rs.4.6 / Rs.4.6 / 1. Room size of 7x7 square meter with additional 35% for circulation area (20%) and will area (15%).
2. Total plinth area of 66 square meter.
3. Construction cost Rs. 7000 per sq. meter
4 / I Library / Rs.6.75 / Rs.6.75 / 1. Room size of 7x10.60 square meter with additional 35% for circulation area (20%) and will area (15%).
2. Total plinth area of 100 square meter.
3. Construction cost Rs. 7000 per sq. meter
5 / 1 Art/craft room / Rs. 4.6 / Rs. 4.6 / 1. Room size of 7x7 square meter with additional 35% for circulation area (20%) and will area (15%).
2. Total plinth area of 66 square meter.
3. Construction cost Rs. 7000 per sq. meter
6 / Girls/Boys toilet blocks and Drinking water facilities / Rs.1.5 / Rs.1.5 / For all Schools
Total / Rs.31.310

Based on the discussions held in the Executive committee meeting of RMSA on 07.07.2010 followed by the meeting with you and officials of your corporation by the Secretary to Govt., Secondary Education Department on 16.07.2010 and it was decided to entrust the 1st Phase of Civil works to your corporation for Construction of Class rooms, Science Laboratory, Library, Computer lab, Art/Craft room and separate Girls/Boys toilet block and Drinking water facilities in identified 1656 Secondary Schools in the State in the