Procedures for Transfer Calendar

Effective July 1, 2013, the following procedures will be in place with regard to transfers between sections (also referred to as divisions) of the Circuit Civil Division.

1. All transfers between divisions must be ordered by the Administrative Judge or, if designated, the Associate Administrative Judge. Circuit Civil Judges assigned to individual divisions cannot transfer cases. Hearings on transfers between divisions will be heard by the Administrative Judge, Judge Jennifer Bailey, or her designee.

2.The rules for transferring cases are set for in Administrative Order 79-1, a copy of which is attached. Generally, the motion must set for the reason why transfer is appropriate. Related cases pending in different divisions are transferred to the division where the first-filed case is pending, except in extraordinary circumstances. If a transfer is agreed, the submission should indicate that all parties agree. Agreed Motions to Transfer, a proposed order, and a cover letter should be submitted through the transfer calendar eCourtesy library. You will be advised if the court approved the transfer or if a hearing is necessary.

3.Attorneys cannot agree to a transfer which violates the provisions of the administrative order. If special circumstances apply in a case as set for in provision 4 (d) of A.O. 79-1, those circumstances must be argued in the motion with specificity.

4.All submissions to the transfer calendar must be submitted through the transfer calendar eCourtesy library, which is handled by Judge Bailey’s judicial assistant, Maria Prieto. All transfer motions are set through Ms. Prieto. The transfer calendar eCourtesy library is located at:

5.Motions to transfer must be filed, served, and noticed at least seven (7) business days prior to a hearing date. If a case is noticed for hearing with less than seven business days’ notice, it will not be placed on the calendar and will not be heard.

6.Transfer Calendar is held on Tuesday mornings at 9:15 a.m. Room 635.

7.To secure a hearing date on your contestedmotion to transfer, whether to CBL or another civil division, please follow this procedure:

  1. eFile and serve your motion and select a hearing date no sooner than seven business days. Motion to Transfer and Notice of Hearing must be eFiled with the clerk to appear on the docket as part of your court file. Check the transfer calendar information on the circuit civil website located at: for calendar dates.
  2. Notice your hearing for the selected date. Promptly submit a copy of the notice of hearing and motion to the transfer library on eCourtesy, which is located on Judge Bailey’s website at: If the notice and motion are not received in eCourtesy, your motion will not be calendared by the judicial assistant and will not be heard.

8.All Motions to Transfer must be filed separately. They shall not be combined with other motions which must be considered by the presiding division judge, for example, motions to consolidate or stay. Filing multiple motions in one pleading will result in rejection of your motion, delay the disposition of the motion, and prevent it being set on the calendar.

9.Check the transfer calendar information on the circuit civil website located at: to confirm that your motion is on calendar or check the Daily Business Review.