August 6, 1962

Orem City Council met in regular session Monday August 6, 1962, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor G. Milton Jameson, chairman; Councilmen Earl Wengreen, Alvin Rowley, Laird Billings, Harley Gillman, and Lowell Thomson; City Manager Bennie Schmiett; Treasurer Victor Christensen, Attorney H. Vern Wentz; and Recorder Anne Cooper.

Others in attendance are listed as follows:

Frances P. Cox Beer License

Robert Hall Subdivision Ord.

W. R. Jex Street & Subdivision

Clinton Smith City Park

Doug Clark City Park

Elvin L. Hancock Sp. Light. Dist. 4

Chester G. Muir " " " "

Roy E. Carter " " " "

LaVard Rees " " " "

Emily Rees " " " "

Golden Hardy " " " "

Ralph Cherrington " " " "

Charlie Hardman " " " "

Lucille Day " " " "

Dixie Smith " " " "

Jerry Smith " " " "

Lee Ann Davenport " " " "

Pat Beck " " " "

Jeanette Pugh " " " "

DeRay Pugh " " " "

Reed L. Stone " " " "

Larry Stone " " " "

J. S. Anderson " " " "

Max Whiting " " " "

J. H. Jaussi " " " "

Leon Madsen " " " "

T. J. Varley Jr. " " " "

Wells Duke " " " "

Don T. Ward " " " "

Edith Pedersen " " " "

Max Pedersen " " " "

Allen M. Winterton " " " "

Lyle E. Williams " " " "

Lois D. McEwan " " " "

Julane Backus " " " "

Gary Backus " " " "

Murray G. Loveless " " " "

Afton T. Loveless " " " "

Leo G. Rowley " " " "

LeRoy Loveridge " " " "

Norman Cox " " " "

Gale Bullock " " " "

Gerald Ashworth Sp. Light. Dist. 4

Helen Ashworth " " " "

Ora Canfield " " " "

John O. Canfield " " " "

Harold Karns " " " "

Vern Williams " " " "

Joey F. Peterson " " " "

Glen Southwick " " " "

Max R. Dowdle " " " "

Dix Larson " " " "

Shirley Larson " " " "

Glen Moore " " " "

Mr. & Mrs. Dee Croft " " " "

Douglas C. Worthen " " " "

A. C. Eitner Jr. " " " "

Loren A. Mills " " " "

Wayne Bellows " " " "

Margaret Burgon " " " "

Marvin H. Burgon " " " "

Marshall Glen " " " "

Reba Glen " " " "

Maeser D. Okerlund " " " "

Thelma Robbins " " " "

Max R. Curtis " " " "

James J. Pinegar " " " "

Fred D. Whitaker " " " "

Laurence Bliss " " " "

Mrs. Laurence Bliss " " " "

Remo Pyne " " " "

Frank A. Roseman " " " "

Wes Barry " " " "

Ethel J. Christopherson " " " "

Jeanette McMaster " " " "

James Rasmussen " " " "

M. Kermit Anderson " " " "

C. V. Partridge " " " "

Delphia Colyar " " " "

The meeting opened with prayer by Lowell Thomson.

Clinton Smith and Doug Clark discussed problems involved with the development of the City Park in Provo Canyon. It was suggested that Councilmen Wengreen and Gillman appoint a committee to coordinate the over-all planning. Also, advised that a petition be sent to the Public Service Commission for crossing the railroad track.

The following protests were received on Special Improvement Lighting District Four:

Name Address Front Footage

Gilda Hardy 62 South Sage Drive 70.00

Justin P. Colyar 610 South 560 East 165.42

Wanda M. Hancey 80 South 470 East 80.00

Paul J. Ridge 58 South 470 East 85.00

Arthur W. Hall 93 South 470 East 71.92

LaMar S. Hills Jr. 75 South 470 East 68.00

John P. Holmes 59 South 470 East 69.03

Mrs. Marion Lund 09 South 450 East 143.50

Marvin H. Burgon 590 South 450 East 180.20

Frank L. Turpin 26 South 450 East 141.40

William J. Davis 25 South 450 East 71.78

E. R. Swan 67 South 430 East 78.00

C. DeRay Pugh 42 South 430 East 159.54

Clifton Goodrich 43 South 430 East 156.41

James S. Anderson 54 South 430 East 82.50

Carroll Verbeck 55 South 430 East 78.00

Gary J. Tomurazi 79 South 430 East 78.00

LaVar A. Ware 84 South 400 East 89.00

Vernette Lunceford 506 South 400 East 100.00

George Hansen 595 South 400 East 323.90

M. Ballard Cooper 376 South 400 East 82.00

Eldon G. Aston 390 South 400 East 207.30

Charles E. Perkins 563 South 400 East 99.98

Thomas E. Jones 385 South 400 East 84.80

Raymond H. Pead 546 South 400 East 80.00

James D. Huntsman 522 South 400 East 65.00

Julian Hansen 713 South 400 East 62.50

Udell Westover 59 South 400 East 66.00

Elvin Hancock 395 South 400 East 192.10

Robert D. Simmons 537 South 400 East 75.00

Clarence Bliss 757 South 400 East 75.00

Russell Rich 480 South 400 East 119.00

Sarah L. Gordon 475 South 400 East 76.00

LaVard Rees 92 South 400 East 135.00

LaVar Anderson 309 South 400 East 192.00

C. Hal Day 156 South 400 East 86.00

Harold Karns 785 South 400 East 69.70

Vern Williams 321 South 400 East 74.00

Harold McEwan 335 South 400 East 75.00

Chester G. Muir 361 South 400 East 233.61

Ronald L. Olsen 348 South 400 East 82.00

Alta J. Harris 49 South 400 East 46.00

Charley Hardman 375 South 400 East 74.80

LeVard Rees 92 South 400 East 135.00

R. E. Kerr 125 South 350 East 83.00

Thomas Stewart 350 East 375 South 82.00

Burnell Jarvis 100 South 350 East 135.00

Leon Aiken 313 South 350 East 58.00

Duane C. Jensen 333 South 350 East 82.00

O. F. Johnson 380 South 350 East 82.00

Thelma Robbins 389 South 350 East 394.00

Joseph H. Boswell 390 South 350 East 188.01

Wendle R. Eager 8 South Eastwood Drive 153.94

M. J. Peterson 15 South Eastwood Drive 69.51

Jay F. Peterson 27 South Eastwood Drive 60.00

James Hunter 48 South Eastwood Drive 82.00

J. Fay Gage 57 South Eastwood Drive 80.00

Sterling McKall 118 South Eastwood Drive 100.43

LaMar L. Fiet 11 South Westwood Drive 148.58

Richard C. Newman 10 South Westwood Drive 153.58

Kay R. Davis 680 East Campus Drive 57.85

Donald E. Larsen 673 East Campus Drive 60.05

Wayne Mills Campus Drive 1,445.75

Daphne R. Loveless 665 East 800 South 119.46

Julian Hansen 611 East 800 South 74.75

Max Pederson 407 East 800 South 173.59

E. G. Clark 496 East 800 South 60.00

Alton E. Beck 495 East 800 South 105.50

Amanda Bigelow 474 East 800 South 67.00

Dave Wilson 486 East 800 South 50.00

Joseph Kader 468 East 800 South 65.00

Albert W. Booth 451 East 800 South 80.29

James A. Loveless 543 East 800 South 127.00

Cyril A. Loveless 509 East 800 South 86.00

E. Ross Porter 558 East 800 South 66.00

Glen Moore 520 East 800 South 69.64

Julian Hansen 611 East 800 South 473.20

Robert W. Barbee 551 East 600 South 97.22

Ray E. Loveless 796 East 400 South 130.00

Ray E. Loveless 245 East 400 South 78.00

Ray E. Loveless 225 East 400 South 76.36

Ele Prestwich 676 East 400 South 117.48

Reed L. Stone 317 East 400 South 70.00

Eleanor L. Liston 284 East 400 South 79.82

Violet M. Perkins 391 South 300 East 73.00

Sherman M. Little 673 East 400 South 78.87

Arnold B. Ford 425 East 400 South 80.00

Thomas Cordner 565 East 400 South 115.00

Gale V. Bullock 702 East 400 South 95.40

Jesse Cordner 497 East 400 South 134.85

Albert M. Rowley 686 East 400 South 190.00

Merlin Prestwich 622 East 400 South 62.00

M. D. Wallace 417 South State 131.36

A. H. Cooper 298 East 400 South 95.36

Ben Johnson 715 East 400 South 156.85

Stephen W. Walker 235 East 400 South 75.90

Blaine Cordner 500 East 400 South 430.19

Samuel E. Bench 246 East 400 South 132.00

Robert M. Bailey 234 East 400 South 85.00

Harold Park 274 East 400 South 70.00

Leland Prestwich 297.43

Sam Dexter 548 East 400 South 174.50

Austin D. Pugh 536 East 400 South 158.00

Verl Wallace 216 East 400 South discounted

Thelma Robbins, Rob. Benson 273 East 400 South discounted

Shirley Loveless 744 & 746 East 400 South 140.00

David Cordner 463 East 400 South 1,766.99

Murray Loveless 584 East 400 South 120.80

Howard Davenport 743 East 360 South 90.00

Blaine Cordner 350 South 530 East 54.96

J. W. Jaussi 471 East 350 South 197.67

L. D. Clayburn 459 East 100 South 151.26

Fred Haycock 413 East 100 South 143.86

Ray S. Carter 339 East 200 South 53.50

Jerry Smith 405 East 034 South 68.00

Ralph Hectle 494 East 034 South 72.00

Gary A. Cook 521 East 34 South 173.13

William M. Beck 437 East 34 South 68.00

Donald E. McCullock 460 East 34 South 148.94

Charles Stapleton 483 East 34 South 80.00

Gary Backus 561 East Center 67.60

Ruebun Pyne 683 East Center 750.00

Eugene Backus 405 East Center 633.00

Grant J. Johnson 590 East Center 59.00

James D. Rasmussen 732 East Center 80.00

Lawrence Strasburg 506 East Center 147.77 cr lot

Frank Cordner 434 East Center 285.78 cr lot

Lynn Bellows 572 East Center 191.00

Delyle Barton 698 East Center 123.08

Remo Pyne 537 East Center 53.00

Carson Crandall 695 East Center 759.00

Floyd Newby 744 East Center 80.00

Arthur C. Meredith 760 East Center 80.00

Wayne Bellows 586 East Center 81.40

Rex Peterson 482 East Center 72.00

Weston Cordner 410 East Center 357.88

Mayor Jameson explained to those who met to discuss Lighting District Four that the City Council had started legal proceedings to instigate the lighting district because of requests and comments made by property owners in certain areas of the district and that other properties had been included to set up a uniform lighting program in these areas. However, Mayor Jameson emphasized that the Council had no intention of "pushing" the lighting district on to the property owners if they do not want it. Mayor Jameson further stated that it is costly to initiate a special improvement district, and he sincerely hoped the people would go ahead with this district as it may be a long time before another is initiated.

Also, Utah Power and Light Company have petitioned the Public Service Commission for a 10% increase in power rates which would reflect in the cost of a new district.

Lynn Bellows stated that residents do not object to street lights on street intersections and schools and church areas, but do feel that the lights in District Four are planned too close together. Others stated that the owners of corner lots should not pay more than those with inside lots as they receive no more benefit.

Tom Varley stated he is in favor of the lighting district, that according to the American Society of Engineering, Morningside Heights is inadequately lighted. Wes Barry stated he is in favor of the district as planned.

Mr. Beck asked why Utah Power and Light Company did not send a representative to meet with the protest group, and was told that they would install the lighting according to the desire of the people and there was no necessity for their being represented.

DeRae Pugh stated that he had visited 15 or 20 people that all of them wanted the lights but felt there were too many.

Ray Watters complimented the Council for work done and stated he knew of their integrity and honesty, and was certain they would do their best.

Kermit Anderson stated that after receiving a better understanding of the project that he would like to withdraw his written protest. Motion was made by Lowell Thomson to permit Kermit Anderson to withdraw his written protest to Special Lighting District Four. The motion was seconded by Laird Billings and passed.

Motion was made by Lowell Thomson that the City Engineer tabulates the written protests on Special Lighting District Four and verify footage on petitions in comparison with total district, and make a report to the Council. The motion was seconded by Alvin Rowley and passed.

The public hearing on the Subdivision Ordinance was called to order. Harley Gillman stated that he objected to the statement that Orem City "shall" purchase water for building permits. Dale Despain said this could be taken out. The Subdivision Ordinance decision was tabled.

William R. Jex met with the Council to request permission to complete a half street on 1000 south and 150 West due to the hill problem existing in the area.

After discussion, motion was made by Lowell Thomson to approve a 22 foot paving from existing curb and gutter on 1000 South from 150 West to 190 West Street, and to stipulate uniform grading on the south side of the paving strip according to the City Engineer's specifications. The motion was seconded by Alvin Rowley, and passed.

The Judge's report for July was read and approved.

Mayor Jameson read a letter from Lynn Thatcher of the State Health Board stating that the State Health Department required complete treatment of Alta Ditch water, also that a conventional type treatment plant is required.

Meeting adjourned.