Cradleboard Elementary

Procedures Manual 2012-2013

Table of Contents





Kids at Hope Pledge

Treasure Hunter’s Pledge

The Profile of a Cradleboard Elementary Student

The Employee Manual

Equal Opportunity Employer


Statement of Ethics for All Staff, Faculty Volunteers, and Staff of CBE

Anti-Discrimination/Anti-Harassment Policy/Sexual Abuse/Molestation

Drug-Free/Alcohol Free Environment

Smoke-Free Environment

Discipline Procedure

Conduct Warranting Immediate Suspension or Dismissal

Grievance Procedure

Exit or Termination Interviews


Employee Health and School Safety

Employee Safety and Health

Accidents and Injuries at Work

Building Evacuation Procedures

Teacher/ Assistants and Any staff with students-

Teachers/ Assistants take attendance:

Lock-Down Procedures

Call-In for Sick Leave

Leave for any purpose

Life-Threatening Illness in the Workplace

Reasonable Use of Physical Force in Self-Defense, Defense of Others, and Defense of Property

Receipt of Legal Papers or Threat of Litigation

Employee Responsibilities

Staff Relationships

The Students

Policy Concerning Staff/Volunteer Conduct with Students

Reporting Complaints as Required by Arizona Law

Student Searching

Personal Property

Parent/Teacher Conferences



Attendance of Students

Class Dismissal Procedures:

Pick Ups and Walkers:


Inclement Weather:

Inclement Weather – Lunch

Cleaning of Classrooms

Grade Level Weekly Parent Newsletters

Travel Requests

Dress Code

Phone Use

Grade Level Meetings

Student Intervention Team (SIT)

English Language Learners (ELL)

Display of Student Work

Fundraisers/Annual Activities

Taxable Donations

Field Trips and Fundraising

Movie/Video Policy

Acceptable Use Policy for Technology


AIMS Testing

Galileo Testing


Cradleboard Elementary School Assessment Schedule 2012 – 2013 (subject to change)

Lesson Plans

Cradleboard Behavior Expectations and Classroom Management

School-wide behavioral expectations

Sample Classroom Management Plan


ProcedureforPromotionof Students

Appeal of Teacher Decision to Promote, Retain, Pass or Fail a Pupil

Criteria for Promoting to the next Grade

Observations and Evaluations

Student Activities


Indian Day

Summer School

Statement of Ethics for All Staff, Faculty and Volunteers of CBE


It is the mission of Cradleboard Elementary School to

  • Implement structured, school-wide behavioral and academic expectations;
  • Provide staff with ongoing mentoring and professional development; and
  • Foster consistent, two-way communication with parents to ensure a school community where all students will become lifelong learners.


Cradleboard Elementary School will be a safe, orderly, and child-centered school that exists for children, parents, and the community.

Cradleboard’s highly qualified staff, will employ data-drive, research-based, and effective curriculum and instruction to enable students to meet and exceed academic standards and behavioral expectations.

In collaboration with parents and community, Cradleboard staff will model to and develop well rounded, productive, and responsible members of society who respect themselves, fellow students, staff, and others.


•Increasing the percentage of students who pass the reading and math AIMS at each grade level by 15%

•Moving 10% ofstudents at each grade levelout of FFB in both reading and math.


I pledge allegiance to my school and to the principles on which it stands. I can do anything I set my mind to. I must listen to learn. My principal, teachers, and classmates, will support me in my efforts. If I do my best, I will succeed in life. I must try at all times to do those things that will make me proud of myself and my school. CRADLEBOARD KIDS CAN!

Kids at Hope Pledge

I am a Kid at Hope. I am talented, smart and capable of success. I have dreams for the future, and I will climb to reach my goals and dreams every day. All kids are capable of success, No Exceptions!

Treasure Hunter’s Pledge

As an adult and a Treasure Hunter I am committed to search for all the talents, skills and intelligence that exists in all children and youth. I believe all children are capable of success, No Exceptions!

The Profile of a Cradleboard Elementary Student

  1. Student enjoys school (feels safe, challenged to excel, successes and talents are acknowledged and celebrated, weaknesses are addressed without shame, opportunities are available for personal development such as sports, academics, artistic expression, et cetera…).
  2. Student becomes a life-long learner.
  3. Student shows high performance in math, reading, writing, science, and social studies.
  4. Student demonstrates higher order thinking skills.
  5. Student demonstrates creativity and problem solving skills.
  6. Student develops literacy in technology, and can participate in the “Global Community.”
  7. Student develops the whole person, including social, mental, emotional, physical, and cultural.
  8. Student treats others with respect, and can work in a team to accomplish a task.
  9. Student knows right from wrong and behaves accordingly.
  10. Student is resilient in difficult situations (deaths in family, incidents of bullying, illness, witness of difficult events, et cetera…) and develops coping methods for these situations.

The Employee Manual

The purpose of the employee policy and procedures manual is to provide staff and faculty with an understanding of the concepts that affect their working environment in day to day operations. It is the employee’s responsibility to know the contents of this manual. The policies and procedures in this book are constantly updated and are normally not meant to be all inclusive. Recommendations, revisions, updates and changes are recommended and encouraged by all staff and faculty. Please forward suggestions to the Principal of Cradleboard Elementary.

Equal Opportunity Employer

CBE complies with all applicable state and federal laws governing equal employment opportunity. The policy extends to all applicants, employees and all aspects of the employment relations including, but not limited to, recruiting, hiring, promotions, transfers, and compensation.

The company will provide equal opportunity for employment and advancement on the basis of merit within the context of its unique business environment. The company will not discriminate with regard to race, creed, color, religion, age, sex, marital status, national origin, sexual preference, disability, status in regards to public assistance or veteran status.


Your Principal/Supervisor assumes responsibility for the leadership that will enable CBE to fulfill its educational mission. The Principal/Supervisor will guide and help you and is vitally interested in your success. Principals/Supervisors are responsible for designating a person in charge when business requires them to be off campus.

Statement of Ethics for All Staff, Faculty Volunteers, and Staff of CBE

All staff, faculty (whether regular or substitutes) and volunteers of CBE, whether paid or unpaid, are expected to maintain high standards in their school relationships. These standards must be practical and yet hold to the ideals of the vision of the school. Our schools belong to the public we serve for the purpose of providing educational opportunities for all students. However, each staff member or volunteer must assume responsibility for providing leadership in both our schools and surrounding community. This responsibility requires our staff and volunteers to maintain standards of exemplary conduct at all times. We must realize that our actions will be viewed and appraised by students and by community associates. To these ends staff members are expected to adhere to the following statements of standards.

The CBE staff member or volunteer:

  • Makes the well-being of students the fundamental value of all decision making and actions.
  • Maintains just and courteous relationships with students, parents, staff members, and others, while exemplifying the ideals of professionalism and moral ethics in the educational environment.
  • Strives to maintain personal efficiency and knowledge of developments in the assigned field of work.
  • Pursues appropriate measures to correct any rules, policies, or regulations that are not consistent with sound educational goals.
  • Fulfills all responsibilities with honesty and integrity.
  • Supports the principle of due process and protects the civil and human rights of all individuals.
  • Obeys local, state, and national laws and does not knowingly join or support organizations that advocate, directly or indirectly, the overthrow of the government.
  • Implements the Governing Board's policies and administrative rules and regulations.
  • Directs any correction of other staff members, or of any department of the school system, toward improving the District. Such constructive suggestions are to be made directly to the school administrator who has the responsibility for improving the situation.
  • Refrains from using school contacts and privileges to promote partisan politics, sectarian religious views, or selfish propaganda of any kind.
  • Avoids using position for personal gain through political, social, religious, economic, or other influence.
  • Maintains these standards and seeks to improve the effectiveness of job performance through collaboration, research and continuing staff development.
  • Stresses the proper use and protection of all school properties, equipment, and materials.
  • Honors all contracts/agreements until fulfillment or release.
  • If required, keeping one’s class one fingerprint clearance card current and valid.

In the performance of duties, staff and volunteers shall keep in confidence such information as they may secure unless disclosure serves CBE purposes or is required by law.

LEGAL REF.: A.A.C. R7-2-205

Anti-Discrimination/Anti-Harassment Policy/Sexual Abuse/Molestation

It is the policy of CBE that all employees have the right to work in an environment that is free of discrimination and harassment. In keeping with this commitment CBE will not tolerate discrimination or harassment of its students or employees by anyone, including supervisors, coworkers, teachers, students, vendors, clients or customers.

Harassment consists of unwelcome conduct, whether verbal, physical, or visual that is based upon a person’s protected status, such as gender, color, race, ancestry, religion, natural origin, age, physical handicap, medical conditions, disability, marital status, citizenship, or any other protected group status.

All employees, volunteers, families and students are responsible to help assure that we avoid harassment and discrimination. Employees and students who have complaints of harassment or discrimination should report such conduct to their supervisor or principal. Employees or students who observe harassment or discrimination should also report such conduct to their supervisor or principal.

It is the policy of CBE to investigate all such complaints thoroughly and promptly. To the fullest extent practical, CBE will keep complaints and the terms of their resolutions confidential. If an investigation confirms that harassment has occurred, CBE will take appropriate and corrective action, including discipline up to and including termination of employment.

CBE forbids retaliation against anyone reporting sexual harassment, sexual abuse or molestation or assisting in making a sexual harassment complaint or cooperating in a sexual harassment investigation.

If an employee or student believes that a principal of CBE has engaged in prohibited harassment or discrimination, he or she may present the allegation directly to the Human Resource director or Superintendent.

Drug-Free/Alcohol Free Environment

CBE is committed to having a drug free school. The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226) requires CBE to implement and enforce a program of drug and alcohol prevention.

It is the policy of CBE to prohibit the manufacture and unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs, drug paraphernalia, or alcohol by students and employees on its property and at any school activity. Any violation of this policy will result in appropriate disciplinary actions, up to and including expulsion (in the case of students) and termination (in the case of employees), even for the first offense. Law enforcement authorities will be notified.

In certain cases, students or employees may be referred to counseling sources or substance abuse help centers. If such referral is made, continued enrollment or employment will be subject to successful completion of the treatment program.

Smoke-Free Environment

CBE upholds state laws maintaining a smoke free environment throughout all of the school buildings, grounds, restrooms and school functions. Smoking is prohibited within 300 feet of the school grounds. These rules are applicable to employees and students alike. Any violation of this policy will result in appropriate disciplinary actions, up to and including expulsion or termination.

Discipline Procedure

In the event that the policies and procedures of the school, as outlined in this manual and other approved handouts given to you by your supervisor, are not being observed, and a policy does not carry its own discipline measure, the following discipline procedure will be used. These steps will be administered by your supervisor or other company management designee.

  • A verbal warning telling the employee what the infraction is and what needs to be done to correct it.
  • A written warning detailing the infraction, what needs to be done to correct the infraction, and what will transpire if the behavior is not corrected.
  • Written warning detailing the infraction and may carry the additional consequence of suspension or employment termination.
  • A recommendation to the board for dismissal, with a termination letter stating the reason and rationale for termination.

In the event of a serious infraction against the regulations of the State of Arizona (ARS) or the Policies and Procedures of CBE., the supervisor has the right to jump to step two, or three if they deem it necessary. In the event that a discipline procedure would include an infraction against the laws of Arizona an immediate termination would be the process.

Conduct Warranting Immediate Suspension or Dismissal

There is some conduct that CBE considers so serious in nature that, depending upon the circumstances, a single act may be regarded as sufficient reason for suspension or dismissal.

Such conduct includes, but is not limited to:

  • Theft or abuse of property of CBE, students, visitors, or other District staff or volunteers.
  • Falsification of application for employment or volunteerism, records, reports, or other data required by the District.
  • Bringing intoxicants, drugs or narcotics onto CBE. property; or consuming intoxicants, drugs or narcotics on District property; or reporting for duty or being present on District property while under the influence of such intoxicants, drugs or narcotics.
  • Buying and/or selling of any unauthorized intoxicant, drug or narcotic, or arranging to do so on CBE property.
  • Unauthorized possession of weapons on CBE District property.
  • Fighting or inciting a fight on CBE property.
  • Maltreatment or abuse of a student, visitor, volunteer or employee.
  • Unauthorized disclosure of confidential CBE. or student information.
  • Discriminating against any student, visitor, or employee because of race, color, age, religion, sex, national origin, or disability.
  • Violation of the Sexual Harassment Policy. CBE expressly prohibits all personnel from making unwanted sexual advances or lewd acts towards other CBE employees/volunteers or engaging in conduct of a sexual nature that a reasonable man or woman would find offensive, abusive, degrading, discriminatory or hostile.
  • Conduct constituting violations of state or federal law sufficient to justify dismissal.
  • Insubordination, including refusal to perform assigned duties or follow directives from the employee/volunteer's supervisor, failure to cooperate with a CBE’s investigation, and failure to correct inappropriate behavior after receiving notification under CBE’s discipline policy.
  • Unprofessional or immoral conduct sufficient to justify immediate suspension or dismissal.
  • For those requiring it, having a class one fingerprint card suspended or expired.

Grievance Procedure

Before filing a formal written grievance, the grievant must attempt to resolve the matter by one (1) or more informal conferences with the immediate supervisor. Any employee may initiate a grievance if they feel that they have been treated wrongly by CBE, its employees or its students.

  • Submit the grievance in writing to your principal/supervisor within 15 days.
  • The principal/supervisor will read and act upon the grievance through investigation within 5 days.
  • If the grievant is not satisfied with the decision, the decision may be appealed to the Superintendent within 5 days after receipt of the decision.
  • If the grievant is not satisfied with the decision of the Superintendent, the grievant may, within 5 days, submit an appeal in writing to the Superintendent for consideration by the Governing Board.
  • Please see the ASBA Policies on the district website for more detail of the process.

Exit or Termination Interviews

Upon exiting service to CBE, a termination interview will be conducted and at the time all property of CBE will be turned over to the principal/supervisor in charge. Employees that want contents of their files need to put that in writing and request the contents through the district office.


All hourly, teachers, bus drivers, and those not paid during school breaks and summer may not collect unemployment insurance. Wages are based upon annual salary. You will be given a letter of intent in Spring for the returning school year. This is based upon an education annual calendar that you have agreed to participate with your employment.

ARS 23-750: Benefits based on service in an instructional, research, or principal administrative capacity for an educational institution shall not be paid to an individual for any week of unemployment which begins during the period between two successive academic years, or during a period of paid sabbatical leave provided for in the individual’s contract, if the individual performs such services in the first of such academic years or terms and if there is a contract or a reasonable assurance that such an individual will perform services in any such capacity for any educational institution in the second of such academic years or terms.

Employee Health and School Safety

Employee Safety and Health

Every effort is made to provide safe working conditions for employees. No one will knowingly be required to work in any unsafe manner. Safety is also every employee’s responsibility. Therefore, employees are requested to do everything reasonable and necessary to keep the company a safe place to work, including reporting unsafe conditions to the principal/supervisor.