PROFORMA FOR Faculty Profile

1.  /
2.  / Name / Dr. Keshav Arya
3.  / Date of Birth / Date Month Year
03` 09 1968
4.  / Designation / Associate Professor AICRP Maize
5.  / College
Department / College of Agriculture
Dept. of Genetics and Plant Breeding
6.  / Contact info / Office Details / Personal Details
Phone :
Email : / Phone :
Email :
7.  / Year of joining at CSAUA&T / Date Month Year
11 12 1998
8.  / Date of last promotion / Date Month Year
29 07 2015
From: Asstt. Professor To: Assoc. Professor
9.  / Responsibilities assigned / Research &Extension:-
§  To solve the problem of SC/ST given the responsibility by Hon’ble VC as Liesen Officer letter No. CSUH 364/2007 dt. 25.05.2007
§  Responsibility given as a member of a enquiry Committee vide a letter No. CSUH-382/ESH-1/2011/dt. 08/06/20111
§  Member of another Enquiry Committee vide the letter No. CSUH-878/RA2011 dt. 10.08.2011
§  Another responsibility given by Hon’ble VC on the letter of his Excellency Hon’ble Governor/Chancellor. Hon’ble VC as an Enquiry member vide a letter No. CSUH(EAo) 339/2012 dt. 13 August 2012.
§  Member of an enquiry Committee vide letter No. CSUH 893/RA 649-11/2011 dt. Aug. 12, 2012.
§  Hon’ble Vice Chancellor give a responsibility member as a crop improvement Committee vide letter No. VC 4100/c-5/2013 October 2013.
§  Performing extra charges as Incharge AICRP Maize AICRP Fodder and forage and Sorghum (Non Plan)
10.  / Awards received / §  Ph.D. degree awarded by Hon’ble President of India Dr. A.P.J. Kalam 1998.
§  Vishist Krashak Sewa Samman (2009) awarded by Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Dr. G.C. Tiwari
§  Received as a First Price for Crop Improvement by Hon’ble Minister Agriculture Sri Rajiv Kumar Singh and Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Dr. P.K. Sharma
11.  / Publications since joining CSAUA&T
(give numbers only) / Books Chapters: 04
Technical Bulletins: -
Review Articles: 01
Research Papers: 23
Popular articles: 02
Others (specify): -
12.  / Books published / o  R.L. Arya, Keshav Arya and Ajit Kumar. Pulse production (2008), Kalyani Publishing B 4863/2B, Bharat Ram road 24, Dariyaganj, New Delhi
o  R.L. Arya, Keshav Arya, Dev Karan and A.L. Jatav (2008): Indira Pratiyogita Darpan, Kalyani Publishing, New Delhi.
o  R.L. Arya and K.C. Arya. Rabi Crop Production (2016), Kalyani Publishing, New Delhi-2
o  R.L. Arya and K.C. Arya. Kharif Crop Production (2016), Kalyani Publishing, New Delhi-2
13.  / Technical Bulletins published
14.  / List of ten best papers published in National journals ( > 5 NAAS rating journals) during last 10
15.  / List of ten best papers published in National journals ( > 3 NAAS rating journals) during last 10
16.  / List of ten best Publications in International Journals during last 10 years ( ISI Impact factor)
17.  / Membership of the Professional Societies
18.  / Conference/Seminar/Symposium attended in the last 10 years
( Name/Place/Year)
19.  / Conference/Seminar/Symposium organized as President/Co-ordinator/Secretary
( Name/Place/Year) / Attended every year from date of joining
20.  / Foreign countries visited / Country Year Purpose
21.  / Training Organized in the last 5 years / Nil
22.  / Training attended in the last 5 years / 02
23.  / Externally funded projects handled ( Title/Agency/duration/Amount) / 01
Seed Hub Project for Pulses Seed Production under National Food Security Mission/I.C.A.R./03Y ear/150 Lacs
24.  / List of Current research projects / Name Funding Agency Amount sanctioned
25.  / Patents held / Title/ Year
26.  / Varieties/ Technologies Developed in the last 10 years / 1.
27.  / Significant contributions in the area of specialization ( not more than 5 / 1.
28.  / Participation in the college/university building activities / 1.
29.  / Resource Generated during last 5 years / Years Amount (in Lakh ) Scheme
2012-13 3.20 Lakh Pioneer Seed Company
51.00 Lakh UPCAR Lucknow
30.  / Any other significant academic/research achievement / Voluntary Centre on maize established one at Aligarh and another at Mauranipur
Signature Date

Varieties Released:

Composites / Developing agency / Year
Saradmani / SVRC / 2002
Azad Kamal / CVRC / 2004
Chandramani / CVRC / 2008
Azad Hybrids Maize-1 / CVRC / 2011
Azad Hybrid Maize-2 / CVRC / 2012

Technologies Developed:

1.  Intercropping of maize with Dhania, Maithi, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Potato and Pea

2.  Response of plant geometry, Plant distance with the use of recommended dose of fertilizer and site specific Nutrient Management.

3.  Response of sowing methods and Direction of sowing with the use of Different level of NPK in rabi maize

4.  Response of sowing dates with the use of NPK, site specific Nutrient managements and Recommended dose of Fertilizer

5.  Response of maize (Zea mays. L.) to phosphorous and Zinc with and without irrigation

Research Paper Published

1.  Arya, K.C., Sarvsh Kumari and Siddiqui M.Z. (2005). Response of (Zea mays L.) to phosphorous and Zinc with and without irrigation: Plant Archives 5(1)173-177.

2.  Keshav Arya, Sarvesh Kumari, Nand Kumar and Siddiqui M.Z. (2005). Studies on sowing methods and different sowing dates in maize (Zea mays L. Plant Archieves 5(1) 297-299.

3.  Keshav Arya, M.Z. siddique, Nand Kumar and A.P. Dubey. Yield maximization and higher economy return in Rabi maize under inter cropping system.

4.  Arya R.L. Arya, Arya, K.C. Lalit Kumar and Singh A. (2002). Pulses for protein and security, Intensive Agriculure XXXIX (10-12):23-26

5.  Arya, R.L., Lalit Kumar and Arya, K.C. (2001): Grow pulses to reduce hunger and poverty, Intensive Agriculture (7-8):14-21

6.  Ajit Kumar, Arya, K.C. and Lalit Kumar (2001): Rabi main chara utpadan Khad Patrika Sept. 42(9)44-49

7.  Ajit Kumar, Arya, K.C. and Arya, R.L. (1999). Weed control in upland rice Intensive Agriculture

8.  Ajit Kumar, Arya, K.C. and Arya, R.L. (1999): Problem and Management of rainfed low land rice. Intensive Agriculture XXXVO(5-6):26-28

9.  Ajit Kuar, Arya, K.C. and Arya R.L. (1999): Jeevanu Khaden Ka Chara Phasion ke Utpadan per Prabhav evam natrajan Ki Bachat, Kashi Chaynika 20(1)7-12

10.  Arya, R.L.Arya, K.C. Ajit Kumar and Singh, A. (1997): Sustainable Forage Production from arable rainfed lands. Intensive Agriculture.

11.  Arya, R.L. Arya, K.C. Ajit Kumar and Singh, A. (1997): Lay farming in cropping system. Intensive Agriculture.

12.  Arya, R.L. Singh, A. And Arya, K.C. (1994): Strategies for raising food fooder output. Intensive Agriculture XXXII (1&2):27-30

13.  Arya R.L. and Arya K.C. (1994): Lay farming Unnat Krishi Jan. - Feb. PP 24-27

14.  Arya, R.L. and Arya , K.C. (1994). Forage, Legumes in Cereals serve many purposes. Intensive Agriculture XXXII (11-12): 26-27

15.  Arya, R.L. and Arya , K.C. (1993). Barani Kshetron Mai Mrada Evam Jal Sanrakshan. Parti Bhumi Samachar. Jauary March pp 39-42

16.  Arya, K.C. and Singh, B.P. (1993). Impact of drought due to Vishwamitra Summer (Sept. - Oct.) on the production of kharif crop paddy (Oryza sativa L.) in Central Uttar Pradesh. M.Sc. thesis

17.  Arya, R.L. and Arya K.C. (1992). Barani Kshetron Main Vaikalpic Bhumi upyog. Unnat Krishi Nov-Dec. pp 12-15.

18.  Jagdish Kumar, K.C. Arya and Mohd. Zafar Siddiqui (2011). Effect of foliar application of KMN03 on growth yield attributes, yield and economics of hersutum Cotton Journal of Cotton Research development 25 (1) 122-123.

19.  Jagdish Kumar, Ram Ashre, Manoj Kumar Mishra, Sanjeev Kumar, Hari Ram, Rakesh Babu, Ram Pyare, K.C. Arya, S.K. Srivastaa and H.G. Prakash (2016). Effect of different varieties and Nurient doses on growth and yield attributes and Cotton yield in Hirsutum Cotton. Plant Achieves Vol. 16 No. 2 2016 pp 963-965

20.  Ram Pyare, K.P. Kushwaha, V.K. Verma, Vishnu Singh, Jagdish Kumar, Mohd. Aslam, Girish goyal, Gautam Veer Chauhan, Keshav Arya, Sashi Kant, G.S. Paihar, and Arjun Singh Parihar (2016). Effect of chemical Wed Control methods on productivity and profitability of Cotton (Gossypium spp) in irrigated conditions Agri ways 4(1) 47-55 (January-June 2016)

21.  Girish Goyal, Sanjay Choudhary, V.K. Verma, Ram Pyare, Vishram Singh, Gautam Veer Chauhan, Mohd. Aslam, C.B. Verma, Keshav Arya, Sashikant, G.S. Parihr, and Arjun Singh Parihar (2016). Studies onthe effect of organic manure and microbial suppliments superimposed over recommended dose of inorganic fertilizer in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.): Agriways 4(1) 25-30 (January-June 2016)

22.  C.B. Verma, Mohd. Aslam, Ram Pyare, V.K. Verma, Vishram singh, Keshav Arya, Sashi Kant, G.S. Parihar, and Arjun singh 2016. Studies on physiological traits and productivity of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in relation o foliar spray of Zinc, Urea and Thiourea under rainfed condition Agriways 4(1): 05-08 (January-June 2016)

23.  Vishram Singh, V.K. Verma, Ram Pyare, A.K. Srivastava, Mohd. Aslam, C.B. Verma, Prashant Singh, Girish Goyal, Gautam Veer Chauhan, Keshav Arya, Sashi Kant, G.S. Parihar, and Arjun Singh Parihar (2016). Assessment of inorganic and organic source of Nutition to enhance production and productivity of Mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Cosson] Agriways 4 (1) 85-92 (January-June 2016)

Date 21-03-2017

Place Kanpur

Dr. Keshav Arya
