Procedures and Policies
Band provides a unique opportunity for a large number of people to join together to produce something extraordinary. In order to maximize this opportunity, each individual can help the group reach its goals by being responsible for the following expectations
Check your slot frequently for music, practice records, and any other information disseminated.
You are responsible to have all music, method books and a pencil on your stand every day. It is acceptable for 2 players at most to share a music stand. You are expected to write in your music, in pencil all indications given by the directors. You are expected to write your name and slot number at the top of each page of your music. Should you misplace your music, write your name and part number on the “music needed” clipboard. You are expected to play the part you are given. (1st clarinet, 2nd clarinet, etc.)
Assigned Seats
You are expected to know and sit in your assigned seat.
Instrument Care
You are expected to have a working instrument in class every day. Your instrument is a valuable possession requiring respect and special care. Always keep your instrument in your hands. Leaving your instrument on the floor or a chair is inviting inevitable damage. Always completely disassemble your instrument, carefully put it in the case, and carefully close the case. Woodwinds should swab their instruments after every playing session. All percussion instruments should be completely put away. Do not put music in your instrument case unless it has a place specifically designed for it. Be nice to your instrument, and it will be nice to you!
Rehearsal Expectations
At the beginning of class, students have until two minutes after the beginning of class to:
- Get instrument ready to play
- Find assigned seat
- Prepare all music to play by placing it on a stand with a pencil
- Warm up appropriately and individually
- Check white board for the day’s lesson
During rehearsal, students are expected to:
- Remain focused, silent and on task
- Utilize proper posture at all times when playing
- Be ready to play when instructed to do so
At the end of rehearsal, before leaving the room, students are expected to:
- Pack up instrument and music when instructed to do so
- Put music stand away if rehearsing in a room other than the band room
Instrument Room StorageEtiquette
Your instrument should be kept on the appropriate shelf closed, and with all latches closed. There are lots of us trying to put our instruments away at one time in a small space. Be respectful of each other, all instruments and equipment.