Chapter 1
Opening Procedures …………………………………………………..LP1.01
Closing Procedures …………………………………………………...LP1.02
Processing Periodicals ………………………………………………..LP1.03
Library Printing/Fine Charges ………………………………………..LP1.04
Shelf Reading ………………………………………………………...LP1.05
Retrieving the Mail …………………………………………………...LP1.06
Post-Cataloguing for Processing New Books ………………………...LP1.07
Cataloguing New Books ……………………………………………...LP1.08
Out of the Office Assistant …………………………………………...LP1.09
Serials Grace Period ………………………………………………….LP1.10
Exam Week …………………………………………………………...LP1.11
Collection Inventory………………………………………………...... LP1.12
Chapter 2 Equipment
Hand Receipt for Equipment…………………………………………LP2.00
Powering Up the ImageSCAN ………………………………………LP2.01
Microfiche …………………………………………………………...LP2.02
Connecting an LCD to Laptop Computer …………………………....LP2.03
VCR ………………………………………………………………….LP2.04
Dubbing Video Tape ………………………………………………....LP2.05
Caramite 3300 Projector ……………………………………………..LP2.06
RCA Camcorder ……………………………………………………...LP2.07
Overhead Projector …………………………………………………...LP2.08
Copyette Cassette Copier ………………………………………...... LP2.09
CD Carry Component System ………………………………………..LP2.10
Public Address Lectern ……………………………………………….LP2.11
Opaque Projector ……………………………………………………..LP2.12
LCD Projector ………………………………………………………...LP2.13
DVD Player …………………………………………………………..LP2.14
Connecting VCR or DVD to LCD Projector ………………………....LP2.15
Slide Projector ………………………………………………………..LP2.16
Wireless Microphone ………………………………………………...LP2.17
The Presenter Plus System …………………………………………...LP2.18
Digital Video Camera ……………………………………………...... LP2.19
Scanner …………………………………………………………….....LP2.20
7 Tower CD Writer …………………………………………………LP2.21
Digital Camera ……………………………………………………...LP2.22
VHS/DVD Copier …………………………………………………..LP2.23
Epson Stylus Photo Printer……………………………………….....LP2.24
Voyager Speaker System …………………………………………....LP2.25
Satellite Downlink …………………………………………………..LP2.26
Connecting Laptop & Visual Presenter to LCD ………………….....LP2.27
ID Badges ...... ………………………………………….....LP2.28
Procedure Title: Opening Procedures
Procedure Number LP1.01
Date Adopted/Revised: November 17, 2004
- Turn on lights.
- Boot up the computers – circulation desk, microfiche, and computer room.
- Open the front doors with Allen wrench, change sign to OPEN. Doors should be opened at 7:30 a.m. on weekdays and 1:00 p.m. on Sundays.
- Get newspapers and books from book drop. The key is in the circulation desk drawer. Stamp newspapers, and then put library copies on stand.
- Leave one (1) copy of the El Dorado News-Times for Mary Jane at the switchboard and one (1) copy of El Dorado News-Times go to admission office and (1) copy of El Dorado News Times go to Public Information Officer, then (1) copy of the Arkansas Democrat Gazette go to the President’s office when someone goes for the mail.
Procedure Title: Closing Procedures
Procedure Number: LP1.02
Date Adopted/Revised: August 4, 2004
- Around 7:45 p.m. (or 15 minutes before closing time) tell patrons that we are closing.
- Pick up any books or magazines lying around and straighten chairs.
- Turn off equipment, lights and shut door to the AV room.
- Turn off printers and copier.
- Lock doors to viewing rooms.
- Lock front doors with Allen wrench and change sign to CLOSED.
- Shut down all computers.
- Turn off lights.
- Lock Library doors.
Procedure Title: Processing Periodicals
Procedure Number: LP1.03
Date Adopted/Revised: August 4, 2004
Almost all of our periodicals come in the campus mail. The few donated copies are brought in by the donor.
- To process a new magazine or journal begin by checking in the piece. You do this by going to the circulation desk computer, clicking on the serials module, type in password, click on EDIT SERIAL RECORD, and type in name of magazine, click on the X to close the box, click on CHECK IN at the top left corner, check in the magazine, and close out.
- Stamp the date of receipt on the first available white space inside of the periodical.
- Flip through the magazine and remove all business reply cards and card stock advertisements.
- Place a tattle-tape strip in the seam of the magazine about 7 pages from the back.
- Shelve the periodical. New periodicals go directly to the new periodicals turn stiles.
- Take the previous issue out of the binder and put the new issue in its place.
- Once all of the new periodicals have been shelved, place the previous issues in the corresponding Princeton file, in the back issues area.
- The back issues of periodicals are filed alphabetically by periodical name in Princeton files on shelves in the library.
- The magazines and journals are filed chronologically within the Princeton files.
- The far left issue should be the oldest and therefore the far right issue is the most current.
- When shelf reading, merely make sure that this system is being followed.
- Back issues are kept on shelves for five (5) full years and the sixth (6) year is current.
Procedure Title: Library Printing/Fine Charges
Procedure Number: LP1.04
Date Adopted/Revised: August 4, 2004
The Administrative Council approved the Library Printing Charges.
On the receipts indicate what it is for: Fines, Lost Book, Copies, Printing Charges, etc. Break down the total of the receipts by the type of income. Receipts should be turned in to the bookstore at the end of each week and on the last day of the month for the week the month ends.
The new general ledger account number will be: Library Printing Charges.
- Empty the copier coin box.
- Get quarters and pennies from box at front desk. Leave some dimes and nickels. Roll up all quarters, pennies, dimes, and nickels if there are a lot. Add them to the copier money. Put the copier money in the copier envelope. Write the total amount down for the bookstore cashier.
- Add up the receipts for fines. Put the fine money and receipts in the fine envelope. Write the total amount down for the bookstore cashier.
- Add up the receipts for printing. Put the printing money in the printing envelope. Write the total amount down for the cashier.
- Add the totals from all three accounts for the cashier. Take the money to the bookstore. The cashier totals should agree with the library totals. The cashier will give the library a receipt to file Tech Service office. The folder is marked “Cash Receipts”.
Procedure Title: Shelf Reading
Procedure Number: LP1.05
Date Adopted/Revised: August 4, 2004
- Shelf reading is a vital part of maintaining a library collection.
- Sections of the stacks (shelves on which books are kept) are given to each staff member to read.
- There are two goals of shelf reading. The primary goal is to keep the books in call order. The secondary goal is to keep the books neatly displayed on the shelf.
- To begin you find your section of the stacks. Go to the first column of shelves and begin “reading” as it were the call numbers on the spines of the books.
- When shelf reading LC numbers begin by checking to see the first letter(s) of the call number is in alphabetical order. A comes before AD; AD comes before AZ and so on. Second make sure the number(s) that follow the letters are in numerical order. For example, 1 comes before 12, 12 comes before 111, 111 comes before 111.5 and so on.
- If you have two books with the call number BF379, you would decide which preceded the other on the shelf by putting the third row of letters in alphabetical order. For example:
BF379 would precede BF379 or BF379 would precede BF379.5
J98 M34 J98 J99
2003 1997 2003 2003
- In short, shelf reading is the process of putting call numbers in alphabetical or numerical order from top to bottom. It just takes a little practice.
- When you come to a stopping point, make a record of last section read so that you will know where to pick up the next time you read shelves
Procedure Title: Retrieving the Mail
Procedure Number: LP1.06
Date Adopted/Revised: August 4, 2004
- Get the Mailbox Key out of the “keys basket” in the drawer of the Circulation Desk.
- Get the Mail Bag(s).
- Get the newspapers for the Switchboard and the outgoing mail.
- Go to the ClassroomBuilding and take the newspaper to the Switchboard first.
- Any outgoing packages go to the Bookstore.
- From the classroom building, go to the basement of the AdministrationBuilding where the mailboxes are.
- Get the mail from the library box and if you receive a note in the mailbox saying that you have a package waiting, see the supply room staff then take the mail back to the library to be processed.
- Return the mailbox key to the basket.
- Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday you will need two mailbags. Thursday and Friday you will only need one bag.
- On the days you work 8 to 5 go get the mail at 10:00 a.m. On the days you work 11 to 8 get the mail between 11:00 and 11:15 a.m.
- At 3:00, check for any afternoon mail and take any interoffice mail.
Procedure Title: Post-Cataloguing for Processing New Books
Procedure Number: LP1.07
Date Adopted/Revised: August 4, 2004
- The first step in processing a new book is stamping the book with the “South Ark Community College Library” stamp. Each book is stamped three (3) times; once on the inside cover, once on the title page of the book and once on the top of thebook. Be sure to blot the internal stamps.
- The second step is placing a security tag in the book. The methods vary given the type of book:
- Hardback: Secure the end of a piece of Tattle Tape to the end of the thin metal stick. Gentlyslip the stick down the spine of the book. Once the Tattle Tape is fully within the spine of the book press the spine to secure the Tape and pullthe stick the rest of the way out.
- Paperback: Place a piece of Tattle Tape in theseam of two pages, a few pages from the backof the book
- The final step is covering the book. Again, the method varies depending on whether or not you are dealing with a paperback or a hardback. See librarian for instruction on covering a book.
Procedure Title: Cataloguing New Books
Procedure Number: LP1.08
Date Adopted/Revised: August 4, 2004
Cataloging is done in the Library Solutions Cataloging Module on the computer that is configured for cataloging.
- Open Cataloging then login with the password:
- Click on the flashlight icon on the toolbar in the far left (it will be lit up).
- The Library Solutions searches screen will be displayed.
- Choose ISBN and click in the circle to choose it.
- Type in the book’s ISBN #. The computer will then search for the book in all the available catalogs. This may take a minute or two. If it finds the correct record,it will display it.
- All you need to do then is add a 949 field, which includes the barcode number. Be sure and stick the barcode into the book at this time.
- Finally, click on the red “Save Record Button” on the toolbar to save it to the local database.
When cataloging a large number of items that will be downloaded, be sure to create an export file to save the labels in before you catalog them.
- Make sure Export File is checked. This will open a “Simultaneous save to” box where the labels will be saved until you print them.
- SHIFT+* then type Labels as the name of your file.
- Make sure that “Save to Local Database” is always checked.
- One sheet makes 84 labels. To check the number of labels you have, go to FILE-OPENthen SHIFT and * in the file name.
- Then click OPEN; scroll over to LABELS file, click on it to open and see how many labels you have.
- Then SHIFT* (in the file name), choose the Labels file.
- Put the labels in the printer, labels side up.
- Click Print.
If records cannot be downloaded after searching for ISBN, title, author, they must be entered manually.
- Find the MARC record in the inside title page of the book, or in World Cat, Library of Congress, or another outside library.
- Then in Library Solutions Cataloging go to FILE-OPEN TEMPLATE LISTING
- Book template is most commonly used.
Labels for these will be typed on the typewriter unless you want to wait until you have a sheet full of labels to print.
Procedure Title: Out of the Office Assistant
Procedure Number: LP1.09
Date Adopted/Revised: August 4, 2004
- On the Tools menu, click Out of the Office Assistant.
- Click I am currently Out of the Office.
- In the Auto Reply only once to each sender with the following text box, type the message you want to send to others while you are out.
Procedure Title: Serials Grace Period
Procedure Number: LP1.10
Date Adopted/Revised: November 17, 2004
Code / Frequency of the Serial / Grace Period in DaysA / Annual / 90
B / Bimonthly
C / Semiweekly
D / Daily
E / Biweekly
F / Semiannual
G / Biennial
H / Triennial
I / Three times a week
J / Three times a month
M / Monthly (9-12 per year)
Q / Quarterly
S / Semimonthly
T / Three times a year
W / Weekly
X / Completely irregular
# / Numeric frequencies not specified below
Procedure Title: Exam Week Schedule
Procedure Number: LP1.11
Date Adopted/Revised: December 9, 2004
Library Hours during exam week
First day7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Second day7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Third day7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Fourth day 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Fifth day7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Procedure Title: Collection Inventory
Procedure Number: LP1.12
Date Adopted/Revised: December 13, 2004
- Check each book’s call number against collection list.
- If title is a series, check each book by its barcode.
- Note any changes/mistakes in call number on list.
- Place a small check in front of call number on list.
- If a book is listed but not on the shelf, check catalog to verify if the book is checked out (CO), overdue (OD) or lost (L) and mark accordingly.
- Mark book as missing (M) if not found on the shelf but shows available in catalog.
- Pull any books that are on the shelf but not on the collection list. These books may be listed with incorrect spacing or incomplete call numbers.
- If book still isn’t found on the list, place an arrow on the right edge of the list at the place where the book would be found on the shelf. Write the title, author, barcode and complete call number on back side of list.
- Give any correction/additions to Francis for review and input into the catalog.
- Review finished collection list as books are returned and make any corrections.
Procedure Title: Hand Receipt for Equipment
Procedure Number: LP2.00
Date Adopted/Revised: November 11, 2004
Any equipment scheduled to leave off campus a hand receipt should be filled out and signed. On the receipt make sure you write where the equipment will be secured after use and approximate return time. If the equipment is staying on campus check out in circulation under name of person checking out equipment.
Procedure Title: Powering Up the ImageSCAN
Procedure Number: LP2.01
Date Adopted/Revised: August 4, 2004
- The Cannon 400 Scanner must be turned on first!!
- Once the scanner is on, you may boot up the PC, and turn on the monitor.
- You may turn on the printer at anytime.
- Once the computer has booted a login box will appear.
- You will need to type in the password. (See listing for usernames and passwords.)
- Windows will then load.
- There are two task that need to be completed daily before ImageSCAN program can be loaded:
- Open Outlook Express and make sure all ofthe folders are empty, especially the outbox.
- Go to the Start menu, select “My Computer”, openC: drive, open the Temp folder, and make sure thatthe TEMP folder is empty.
- Once you are finished doing that you can double click on the ImageSCAN desktop icon and open the program.
- Select:OK.
- Select “English” (American Flag).
- Select “Continue”
- Type your name.
- Select “Scan”
- Adjust Picture.
- Select “Accept”
- Either print or save the article.
- To Exit the system find the Image Scanlogo at the top center of the screen. With your finger or the mouse click on the “m” form IMAGE, then the “g” from IMAGE and then the “a” from SCAN. The program will immediately close.
- Go to the Start Menu; select “Turn Off Computer”. When prompted select “shut down”. Turn off the monitor, printer and Cannon 400.
Procedure Title: Microfiche
Procedure Number: LP2.02
Date Adopted/Revised: August 4, 2004
Microfiche up to 7 by 8 inches, and of course film jackets and aperture cards, can be easily viewed on a “500” Microfiche Reader-Printer. To view a unitized microfilm:
- Pull glass flat carriage toward you. Top glass opens automatically on twosmall film holders.
- Insert the microfiche between the glass flats, with the title away from the operator and facing down.
- Push carriage in and locate desired from. Turret and microfiche holder can be rotated 90 degrees in either direction.
- When a print of microfilm frame is desired, first center and focus the image on the “viewing screen”. Then….
- When making a print of microfilm frame having average density, turn “exposure” knob to a setting of 3 or 4. Make certain knob rests in a “detent” and pointer does not lie between numbers. Low density microfilm requires a setting of 1 or 2; high density microfilm requires a setting of 5 or 6. The best settings to use will be learned through experience. Remember: Lower settings give light prints; higher settings give dark prints.
- Momentarily press “print” button. Print will automatically emerge from “exit slot”
Procedure Title: Connecting an LCD to Laptop Computer
Procedure Number: LP2.03
Date Adopted/Revised: February 9, 2005
- Set the LCD and Laptop computer on equipment cart.
- Plug in power cord to both LCD and Laptop.
- Plug computer cord into back of laptop then into LCD where it says either RGB input 1 or Computer VGA.
- Connect network cable if using the internet.
- Connect remote mouse to laptop when using the cordless mouse.
- Turn on laptop first.
- Click “workstation”.
- Remote mouse message will pop up “not connected”, click “ok”.
- Turn on LCD.
- If pictures is not showing on screen hit “function” and “F8” at the same time on the laptop.
- If the picture still is not showing look on LCD projector and hit “menu” go to source or source search if you just pushed source then hit “computer” or “RGB”.
- To turn off the LCD projector push and hold the “power” button for a second, when message shows up saying,” Doyou want to shutdown projector? Yes or no” push the “power” button again.
- To turn off the laptop go to “start”, then “shutdown”.
- Unplug and pack both pieces of equipment and put away.
Procedure Title: VCR