The following procedure will be used to determine the advancement of bands from area to state and the placement of bands at the state contest.

A.At the conclusion of the contest each judge's raw score will be used to determine each judge’s ranking. In each conference the band receiving the highest numerical score will be assigned first place for each judge, the next highest score will be assigned second place and so on until a ranking for each band is determined for all five judges.

B.The five judges’ ranking for each band will then be added together. The high and low will not be eliminated. All scores will count.

B.The final ranking will then be determined by assigning the band with the lowest composite score first place, the next lowest composite score second place and so on until the band with the highest composite score is listed last.

D.Ties may be broken by using judges preference. For example:

Music Music Music Marching Marching

Judge 1Judge 2Judge 3Judge 1Judge 2Score

Band A1234515

Band B2315415

Both Bands end up with a final composite score of 15 resulting in a tie. However, the tie can always be broken by determining which band was ranked highest by at least three judges. In this case, Band A would be selected because judges 1, 2 and 4 preferred Band A over Band B.

E.Ties need not be broken unless they affect a band selected to advance to State or the band selected as an alternate.

F.Verification Period. At the conclusion of each conference, there should be a verification period during which directors will have the opportunity to review the tabulation of the final rankings. The following procedure will be observed:

1.One representative from each school will be permitted to review the tabulation and ranking procedure.

2.If all present agree that there is no error in the tabulation process, then the results will become official and will be made public.

3.If there is a protest regarding the tabulations, the rankings will be held and a final judgement made by the State office.

4.There can be no future protest of rankings after the results are announced as official.

5.A director not present during the verification period forfeits his opportunity to protest.

G.Only the bands selected to advance to State and the alternate will be announced at the conclusion of the contest.

H.All tabulations and other results will be made available to the directors only after the contest is completed.

Questions? Please call me if you want to go over this procedure prior to your contest.

SMBC/Area/proc for band/area to st