Geometry Syllabus
Kyle Ostlie
Room C213Phone# 836-6600 ext 335 Email:
Goals of this class:
All students will become confident in their abilities to do mathematics, demonstrate an ability to communicate and reason mathematically, and become problem solvers.
Materials Needed:
- 3-ring binder (or section) specifically for math. (A spiral notebook or composition book is also helpful for organizing your work.)
- pencils
- notebook paper
- scientific calculator (this course does not require a graphing calculator, but Advanced Algebra and classes beyond will need a calculator such as a TI-83 Plus or TI-84)
Office Hours: I am typically available 7:00-7:25 and 2:20-2:40 each school day. Additionally I am available by appointment.
Thursday Mornings - STP: Thursday mornings are designed to give students time to work with teachers and other students. Students should not expect to be able to sleep in every Thursday. I will be available for extra help each Thursday starting at 7:00. Everyone is welcome to come in for help each week; and occasionally, I will request that student come in during this time. Students do not need to schedule time with me on Thursday mornings. There will be some times where I need to attend a meeting during the first part of STP, but I will do my best to let students know in advance.
Homework will typically be assigned each day the class meets, and will be collected the following session. Homework allows you to practice the skills and concepts learned in class. It is a vital part of the learning process. Homework is graded on completion not correctness. All work must be shown for credit. Partial credit may be given for an incomplete assignment, but only if work is shown for the completed portion. I want students to attempt all the assigned problems. Incorrect responses may be given full credit if it is obvious that the student made some progress. Late homework will only be accepted until the unit test. I suggest you complete your assignments in a composition book or a spiral notebook with graph paper to help you keep track of your work, but find a system that works for you. Homework will be corrected daily and typically followed by a five problem to be completed in class that relate to the previous night’s homework.
There will be a test at the end of every unit, and a final test at the end of each semester. My goal is for every student to demonstrate that they have met standard on each unit’s content. I understand that some students will struggle with different units more than others, so I do allow test retakes. Any student can take a retake. However, they must turn in their previous test corrections before they will be allowed to retake the test. This is to demonstrate that you are actively trying to improve your understanding of the content. Again I am available to talk through any problem on the test after it is returned. Note that the most recent test will replace the grade of the previous in order to have a clear picture of your current understanding of the material.
Grading Policy:
The semester grade is cumulative between the two quarters. I do not take the average grade of the quarters.
Grades will be calculated in the following manner80% Tests/Quizzes/Projects
20%Homework/Class Participation / A
C+ / Grading Scale
77.0-79.9 / C
F / 74.0-76.9
If a student is absent, he/she is responsible for all work that is missed. Previously assigned homework will be due the day the student returns to class. Students will need to copy the notes for the day of the absence (these may be available on my website, and students should check for notes before returning to class). Work must be made up before or after school, not during class. Please note: 4 tardies will be counted as one absence.
Discipline Policy:
All students deserve to learn in an environment where they feel comfortable and which is free from disruptions. I expect all students to follow all EHS policies outlined in their student handbook. Furthermore, students should adhere to the following guidelines:
- Be prepared for class. Be on time and have all necessary materials. Homework should be turned in and students should be in their seats ready for class when the bell rings.
- Participate and use class time effectively.
- Respect others in the classroom.
- Get help when it is needed. Don’t wait until you are three weeks behind before you ask for help. Ask questions NOW.
If a student chooses to disregard the guidelines, consequences will be implemented in the following manner:
1st Offense: Verbal warning
2nd Offense: Student/Teacher Conference and Parent contact
3rd Offense: Conference with administration to determine appropriate action.
Cell Phones: All cell phones MUST be turned off during class. These interrupt the learning environment and are distractions if ringing or stolen. Sending/receiving text messages during class is also unacceptable.
The first offense will result in the student losing the cell phone until the end of the period.
The second offense, the cell phone will be given to an administrator and Parent contact.
Each offense will result in the loss of participation points.
If you need to be contacted by your parent/guardian, please have them contact the office who will send a message to the classroom.
IPods – Will only be allowed during individual work time in class. The same steps as cell phones will be used if I see them out at inappropriate times. These are a distraction that we do not need in class.
Academic Honesty:
The EHS academic honesty policy will be enforced. Students will frequently work together in class. I encourage students to work together outside of class as well. However, it is the responsibility of each student to understand the material and present their own work, not the work of another student. Copying of an assignment will result in no credit for the assignment, for both the student copying the assignment and for the student allowing the copying to take place.
Student – Parent – Teacher Contract
As a student, parent or guardian signing this contract, you are acknowledging that you fully understand school and classroom expectations, in addition to homework, grading, attendance and discipline policies.
Student Name:______Period______
Student Signature:______Date:______
Parent/Guardian Name:______
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date:______
To help me keep in contact with you, please provide your email address. It is one of the easiest ways for me to keep you informed of your child’s progress.
*****Parent/Guardian Email Address:______
(please print)