Document for completion and publication by the Contracting Authority.
Construction an ethno-educational center in Ilino
Location – Boljevac Municipality (Ilino village), Zajecar District, Repablic of Serbia
1. Publication reference
2007CB16IPO006-2011-2-88 WORKS/third call
2. Procedure
Competitive negotiated procedure
3. Programme title
Bulgaria – Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme, CCI Number 2007CB16IPO006
4. Financing
The project is co-financed by the European Union, in accordance with the rules of Bulgaria – Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme,CCI Number 2007CB16IPO006 programme.
5. Contracting Authority
Boljevac Municipaliti, Repablic of Serbia
Kralja Aleksandra 24 Str.
19370 Boljevac
6. Description of the contract
According to the Decision on location permit No. 353-40/204-III-02 from 23.07.2014. the facility of ethno-educational center is a free standing object and shall be constructed at cadaster parcel No. 2915 KO (Cadastar municipality) Ilino in Ilino village, Municipality of Boljevac.
- Dimensions of building: 11.80 m x 17.80 m
- Number of floors: GF+1
- Roof: four-sided
The newly designed facility will be placed on the location of used to be old village school in the center of Ilino village.
7. Number and titles of lots
no, one lot only/
8. Eligibility and rules of origin
Participation is open to all legal persons [participating either individually or in a grouping (consortium) of tenderers] which are established in a Member State of the European Union or in a country or territory of the regions covered and/or authorised by the specific instruments applicable to the programme under which the contract is financed (see item 22 below). All goods supplied under this contract must originate in one or more of these countries. Participation is also open to international organisations. Participation of natural persons is directly governed by the specific instruments applicable to the programme under which the contract is financed.
9. Grounds for exclusion
Tenderers must submit a signed declaration, included in the Tender Form for a Works Contract (in point 3.9), to the effect that they are not in any of the situations listed in point 2.3.3 of the Practical Guide.
10. Number of tenders
Tenderers may submit only one tender per lot. Tenders for parts of a lot will not be considered. Any tenderer may state in its tender that it would offer a discount in the event that its tender is accepted for more than one lot. Tenderers may not submit a tender for a variant solution in addition to their tender for the works required in the tender dossier.
11. Tender guarantee
No tender guarantee is required.
12. Performance guarantee
The successful tenderer will be asked to provide a performance guarantee of 5% of the amount of the contract at the signing of the contract. This guarantee must be provided together with the return of the countersigned contract no later than 30 days after the tenderer receives the contract signed by the Contracting Authority. If the selected tenderer fails to provide such a guarantee within this period, the contract will be void and a new contract may be drawn up and sent to the tenderer which has submitted the next cheapest compliant tender.
13. Information meeting and/or site visit
Information meeting and/or site visit will be held on 10.03.2015.
14. Tender validity
Tenders must remain valid for a period of 90 days after the deadline for submission of tenders.
15. Period of implementation of tasks
The maximum period of implementation of all activities regarding construction works should be 6 months from the day of contract signing.
*The awarded tenderer will be introduced into business in the period of 7 days from the day of contract signing.
*The maximum period of implementation of construction works should be 5 months.
*It is planned, during the remaining time of implementation of activities, to:
- conduct the work of the Commission for Technical Acceptance
- eliminate defects
- finalize the work of Commission for Technical Acceptance
16. Selection criteria
To be specified according to the criteria used in section 12.2 of the Instructions to Tenderers.
17. Award criteria
18. How to obtain the tender dossier
The tender dossier is available from . It is also available for inspection at the premises of the Contracting Authority, address: Boljevac Municipality - municipal administration, Kralja Aleksandra 24 Str. 19370 Boljevac, Republic of Serbia, office No.20. Tenders must be submitted using the standard tender form included in the tender dossier, whose format and instructions must be strictly observed.
Tenderers with questions regarding this tender should send them in writing to (mentioning the publication reference shown in item 1) at least 21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders given in item 19. The Contracting Authority must reply to all tenderers' questions at least 11 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. Eventual clarifications or minor changes to the tender dossier will be published at the latest 11 days before the submission deadline on the and forwarded to the email address of the tenderers.
19. Deadline for submission of tenders
Deadline for submission of tenders is: Date - 03.04.2015., Time -12:00.
Any tender received by the Contracting Authority after this deadline will not be considered.
20. Tender opening session
Date: 03.04.2015.; Venue: The municipal administration in Boljevac ,office No. 20.
21. Language of the procedure
All written communications for this tender procedure and contract must be in English.
22. Legal basis[1]
Regulation or other instrument under which this contract is to be financed: Subsidy contract under Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) No. PD 02-29-232/30.072014. between Directorate General “Territorial Cooperation Management” within the Ministry of Regional Development (MRD) acting as Managibg Authority for the Bulgaria-serbia IPA Cross-Border Programme and Municipality of Boljevac.
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[1] Please state any specificity that might have an impact on rules on participation (such as geographic or thematic or long/short term).