Theme: How the World Works /


Unit Title: Machine Mania /
Focus: Science and Technology
Discipline(s) to receive the major emphasis.
Level: Grade 2 / Proposed duration: 5 weeks
School:German European SchoolSingapore
Stage 6: To what extent did we achieve our purpose?
To what extent: were the purposes fulfilled; was the unit relevant, engaging, challenging and significant; were the resources adequate; were the concepts, skills and attitudes address
Chronology of unit:
  1. excursion
  2. toys (investigate)
  3. problem solving (moving an object)
  4. Principles (teacher directed / history)
  5. pulling machines apart
  6. model building (summative task)
The students enjoyed this unit and had fun discovering about the simple machines (gears, pulleys, lever, wheel and axle, inclined plane and wedge). We looked at all these and how they are used. The website was a real winner. It gave the students fantastic examples of all the simple machines and the students got to do some reading comprehension as well.
I did feel that I didn’t have adequate resources (ie: books) for this unit. I would have liked to given the kids more chances to read and find out about some of the machines.
We did have a good excursion to the ScienceCenter where the kids got to see the simple machines and use them hands on. However, I think that it would be good to get some basic machine building equipment for this unit. Whether it is a mechano set or something of that nature.
With regards, to summative assessment, I ended up changing what we did (this was a collaboration with Terry Moran). It didn’t go as well as I liked due to the kids needing more experience with the computers and more time needed to be put into planning together with Terry. We did too much on a relatively spontaneous nature.
Finally, I think this unit can get even better with a bit more planning by me. However, the students did finish with a solid understanding of how simple machines can be used for many things.
Stage 2: What resources will we use?
People, places, audio-visual materials, related literature, music, art, computer software etc.

Stage 1: What is our purpose?
A concise description of the central idea to be addressed and the scope of the inquiry
a) Central idea: Machines are used for many purposes throughout the world.
b) An inquiry into:
  • the different kinds of machines and their uses
  • how machines work (gears, pulleys, levers and wheels)
  • the effects of using machines on people and the environment

Stage 3: What do we want to learn?

The key questions which will drive the inquiry.

What is it like? / 1
How does it work? / 2
Why is it the way it is?
How does it change?
How is it connected to other things? / 2 / 3
What are the points of view? / 4
What is our responsibility?
How do we know?
Teacher Questions:
  1. What are the different kinds of machines?
  2. How do machines function and what are their purposes?
  3. What kinds of forces are used in machines?
  4. How do machines impact on people’s lives and the environment?

Student Questions:
/ 1. Who makes the machines?
2. When did machines start being used?
Stage 4: How best will we learn?
Teacher and/or student designed activities which will address the key questions.
  • Excursion to Science Centre to investigate different machines
  • Investigate toys and their moving parts (diagram and discuss)
  • Create a poster listing machines/how it works/ its purpose (focus on simple machines and where they are used)
  • Investigate and use gears, pulleys, levers and wheels
  • Look at how machines have changed over time (comparing old to new – research/interviews
  • Students to create a “machine” to move an object across the room
  • Research and discuss pyramids and how they were built
  • Find machines that can be pulled apart and investigated
  • Research and discuss various inventions and what purpose the machines served
  • Look around school at the various machines being used (would they serve the same purpose in another place?)Photo montage with explanations
  • Organise a debate on whether machines have been helpful of not to people (two sides to work together on their ideas)
  • Create a Robot out of recycled materials (Art)

Stage 5: How will we know what we
have learned?
The strategies which will be used to assess learning.
Formative Assessment:
-KWL chart (looking at what the children already know about machines and their inner workings)
-Poster of machines, how they work and their purposes
-Self reflection the success of the machine student’s build to move and object
-Poster of the inside of a small machine and explanation of what is used to make it work
-Labelling and explaining the parts of a machine
Summative Assessment:
1. Students will have to build a machine for a specific purpose (describing how it works and what it is used for)
2. Make a presentation of the effects of a machine or several machines on the world
Student self-assessment:
Personal Reflection – How have machines influenced my life?
How will we take action?
How the students will demonstrate their ability to choose, act and reflect.

PYP Planner, © IBO, September 2000