National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (Pro Board)

Accredited Entity NFPA Level(s) Accredited


1. Alabama (Alabama Fire College) Level I, II and I/II

2. Alaska Level I and II

3. Arkansas Level I and II

4. Bucks County Community College Level I and II

5. California Level I

6. Central Pierce Fire District Level I and II

7. Colorado Level I and II

8. Colorado Metropolitan Certification Board Level I and II

9. Connecticut Level I and II

10. Delaware Level I and II

11. Florida Level I, II and I/II

12. Georgia Level I and II

13. Great Oaks Level I, II and I/II

14. Hawaii Dept. of Transportation Level I and II

15. Illinois Level I

16. Lake Area Technical Institute Level I and II

17. Louisiana Level I and II

18. Maine Level I, II and I/II

19. Maryland Level I and II

20. Massachusetts Level I, II and I/II

21. Minnesota Level I and II

22. Mississippi Level I, II and I/II

23. Missouri Level I and II

24. Montana Level I and II

25. National Parks Service Level I and II

26. Nebraska Level I and II

27. New Hampshire Level I and II

28. New Jersey Level I and II

29. New Mexico Level I, II and I/II

30. New York Level I and II

31. North Dakota Level I and II

32. Ohio Level I, II and I/II

33. Oklahoma Level I and II

34. Pennsylvania Level I and II

35. Permian Basin Level I and II

36. Regional Alliance for Firefighter Training – Michigan Level I, II and I/II

37. Rhode Island Level I, II and I/II

38. Sinclair Community College - Ohio Level I and II

39. South Carolina Level I and II

40. South King Fire and Rescue - Washington Level I and II

41. Spokane Valley Fire Dept. – Washington Level I and II

42. Tennessee Level I and II

43. Texas Emergency Services Training Institute Level I and II

44. US Department of Defense Fire Fighter Certification Level I and II

45. University of Kansas Level I and II

46. Utah Level I and II

47. Vermont Level I, II and I/II

48. Virginia Level I and II

49. Western Dakota Tech – South Dakota Level I and II

50. West Virginia Level I and II

51. Wyoming Level I and II


1. BC – College of the Rockies Level I and II

2. BC – Justice Institute Level I, II and I/II

3. BC - Vancouver Island Level I and II

4. Manitoba Level I and II

5. New Brunswick Level I and II

6. Nova Scotia Level I, II and I/II

7. Office of the Fire Commissioner – Alberta Municipal Affairs Level I and II

8. Ontario Level I and II

9. Quebec Level I and II


1. Fire Service College of the United Kingdom Level I and II

2. Fire Science Academy – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Level I and II

3. National Academy for Professional Training – Qatar Level I and II

4. SABIC Fire Training Center Level I, II and I/II

5. Saipan Level I and II

6. Saudi Aramco Fire Protection Department Level I, II and I/II


National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (Pro Board)

Accredited Entity NFPA Level(s) Accredited


1. Alabama (Alabama Fire College) Pumper, Aerial, ARFF, Mobile Water Supply

2. Arkansas Pumper

3. Bucks County Community College Pumper, Aerial, ARFF, Mobile Water Supply, Tiller

4. Central Pierce Fire District Pumper

5. Colorado Pumper, Aerial

6. Colorado Metropolitan Certification Board Pumper, Aerial

7. Connecticut Pumper, Aerial, Mobile Water Supply

8. Delaware Pumper, Aerial

9. Georgia Pumper, Aerial, Tiller, ARFF

10. Great Oaks Pumper

11. Hawaii Dept. of Transportation Pumper, ARFF

12. Illinois Pumper, Aerial, Mobile Water Supply

13. Louisiana Pumper, Aerial, Mobile Water Supply

14. Maryland Pumper, Aerial, Tiller, Mobile Water Supply, ARFF

15. Massachusetts Pumper, Aerial

16. Minnesota Pumper

17. Mississippi Pumper, Aerial

18. Missouri Pumper, Aerial, Mobile Water Supply

19. NASA Pumper, Aerial, ARFF

20. National Parks Service Pumper

21. Nebraska Pumper

22. New Hampshire Pumper, Aerial

23. Oklahoma Pumper, Aerial

24. Pennsylvania Pumper, Aerial, Mobile Water Supply

25. Permian Basin Pumper, Aerial, Mobile Water Supply

26. Rhode Island Pumper, Aerial

27. South Carolina Pumper, Aerial, Mobile Water Supply, ARFF

28. Tennessee Pumper, Aerial, Pumper/Aerial

29. Texas Emergency Services Training Institute Pumper, Aerial, Mobile Water Supply, ARFF

30. US Department of Defense Fire Fighter Certification Pumper, Aerial, Mobile Water Supply, ARFF

31. University of Kansas Pumper, Aerial

32. Utah Pumper, Aerial

33. Vermont Pumper, Aerial

34. Virginia Pumper, Aerial

35. West Virginia Pumper, Aerial

36. Wyoming Pumper, Aerial


1. BC – College of the Rockies Pumper

2. BC – District of North Vancouver Pumper, Aerial

3. BC – Justice Institute Pumper, Aerial, Mobile Water Supply

4. BC - Vancouver Island Pumper

5. Manitoba Pumper, Aerial, Mobile Water Supply 6. Office of the Fire Commissioner – Alberta Municipal Affairs Pumper, Aerial

7. Ontario Pumper, Aerial

8. Quebec Pumper


1. Fire Science Academy – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Pumper

2. Fire Service College of the United Kingdom Pumper, Aerial

3. National Academy for Professional Training – Qatar Pumper

4. SABIC Fire Training Center Pumper

5. Saipan Pumper, ARFF

6. Saudi Aramco Pumper, Aerial, ARFF


National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (Pro Board)

Accredited Entity NFPA Level(s) Accredited


1. Alabama (Alabama Fire College)

2. Bucks County Community College

3. Colorado

4. Florida

5. Georgia

6. Hawaii Dept. of Transportation

7. Maryland

8. Mississippi

9. New Hampshire

10. New York

11. Pennsylvania

12. South Carolina

13. Texas Emergency Services Training Institute

14. US Department of Defense Fire Fighter Certification

15. Utah

16. Virginia


1. Saipan

2. Saudi Aramco


National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (Pro Board)

Accredited Entity NFPA Level(s) Accredited


1. Alabama (Alabama Fire College)

2. Maryland

2. US Department of Defense Firefighter Certification

3. Virginia


National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (Pro Board)

Accredited Entity NFPA Level(s) Accredited


1. Alabama (Alabama Fire College) Rope I,II; Vehicle I,II,I/II; Surface Water I,II,I/II; Swiftwater I,II,I/II; Structural Collapse I,II,I/II;

Trench I,II,I/II; Confined Space I,II,I/II; Cave I,

II,I/II; Dive I; Wilderness I,II,I/II; Machinery I,II,I/II

2. Bucks County Community College Rope I,II; Vehicle I,II; Machinery I,II;

Structural Collapse I,II; Trench I,II;

Confined Space I,II

3. Connecticut Rope I,II,I/II; Confined Space I,II,I/II; Vehicle I,II,I/II;

Machinery I,II,I/II; Trench I,II,I/II; Structural Collapse I,II,I/II

4. Delaware Rope I,II; Confined Space I,II; Vehicle I,II

5. Florida Rope I,II,I/II; Vehicle I,II,I/II; Machinery I,II,I/II;

Confined Space I,II,I/II; Structural Collapse I,II,I/II;

Trench I,II,I/II

6. Georgia Rope I; Confined Space I,II,I/II; Trench I,II,I/II;

Structural Collapse I,II,I/II; Vehicle I

7. Great Oaks Rope I,II,I/II; Trench I,II,I/II; Confined Space

I,II,I/II; Vehicle I; Machinery I; Structural

Collapse I,II,I/II

8. Illinois Rope I,II; Confined Space I,II,I/II; Trench I,II;

Vehicle I,II; Structural Collapse I,II

9. Louisiana Rope I/II; Confined Space I/II

10. Maryland Rope I,II,I/II; Trench I,II,I/II; Confined Space I,II,I/II;

Surface Water I,II,I/II; Structural Collapse I,II,I/II;

Swift Water I,II,I/II; Vehicle I,II,I/II

11. Massachusetts Rope I/II; Confined Space I/II; Trench I/II, Surface

Water I,II; Swift Water I,II

12. Minnesota Rope I,II; Confined Space I,II; Trench I,II

13. Mississippi Rope I,II; Confined Space I,II,I/II; Trench I,II,I/II;

Vehicle I,II,I/II

14. Missouri Rope I,II

15. NASA Rope I/II; Confined Space I/II; Vehicle I

16. North Dakota Rope I/II; Confined Space I/II; Structural Collapse

I/II,; Trench I/II

17. Oklahoma Rope I,II; Confined Space I,II; Structural Collapse I,II

18. Pennsylvania Rope I,II,I/II; Trench I,II,I/II; Confined Space I,II,I/II;

Surface Water I,II,I/II; Structural Collapse I,II,I/II;

Vehicle I,II,I/II; Machinery I,II,I/II

19. Rhode Island Rope I,II and I/II, Confined Space I/II

20. Tennessee Rope I,II

21. Texas Emergency Services Training Institute Rope I,II; Confined Space I,II; Trench I,II

22. US Department of Defense Fire Fighter Certification Rope I,II; Confined Space I,II; Trench I,II; Structural

Collapse I,II; Vehicle I,II; Machinery I,II

23. University of Kansas Rope I,II; Confined Space I/II; Structural Collapse I/II

24. Utah Rope I,II; Trench I,II; Confined Space I,II;

Structural Collapse I,II; Vehicle I; Machinery I

25. Virginia Rope I/II; Confined Space I/II; Vehicle I/II;

Machinery I/II; Trench I/II;

26. WI - REACT Rope I,II; Vehicle I,II; Machinery I,II; Confined

Space I,II,I/II; Structural Collapse I,II; Trench I,II,I/II


1. BC – College of the Rockies Rope I,II; Vehicle I,II; Confined Space I,II

2. BC – District of North Vancouver Rope I,II; Swift Water I,II

3. BC – Justice Institute Rope I,II; Trench I,II; Confined Space I,II;

Structural Collapse I,II; Vehicle I,II; Machinery I,II

4. BC - Vancouver Island Rope I,II; Confined Space I,II

5. Manitoba Rope I,II,I/II; Trench I,II,I/II; Confined Space I,II,I/II;

Surface Water I,II,I/II; Structural Collapse I,II,I/II;

Vehicle I,II,I/II; Machinery I,II,I/II; Ice I,II,I/II;

Wilderness I,II,I/II

6. Office of the Fire Commissioner – Alberta Municipal Affairs Rope I,II; Trench I,II; Confined Space I,II;

Vehicle I

7. Ontario Rope I,II; Trench I,II; Confined Space I,II;

Surface Water I,II; Vehicle I,II; Machinery I,II; Ice I,II;

Swift Water I,II

8. Quebec Rope I


1. Fire Science Academy – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Confined Space I,II

2. Fire Service College of the United Kingdom Rope I,II; Confined Space I,II

3. National Academy for Professional Training – Qatar Rope I,II; Confined Space I,II

4. SABIC Rope I,II; Confined Space I,II,I/II

5. Saipan Surf Water I

6. Saudi Aramco Rope I,II,I/II; Confined Space I,II,I/II; Vehicle I,II,I/II


National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (Pro Board)

Accredited Entity NFPA Level(s) Accredited


1. Alabama (Alabama Fire College) Level I, II, III, IV

2. Arkansas Level I and II

3. Bucks County Community College Level I, II, III, IV

4. Central Pierce Fire District Level I and II

5. Colorado Level I, II and III

6. Colorado Metropolitan Certification Board Level I, II and III

7. Connecticut Level I, II, III, IV

8. Delaware Level I, II and II

9. Florida Level I, II, III, IV

10. Great Oaks Level I, II and III

11. Hawaii Dept. of Transportation Level I, II and III

12. Illinois Level I and II

13. Louisiana Level I and II

14. Maine Level I and II

15. Maryland Level I, II, III, IV

16. Massachusetts Level I, II and III

17. Minnesota Level I, II, III, IV

18. Mississippi Level I, II, III, IV, I/II and III/IV

19. Missouri Level I, II, III, IV

20. Montana Level I

21. NASA Level I

22. National Parks Service Level I

23. Nebraska Level I and II

24. New Hampshire Level I and II

25. New Jersey Level I and II

26. New York Level I, II, III

27. North Carolina Level III and IV

28. North Dakota Level I

29. Oklahoma Level I and II

30. Pennsylvania Level I, II and III

31. Permian Basin Level I and II

32. Regional Alliance for Firefighter Training - Michigan Level I and II

33. Rhode Island Level I

34. Sinclair Community College - Ohio Level I, II, III, IV

35. South Carolina Level I and II

36. South King Fire and Rescue - Washington Level I and II

37. Spokane Valley Fire Dept. - Washington Level I and II

38. Tennessee Level I, II, III, IV

39. Texas Emergency Services Training Institute Level I, II, III, IV

40. US Department of Defense Fire Fighter Certification Level I, II, III, IV

41. University of Kansas Level I and II

42. Utah Level I

43. Vermont Level I, II and I/II

44. Virginia Level I, II, III, IV

45. West Virginia Level I and II

46. WI - REACT Level I, II, III, IV

47. Wyoming Level I and II


1. BC – College of the Rockies Level I and II

2. BC – District of North Vancouver Level I and II

3. BC – Justice Institute Level I, II, III, IV

4. BC - Vancouver Island Level I and II

5. Manitoba Level I and II

6. Nova Scotia Level I, II, III, IV

7. Office of the Fire Commissioner – Alberta Municipal Affairs Level I and II

8. Ontario Level I, II, III, IV


1. Fire Science Academy - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Level I, II, III, IV

2. Fire Service College of the United Kingdom Level I and II

3. National Academy for Professional Training – Qatar Level ! and II

4. SABIC Fire Training Center Level I and II

5. Saipan Level I, II, III, IV

6. Saudi Aramco Fire Protection Department Level I, II, I/II


National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (Pro Board)

Accredited Entity NFPA Level(s) Accredited


1. Alabama (Alabama Fire College) Inspector I, II, III; Plans Examiner I, II, I/II

2. Arkansas Inspector I

3. Bucks County Community College Inspector I, II, III; Plans Examiner I, II

4. Connecticut Inspector I

5. Delaware Inspector I, II

6. Florida Inspector I, II, I/II; Plans Examiner I

7. Georgia Inspector I

8. Great Oaks Inspector I, II

9. Hawaii Dept. of Transportation Inspector I, II

10. Illinois Inspector I, II

11. ICC Inspector I, II

12. Louisiana Inspector I, II

13. Maryland Inspector I, II, III; Plans Examiner I, II

14. Minnesota Inspector I, II, III; Plans Examiner I

15. Mississippi Inspector I, II

16. Missouri Inspector I, II

17. NASA Inspector I

18. NFPA Inspector I, II; Plans Examiner I

19. New Hampshire Inspector I, II

20. New Mexico Inspector I, II

21. New York Inspector I

22. Oklahoma Inspector I

23. Pennsylvania Inspector I

24. Permian Basin Inspector I, II

25. Tennessee Inspector I, II

26. Texas Emergency Services Training Institute Inspector I, II; Plans Examiner I

27. US Department of Defense Fire Fighter Certification Inspector I, II, III; Plans Examiner I