NJLA YA Services Meeting
September 24, 2010
South Brunswick Public Library
Members Present: Kate Vasilik, Lina Crowell, Emily Chornomaz, Ellie Strbo, Betsy Young, Terri Coss, Chrissie McGovern, Rachael LaVoie-Dohn, Sandi Cronce, Sandy Hall, Karen deWilde, Liz Burns, Camillle Thompson, Rose Schulman, Christina Roest, Lynn Mazur, Chris O'Hara, Sharon Rawlins, Pham Condello, Samantha Marker, Mary Ecklund, Kathleen Gruver, Laura Leonard, Pat Vasilik, Saleena Davidson
Updates from Around the State:
CSS (Children’s Services Section)
Sharon Rawlins attended their meeting last week.At this time, CSS has few proposals for the upcoming conference. One idea was a tech program similar to one at Charlotte-Mecklenburg Library where everyone learns a technology skill and shows what they learned.
Priscilla Cordero is CSS president this year, and she is looking to improve communication between CSS and the YA Section, as well as changing some by-laws. Their wiki has some choice books by certain ages, genres and formats, available at
NJ State Library
Sharon Rawlins reported that the State Librarian has compiled a chart of all the services with each service’s description and status based on the results of the budget cuts. This chart can be found on the State Library’s website at
Youth Services Forum “Youth Services in Tough Times” is on Thurs. October 28th at the Monmouth County Library in Manalapan on Thurs. October 28th from 10 am - 1:15 pm (9:30 am coffee/registration).
The registration fee is $20 for NJLA & NJASL members, $30 for non-members and $10 for students. Go to the NJLA website and click on the banner ad for the Youth Services Forum for the registration form. The link for the program descriptions is listed separately on the NJLA website. The registration and program descriptions are also posted on the NJYAC ( website under the Youth Services Forum link on the left-hand side of the main page.
NJ Center for the Book and Monmouth County Library are presenting:Science is FUNdamental,a day of exciting and enlightening events on September 26, 2010, from 1:00pm to 5:00pm.
Former astronaut Bob Cenker will be the featured speaker during the Sunday, September 26, program. Participants in the program also will include Mike Centrella, Phil Burkholder, Mike Lemonick, Fred Carl, Jim Raleigh and representatives of StarLab.
Sharon Rawlins reminded everyone about the need to complete a Survey Monkey survey because the State Library didn't pay for the program component of Evanced Summer Reader and program related questions are found on the Survey Monkey survey at
The summer reading committee also has questions they would like everyone to answer as part of the Survey Monkey survey.
For anyone using Evanced, the rest of the statistics needed can be compiled using the report function of Evanced. You can generate a spreadsheet in Excel and e-mail it to me. For anyone not using Evanced, the statistics can be sent to .
FREE Web-based Online Classes for Public Library Staff
In collaboration with the New Jersey State Library and the INFOLINK Library Cooperative, LYRASIS ( is offering 30 FREE web-based, live online classes to public library staff in New Jersey. These programs are provided with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's Opportunity Online Hardware Grant program. Lyrasis is also making them available to 6 other states (CT, MA, ME, NC, NH, and RI). Go to for full details and the registration form. Ask your director about it if you haven’t already received the information.
Laura Leonard reminded everyone to subscribe to the Infolink listerv to get info, especially if communication is a problem in your library.
NJ State Library Talking Book and Braille Center
Liz Burns reported about a grant-funded project called Outspoken Library. Outspoken Library is a computer kiosk that includes information of free audio books, magazines, and papers available to eligible people. Eligible people include the print disabled, blind, low vision, those who cannot hold books or turn pages, and those with certain reading disabilities. Patrons will be able to download audio books from the kiosk onto a blank thumb drive once they're a member of NJSLTBBC. Contact Maria Baratta to sign up. Anyone with an MLS and NJ State Librarian Certificate may sign the application to make a patron eligible (except in the case of a reading disability or if the patron is a family member). A specific device is needed to play downloads. The first kiosk is being installed in Mount Laurel Public Library.
Statewide Summer Reading
Sharon Rawlins reported that the last meeting was cancelled.The committee has fewer members than last year, only 12. They still have full funding at $45,000. The committee will provide workshops and incentives. Evanced is back for the second year, and therewill be workshops to assist in its use. The slogans for 2011 SRP are Children: One World Many Stories; Teen: You Are Here; and Adult: Novel Destinations.
One Book NJ
Kate Vasilik reported that One Book NJ is not funded for this year.
Member Updates & Upcoming Events
Pat Vasilik reported that she is the NJLA Exec Board Ambassador to YA Services.
Important Legislative Bills are being decided on soon. Funding for various agencies, including municipal libraries, is threatened with 2% cap law. If your library is funded above 2% minimum you are in trouble. NJLA is fighting to get municipal libraries off the list of agencies affected by the cap. County libraries are not affected.
Sandi Cronce reported that the Willingoboro Public Library will be closed Fridays, from Oct 1-Dec 31. In addition, the week of Christmas to New Years, the library will also be closed with furlough days in effect, for a total of 18 furlough days in 3 months. Four full time staff and all part time staff were laid off.
Sharon Rawlins announced she is running for the Printz Committee 2013.
Mary Ecklund reported that Old Bridge Public Library had a break-dancing program for 2 years that boasted 3500 attendees. Unfortunately, the Library Board determined the activity would no longer be allowed due to liability issues. If anyone knows of a comparable space in the vicinity, please email her at .
Mary Ecklund also reported that Old Bridge Public Schools have removed Diary of a Part-Time Indian and some other books off their reading list. The book will not be reconsidered.
Chrissie McGovern reported that Mattawan Aberdeen has welcomed Kimberly Paone as their new director.
Saleena Davidson reported that she will be receiving treatment for breast cancer. We all look forward to her speedy recovery!
Sharon Rawlins reported that Sophie Brookover has taken a job at Infolink as Program Coordinator in charge of continuing education for libraries in South Jersey. She is no longer working at Eastern Regional High School.
Sharon Rawlins reported that she has weeded the state’s book selection room. 1700 children’s, teen, and adult books are up for grabs. Email her at and tell her how you would use them.
Upcoming events:
Reported by Kate Vasilik:
- “I’d Rather be Reading : In Celebration of Reading Groups” is Wednesday, October 13, 9:00-12:45 p.m. at Piscataway Library. (Sponsored by National Reading Group Task Force)
- Teen Read Week is October 17-23. The theme is “Books with Beat!” Send any program ideas to Sharon at .
- Youth Services Forum will be held on Thursday, October 28. This will be a half-day program from 10:00-1:15 p.m. at the Monmouth County Library headquarters in Manalapan. The theme is “Youth Services in Tough Times.”
- Performers Showcase is November 4, 10:00-3:00 p.m., at the Monmouth County Library in Manalapan. (Sponsored by CSS). NJLA has the schedule online.
- NJ Association of School Librarians (NJASL) will be held December 3 and 4, 2010 at the Ocean Place Resort & Spa in Long Branch – will include the program “Get with the Program : Schools and Public Libraries Working Together,” presented by Laura Rifkin, Brenda Kahn, Betsy Ware, Leigh Woznick, Janet Williams, and Dara Botvinick, and also featuring a poster session presented by Betsy!
NJLA Conference
Karen Klapperstuck of the Conference Committee has been assigned to be the YA Section’s liaison. The conference will take place May 2-4, 2011 at the Ocean Place Resort & Spa in Long Branch. Our deadline for conference proposals is November 15, 2010.
Kate Vasilik proposed the formation of a Conference Committee within the Section. She reviewed the Section by-laws and read the drafted Conference Committee Guidelines which can be found on the wiki). This is a great opportunity for involvement in the section without a commitment to the Executive Board. The guidelines have been posted on the wiki. Nominate yourself or a member of the Section no later than 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 6 by emailing Kate . Committee members will be appointed by the Executive Board and notified by Friday, October 8.
Saleena Davidson went over program ideas tabled from past years and discussed by the YA Section Executive Board earlier this month. The ideal number of proposals to submit is 6. The ideas are as follows:
- Diana Tixier Herald has agreed to present a Pre-Conference + regular program for the 2011 Conference. Diana Herald is the author of the Teen Genreflecting series ( and is known nationally. We are considering talk on genre-mixing (paranormal romance, sci fi mysteries). Please pass on any ideas.
- YouTube commercials to promote your library (Susan Conlon; Saleena Davidson; Brett Bonfield), including how to do it, how to use them, policies, and the presentation of homegrown clips. (co-sponsor IT?)
- Teen Tales program featuring published short stories created by teens at the Cape May County Library (Justin Hoenke & author Keri Mikulski)
- Author program co-sponsored with the LGBTI Roundtable; Nola recommended an author, Nick Burd, but we aren’t sure that his name/book would be a draw on its own. We can either (1) incorporate this author into the Teen Author Panel, or (2) create a broader program about LGBTI literature using the author as (one of) the speaker(s). Might turn into LGBTI 101 – what books/resources are there, why are they there?
- Teen books for adult readers’ advisory (co-sponsor RA Roundtable) – We’d need to find a presenter. This can be combined with Diana Tixier Herald’s program
- Teens advocate for you! Ideas welcome – Ideally, this would work best if we could find real life examples of NJ teens advocating for libraries, through protests or activities, etc. Sharon Rawlins reported that this was suggested for the Youth Services Forum and they weren’t able to secure any teens to present. Kathleen Gruver and Sharon Rawlins mentioned Revolutionary Readings, a group who is performing public readings of the banned book Revolutionary Voices. Saleena Davidson will try to get in contact with them. Liz Burns proposed turning it into a program about censorship. It could be tied into graphic novels, Anderson’s Speak, etc. David Levithan, editor of Full Spectrum, might already be at the conference. Perhaps he could speak on the censorship of Full Spectrum.
- Sandi Cronce recalled tabling a Gang Awareness Program last year, but it was decided it would be better as a regional conference. Kate Vasilik will talk to Infolink about this possibility.
- Working with University libraries to serve young adults. This might be tabled as Saleena Davidson reported difficulty with communicating with the University section and her local community college.
- The Section received some program offers from Beth Galloway, including programs on: Adult Books for Young Adults; Beasts in the Fair Garden: Teen Library Behavior; Creative Writing Programs for Youth; Evaluating and Reviewing Books for Youth; Game Design for Youth; and Readers’ Advisory to Gamers. Laura Leonard suggested feeling her out on price before getting any further. The group is leaning towards Reader’s Advisory to Gamers. “They’re in your library… now what?”
- Program for teens featuring one or more GSTBA winning authors (if attending the Conference) on the evening before or of the GSBA Luncheon, possibly at a local library (idea originally presented by Kimberly Paone and Michelle Reasso a few years ago. . .). We’d ultimately have to wait to see which authors win and if anyone will be able to make it to the Luncheon.
- Sharon Rawlins suggested a presentation on Special Needs Programming, on what to do and how to target families. We could co-sponsor with CSS. She will consult with Saleena Davidson in regards to this idea.
- Karen de Wilde suggested a program on dealing with social issues of patrons, such as pregnancy, drug use, and suicide. A program similar to this was done 2-3 years ago; as such it would be difficult to get approval for this so soon after.
New business:
- YA/CSS co-sponsored workshop with tentative title “Leading the Way : How & Why to Get Involved in Your Professional Organization” – time/place TBD. Kate Vasilik reported that this will most likely be later in the year (April/May) or early next year (October/November).
- Member Updates – The Section is asking the membership to submit pictures along with regular member updates to Emily Chornomaz, Secretary, at . Updates will be posted to the wiki.
- Wiki Links of Interest – The Section is asking the membership to submit links to their own websites, blogs, etc. as examples of great NJ library sites. The Secretary will post these links to the NJLA wiki. Please submit recommendations to
Garden State Teen Book Awards (GSTBA):
Sign up to be a reader! Please review the FAQ, reader guidelines, and the official ballot process on the wiki: Only assigned readers will be able to vote at the special meetings.
Kate Vasilik broke ground for the consideration of splitting up the non-fiction into age categories. Instead of 6-12 Non-fiction, it would be split up into 6-8 and 9-12 (just as the Fiction categories are separate). Members will be able to discuss this on the listserv.
Via Carolyn Aversano, Kate Vasilik reported t hat NJLA’s Fall Newsletter is available online at The theme for the next newsletter is “Libraries are essential.” Submit ideas for articles by September 30th to Kathy Dempsey .
The next meeting of the NJLA Young Adult Section will be on Friday, November 5 at the South Brunswick Public Library.
Officers & Contact Information
Katherine Vasilik, PresidentFranklin Lakes Public Library
Work 201-891-2224, ext. 105
Cell 609-203-6356
/ Saleena Davidson, Vice President
South Brunswick Public Library
Work 732-329-4000x7634
Emily Chornomaz, Secretary
West Orange Public Library
/ Betsy Ware, Member at Large
Somerset County Library
Bridgewater Branch
908-526-4016 ext. 208
Sandra Cronce, Member at Large
Willingboro Public Library
609-877-6668 ext. 208 / Laura Leonard, Past President
Hillsdale Public Library
Respectfully submitted by Emily Chornomaz, Secretary