Directorate B - Environmental quality of Natural resources
ENV.B1 - Water, the Marine and Soil
Brussels, 19 November 2002
Water Directors’ Meeting of 21/22 November 2002
Agenda Item 4.2: EAF Priority Substances
Progress Report and Work Programme 2003/2004
Presented by the Commission
The EAF Priority Substances is preparing legislative proposals for the implementation of Article 16 of the Water Framework Directive, i.e. the aspects related to pollution from priority substances in surface waters. Following the adoption of the first list of priority substances in November 2001, the preparatory work concentrates on four main elements:
- the setting of quality standards;
- the identification of measures for emission controls;
- the review and finalisation of the identification of “priority hazardous substances”;
- the review of the existing “daughter directives” on discharges of list I substances of Directive 76/464/EEC.
The work in the Expert Advisory Forum has already started in March 2001 and to date, three meetings of the EAF have taken place.
The work on all the above-mentioned elements has progressed considerably. A final report on the methodology for setting quality standards including proposals for EQS for all priority substances is available since September 2002. It has been sent out to the EAF members for written consultation with a deadline of 15 December 2002.
Similarly, draft fact sheets on sources and proposals for emission measures are being consulted in writing with the EAF members at the moments. The study project is scheduled for finalisation in February 2003. It will provide the basis for further discussion and priority setting in the field of emission mesures.
The review of the outstanding “priority hazardous substances” has been delayed since relevant input from the ongoing risk assessments under 793/93 (Existing Chemicals Regulation) and 91/414/EEC (Pesticides Directive) could not be provided for all substances as yet. Once, recommendations for all 14 substances under review are available, the Expert Advisory Forum on Priority Substances will discuss these recommendations and agree on the best way forward. Given the delay, the Commission is currently considering to bundle all the proposals regarding priority substances in one package which would be put forward by the end of 2003.
Finally, a study project on the review of the existing “daughter directives” on discharges of dangerous substances which have been adopted between 1982 and 1990 in relation to Directive 76/464/EEC is ongoing. A draft report has been circulated to the Member States experts and the project will be discussed on the coming EAF meetings and be finalised in May 2003. It is the aim to integrate the provisions for all list I substances in the proposals coming forward in the context of Art. 16 and thereby reviewing the quality objectives and the emission limit values in order to streamline existing legislation.
The fourth meeting of the EAF Priority Substances which was foreseen for October 2002 had to be postponed due to constraints of resources (staff and external support) in DG Environment. Several actions have been taken to overcome these resources constraints which should resolve the temporary obstacles in the beginning of 2003.
The table below gives the tentative dates when the next meetings of the EAF PS are planned. A revised, more detailed work programme for 2003/2004 is enclosed.
Table: Tentative meetings of the EAF Priority Substances in 2003.
EAF (4) Meeting / 14 February 2003EAF (5) Meeting / 26/27 May 2003
EAF (6) Meeting / 2/3 October 2003
It is expected that with the foreseen support and the concentration of actions in the first half of 2003, the proposals on the above-mentioned elements of Article 16 will be prepared by the end of 2003.
Expert Advisory Forum of Priority Substances and Pollution Control
Revised Work Programme 2003/2004 (Status: 18 November 2002)
No. / Area/Item / Lead / Meetings / Due date1. / List of priority substances
1.1 / First discussions and preparation for review / CEC (DG ENV.B.1), JRC-IES, ECB and EEA / EAF (4), (5) and (6) / Feb 2004
1.2 / Carrying out review of list of priority substances / CEC (DG ENV.B.1), JRC-IES, ECB and EEA / EAF (7) and (8) in 2004 / Dec 2004
2. / Quality standards for priority substances
2.1 / Study on quality standards / CEC (DG ENV.B.1) and consultant (Fraunhofer Institute) / EAF (1), (2), (3) and EG / Completed in Sept. 2002
2.2 / Expert Group (EG) on quality standards (1st meeting) / CEC (DG ENV.B.1) / 23 Jan 2002 / March 2002
(EAF (3))
2.3 / Expert Group (EG) on quality standards (2nd meeting) (t.b.c.) / CEC (DG ENV.B.1) / Spring 2003 / May 2003
2.4 / Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Toxicity, Ecotoxicity and the Environment / CEC (DG ENV.B.1, SANCO C.2), SCTEE / EAF (6) info / Oct 2003
2.5 / Proposal for a Directive on quality standards / CEC (DG ENV.B.1) / EAF (5) and (6) / Dec 2003
3. / Emission controls for priority substances
3.1 / Study on emission sources and controls / CEC (DG ENV.B.1) and consultant (Haskoning) / EAF (1), (2), (3) and (4) / February 2003
3.2 / Expert Group on emission controls (possibly two meetings, t.b.c.) / CEC (DG ENV B.1) / Spring and autumn 2003 / Oct 2003
Draft Work Programme 2003/2004 (table continued)
3.3 / Further work items based on the outcome of 3.1 / t.b.c. / EAF (3) and (4) / 20033.4 / Proposal for emission controls / CEC (DG ENV.B.1) / EAF (6) / Dec 2003
4. / Priority hazardous substances
4.1 / Preparation of evaluation by respective expert groups under 793/93 and 91/414 / CEC, ECB / ongoing / May 2003
4.2 / Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Toxicity, Ecotoxicity and the Environment / CEC (DG ENV.B.1, SANCO C.2), SCTEE / EAF (6) info / Oct 2003
4.3 / Proposal for the review of 14 priority substances as potential priority hazardous substances / CEC (DG ENV.B.1) / EAF (4) / Dec 2003
5. / Analyses and monitoring of priority substances
5.1 / Expert Group on analyses and monitoring of priority substances (AMPS) / CEC (JRC-IES) / EAF (3), (4), (5), (6) / Ongoing
5.2 / Meetings of EG AMPS / JRC-IEC / 27 Feb 2002
Jan 2003 / EAF (3)
EAF (4)
6. / Review of existing Directives in Annex IX of WFD
6.1 / Evaluation of implementation and proposal for review of existing directives on discharges of dangerous substances / CEC (DG ENV.B.1) and consultant / EAF (4) / May 2003
6.2 / Study on transitional aspects of 76/464/EEC / CEC (DG ENV.B.1) and consultant / EAF (4) and (5) / May 2003
6.3 / Proposal for reviewing existing “daughter directives” / CEC (DG ENV.B.1) / EAF (6) / Dec 2003
EAF meetings scheduled for 2003 are: EAF (4) - 14 February 2003, EAF (5) - May 2003, EAF (6) - October 2003
EG: Expert Group
t.b.c.:to be confirmed