Priority 3 Projects Open for TTC Top-up Call (FP6-2006-TTC-TU-Priority-3)
Título Proyecto yAcronimo / Instrumento / Institución Coordinadora
y Coordinadores / Otras Instituciones participantes / Objetivo
(Sitio Web)
Furan and lignin based resins as eco-friendly and durable solutions for wood preservation, panel, board and design products
(ECOBINDERS) / Proyecto Integrado / TransFurans Chemicals bvba
Dr. Wim Van Rhijn
Mr. Richard Gosselink
/ 1. TransFurans Chemicals bvba (BE)
2. Granit Recherche Développement SA (CH)
4. International Lignin Institute (CH)
5. Plexwood (NL)
6. Tecnaro GmbH (DE)
7. Tanin Sevnica d.d (SI)
8. Wood Polymer Technologies ASA (NO)
9. SHR Timber Research (NL)
10. Fibresin SA (RO)
11. Value for Technology bvba (BE)
12. ValuTec AB (SE)
13. Valbopan (PT)
14. Promolding (NL)
15. Maschinenbau Scholz GmbH & Co. KG (DE)
16. Agrotechnology and Food Innovations (NL)
17. Technical University of Lassy (RO)
18. INETI (PT)
19. University of Nice (FR)
20. Swedish institute for wood technology research (SE)
21. University of Ghent (BE)
22. Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (DK)
23. EMPA Technology and Society Laboratory (CH)
24. Amorim (PT) / ECOBINDERS aims to develop new sustainable processes and products using furan and/or lignin based binders for high added-value, environmentally friendly products and services in SME intensive industries. These binders will be used in conjunction with natural fibres and are inherently non-toxic, environmentally friendly, emission-free and waterresistant. Furthermore, a reduction of CO2 emission will be established.
Advanced Safer Solvents For Innovative Industrial Eco-Processing
(SOLVSAFE) / Proyecto Integrado / Institut Univ. de Ciència i Tecnologia (España)
J. Castells
/ 1. Institut Univ. de Ciència i Tecnologia, IUCT (ES)
2. Biolab SPA (IT)
3. Explora S.A (CH)
4. Energea Umwelttechnologie (AT)
5. Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Química Fina (ES)
6. Conzorzio Interuniversitario La Chimica per l’Ambiente (IT)
7. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (ES)
8. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (ES)
9. Industrias GMB (ES)
10. Menadiona (ES)
11. Centre for Technological and Industrial Cooperation (RO)
12. Centre for Organic Chemistry of the Romanian Academy (RO)
13. SC. STEMAR S.R.L. (RO)
14. Syndicat de l’Industrie Chimique Organique de Synthese et de la Biochimie (FR)
15. Isagro Ricerca SRL (IT)
16. Cerbios Pharma S.A (CH)
19. ISOCHEM (FR) / SOLVSAFE is oriented to achieve the following environmental and safety goals: 50-100% reduction in the number and quantity of hazardous solvents utilised; 70% reduction of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) emissions to the atmosphere; 60% decrease of CO2 emissions; 40% increase in the quantity of renewable materials utilised; reduce health risks in production sites decreasing the Occupational Exposure Level (OEL) to hazardous solvents; to reduce hazardous solvents in commercial products for human consumption.
MicroTechnologies for Re-launching European Machine Manufacturing SMEs
(LAUNCH-MICRO) / Proyecto Integrado / SORALUCE (España)
Dr Emmanuel Brousseau
Mr Atanas Ivanov / 1. SORALUCE (ES)
6. ONA (ES)
7. Mondragon Sistemas (ES)
9. FUSO (AT)
10. University of Cardiff (UK)
12. GX Design Engineers (UK)
13. TNO (NL)
14. Lumera Laser (DE)
15. Marcosta (PL)
16. Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (DE)
17. Profactor (AT)
18. Akustik Design (AT)
20. KENDU (ES)
21. Warsaw University (PL)
23. Precision Machine Tools Factory "AVIA" S.A. (PL)
25. ATOS (DE)
26. Escuela Politecniac Superior Mondragon (ES)
28. Universidad de Bremen (DE) / To provide European Machine Tool SMEs with the necessary technical knowledge and related methodologies for the construction of ultra-precision manufacturing equipment, able to achieve sub-micron tolerances and surface finishes under mass production requirements. To provide EU manufacturing SMEs with leading edge knowledge of micromanufacturing that will allow them to compete at a global manufacturing level and hence to contribute to social welfare improvement and sustainable growth of the economy in the EU through knowledge-based manufacturing. To convert this sector in a growing and dynamic technology-based one thanks to an effective use of ICT technologies to manage and transmit the know-how between SMEs and RDT. To use the existing know-how and researching capabilities of European machine manufacturing SMEs in order to establish an efficient and collaborative structure for training SMEs’ personnel in different and complementary technological issues and make a true dissemination of knowledge and best practices along interested SMEs.
Holistic Implementation of European thermal treated hard wood in the sector of construction industry and noise protection by sustainable, knowledge-based and value added products
(HOLIWOOD) / Proyecto Integrado / PROFACTOR Produktionsforschungs GmbH (Austria)
Dr. Rainer Schöftner
/ 1. ASFINAG Autobahn- und Schnellstrassen – Finanzierungs - Aktiengesellschaft (AT)
2. EBÖK – Ingenieurbüro für Energieberatung, Haustechnik und ökologische Konzepte GbR (DE)
3. EMPA Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (CH)
4. Fertö Reed Company
5. GÒTIC Gestió de la Construcció S.L. (ES)
6. Holzwerk Lehmann AG (CH)
7. Ledro Keukens NV
8. Mitteramskogler GmbH (AT)
9. ModulCAD Software s.r.o.
10. Obermayr Holzkonstruktionen GmbH (AT)
11. Poppe*Prehal Architekten ZT GmbH (AT)
12. Profactor Produktionsforschungs GmbH (AT)
13. Tigerwerk Lack- u. Farbenfabrik GmbH & Co.KG.
14. University of Liverpool - Acoustic Research Unit (UK)
15. Universidad Politécnica De Madrid. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arqutectura de Madrid. Departmento de Estructuras (ES)
16. Välinge Innovation AB (SE) / The goal of HOLIWOOD is the development and holistic industrial implementation of thermal treated hard wood. Two product lines are followed: pre assembled load bearing walls for the construction of eco²building (incl. flooring); noise protection barrier system. The research and development activities will focus on gathering basic know-how concerning the wood properties with special attention being paid to static and acoustics and the manufacturing of the modified wood. The usage of thermally treated wood for load bearing construction parts is a technological innovation which will lead to a broad range of application in the industrial building construction area. The integration into the construction of industrial eco2buildings (showing less than 15 kWh/m²a maximum heating load) is a very promising approach for which the need has been expressed by leading architects in this sector.
Magnetic Field Assisted Biomaterials Processing
(NanoBioMag) / Proyecto Específico de Investigación Focalizada (STREP) / Lebensmittel- und
Ernährungswissenschaften (República Checa)
Erich Windhab
/ Para mayor información contactar directamente al coordinador / Para mayor información contactar directamente al coordinador
Nano Arrayed Systems based on Self Assembling Proteins
(NAS-SAP) / Proyecto Específico de Investigación Focalizada (STREP) / Royal Holloway University of London, School of Biological Sciences (Reino Unido)
Dr. Simon Cutting
/ Para mayor información contactar directamente al coordinador / Para mayor información contactar directamente al coordinador
Sustainable Surface Technology for Multifunctional materials
(SurfaceT) / Proyecto Específico de Investigación Focalizada (STREP) / Sin Información / Sin Información / Sin Información
Hydrogen-bond geared Mechanically interlocked Molecular Motors
(Hy3M) / Proyecto Específico de Investigación Focalizada (STREP) / Sin Información / Sin Información / Sin Información
Self-Organised Complex-Spin Magnetic Nanostructures
(NANOSPIN) / Proyecto Específico de Investigación Focalizada (STREP) / University of Leicester (Reino Unido)
Chris Binns
/ 1. Instituto Di Struttura Della Materia (IT)
2. University of Leicester (UK)
3. University of Reading (UK)
4. Sumy State University (UA)
5. ISM, Rome (IT)
6. Universitat de Barcelona (ES)
7. NT-MDT (RU)
8. Directorate-General for Research, European Commission (BE)
9. Universitat de Barcelona (ES)
10. Istituto di Struttura della Materia (IT)
11. NCSR Demokritos, Athens (GR)
12. University of Surrey (UK) / The overall scientific objective of NANOSPIN is to design and prepare complex magnetic nanoparticles composed of a metallic core and one or more shells of ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic metals and to understand their behaviour in order to control their magnetic properties (blocking temperature, anisotropy, exchange bias, spin quantum barrier height, etc.). The overall technological objectives are to functionalise the nanoclusters to enable them to be produced as ordered arrays on surfaces and to demonstrate proof of principle in classical and quantum single-particle data storage.
Addressable Molecular Node Assembly - a Generic Platform of Nano-scale Functionalised Surfaces Based on a "Digitally Addressable" Molecular Grid
(AMNA) / Proyecto Específico de Investigación Focalizada (STREP) / Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience (Suecia)
Marcus Wilhelmsson
/ 1. Chalmers University of Technolgy, Physical Chemistry Section at the Department of Chemistry and
Bioscience (SE)
2. University of Southampton, Bio-Organic Chemistry, School of Chemistry (UK)
3. Universita’ di Firenze, Consorzio per lo Sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase (IT)
4. Université Louis Pasteur, I.S.I.S. (FR)
/ The goal of the project is a nano-technology platform based on a 100 nm size grid of addressable molecular building blocks (using three-armed nodes), a novel bottom-up modular approach to place functional groups at defined positions in space with sub-nm precision. An almost complete freedom of choice, for grid assembly as well as for positioning of functional groups, is afforded by a “digital” (in contrast to analogue) code for molecular recognition. The project involves very demanding synthetic and physico-chemical tasks: nonetheless, if successful the rewards are enormous as it can provide a basis for a range of powerful nanotechnological applications. High structural fidelity and convenient assembly rates are achieved using DNA base-pair recognition and stacking into rigid double-helical structures.
Third Generation Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
(3G-SCAFF) / Proyecto Específico de Investigación Focalizada (STREP) / Uppsala University, Polymer Chemistry
Prof. Jöns Hilborn
/ 1. Uppsala University (SE)
2. Aachen University of Technology (DE)
3. Swiss Federal Institute of Technolgy (CH)
4. Lausanne Research Hosptial (CH)
5. University College of London (UK)
6. Tissue Works Ltd (UK)
7. Karocell AB (SE) / A radically new approach to fabricate safe bioactive materials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine will be presented within the framework of the project. The idea is to use cells as microfactories to produce and assemble suitable molecular components in structures not possible to achieve in a synthetic way. This cellular engineering will be used to produce supportive structures with desired shape, compliance and mechanical strength for creating new tissues.
Self Assembly of Shape Controlled Colloidal Nanocrystals
(SA-NANO) / Proyecto Específico de Investigación Focalizada (STREP) / National Nanotechnology Lab of INFM (Italia)
Dr. Liberato Manna
/ 1. National Nanotechnology Lab of INFM (IT)
2. Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (DE)
3. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (DE)
4. Hebrew University at Jerusalem (IL)
5. Tel Aviv University (IL)
6. Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination – CNRS Toulouse (FR) / The broad goal of the project is to achieve unprecedented control and understanding of self assembly of shape controlled colloidal nanocrystals.
Nucleic Acid Based Nanostructures
(NUCAN) / Proyecto Específico de Investigación Focalizada (STREP) / Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering IBMT (Alemania)
Dr. Frank Bier
/ 1. Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering IBMT (DE)
2. Universtity of Copenhagen, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Genetics (DK)
3. Universtity of Dortmund (DE)
4. CEA saclay (FR)
5. Universtity of Bologna (IT)
6. Clinical Research Center Karolinska Institutet at Novum (SE)
7. Alphacontec (DE)
8. Nanotec Electronica S.L. (ES)
/ The objective is to achieve materials and systems with predictable composition and structure, and control of their final properties, here exclusively by variation of internal parameters. The interdisciplinary research includes growth, characterisation and functionalisation of nano-entities and their positional assembly. The positional assembly is guided by the base pairing recognition of nucleic acids and is investigated with regard to the relational position of the Nabnanos (topological order) as well as with regard to absolute positioning on surfaces (geometrical order).
Boron Nitride Nanomesh as a Scaffold for Nanocatalysts, Nanomagnets and Functional Surfaces
(NanoMesh) / Proyecto Específico de Investigación Focalizada (STREP) / University of Zurich (Suiza)
Dr. Carine Galli Marxer
/ 1. University of Zurich, Surface physics group (CH)
2. University of Nottingham, School of Physics & Astronomy, Nanoscience Group (UK)
3. Technische Universitaet Wien, Institut fuer Materialchemie (AT)
4. Leiden University, Leiden Institut of Physics, Interface Physics (NL)
5. Justus Liebig Universitaet Giessen, Physikalisch-Chemisches-Institut, Surface Chemistry & Model Catalysis (DE)
6. Universitaet des Saarlandes, Anorganische Chemie, Molecular Precursors Group (DE)
7. Universitaet Augsburg, Physik-Institut (DE)
8. Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory (UK) / The main objectives of the NanoMesh project are to understand the self-assembly processes leading to this highly interesting and non-trivial nanostructure, to find routes for controlling the mesh parameters and for mass production, and to demonstrate its prospects for future applications as a oxygen- and carbon-free template for the production of nanocatalysts, nanomagnets and for functionalized surfaces.
Nanosilicon-Based Photosynthesis For Chemical And Biomedical Applications
(PSY-NANO-SI) / Proyecto Específico de Investigación Focalizada (STREP) / Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
/ 1. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE)
2. Technische Universitat Muenchen (DE)
3. Faculty of Engineering, Kobe University (JP)
4. M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University (RU)
5. pSiMedica Ltd. / Specific Scientific and Technological Objectives of the project include: Research and development of new process of singlet oxygen generation employing nano-Si as sensitiser. Development of efficient and safe photo-sensitizers based on nano-Si. Exploration of the possibilities to use nano-Si photo-sensitisers in Photo-dynamic therapy of cancer. Application of nano-Si photo-sensitisers in organic synthesis and Biological applications. Project explores two fundamental discoveries made by consortium members: generation of singlete oxygen by nano-Si and its biodegradability.
Long-Period Observation of Single (Bio)-Molecular Motors by Minimal-Invasive Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Nanoscopy (FLIN)