ATML Meeting - Feb 8th 2011 Minutes
9:00am Patents and Duty to Inform
Break into groups: DMC, Intrinsic Path Characteristics & ATML Demos
DMC – Test Results
1)Break sections of TR into ATML common
2)Incorporation of new attributes into the TR schema
3)AI-ESTATE users group
Intrinsic Path Characteristics - Path between UUT and Station
9:45am Meeting logistics
Internet connectivity while inside LM, change auto proxy URL:
User name: (case sensitive)
Password: xUTw6RK4
WebEx meeting: 898294955 (12345678)
10:15am DMC Working Group
Users Guide…
1636 SIMICA Trail period expires August 2011.
Reviewed and approved last meeting minutes.
Chair Summary (Sheppard) - Wilmering and Sheppard are not available for a DMC meeting in April. Technical changes to TR schema should be done this meeting and the documentation completed by April (by Mike Seavey?). The next official DMC working group will be held in May. Documentation to test results to voted on electronically with having a face-to-face meeting. The group has to decide whether to affirm or to revise by April. Standard 1636.2 MAI was published – there was an error in the first publication. The information model was declarative and it should have been informative.
Review of Action Items: Several updated.
SAE Chair summary (Wilmering) - SAE has created a standards group for vehicle health management. The steering group has had a few meetings, Boeing commercial has been involved. Next meeting in April, San Fran.
Test Results (Tony on WebEx) –See below
1. UUT Type element no longer required, no action required.
2. resultSet changed range to: 0 to infinity
3. testReferenceID as optional for Action
4. WorkOrder to use the SIMICA common definition, verify it is a lined with ATML version. Purposed making Test element optional under SIMICA WorkOrder optional by deriving from ATML Common WorkOrder. Based on Tony Alwardt use case the WorkOrder is linked to Test Results and not needed under WorkOrder.
5. EnvironmentalData –Purposing the removal of explicit environmental conditions (alt, temp, shock, etc) and replacing with a named value pair. Ion suggested adding an extension element.
6. Indictments – Make it a complex type and reference it in both places, under Action and under Test Results. With the indictments under Test Results being a “final” diagnosis based on a collection of indictments within the test results. This would add indictments back into the original location under TR with a name of diagnosis as optional.
12:30 Lunch
7. System Instance –It was purposed that ItemInstance be replaced with system instance from SIMICA. This would cause a dependency upon the SIMICA schema. Also, break the reference to ItemInstance from Indictment.
All changes to the schema prior to this point were incorporated by Tony while
participating in the WebEx. The items in Red below will require incorporation into the
- Pre Test Repair–The groups decided not to rename this element. Instead, change the schema to add amutually exclusive (switch) as a sibling to Repair that links to a MAI document.Referto ATML log/minutes for details
Action: Add a child element to PreTestRepairs that links to an MAI documents
Action: Change the “Sequence” operator to a “Choice” operator for children of PreTestRepairs
- Repair Element typo in name “Prevantive”
Action: Rename the attribute “prevantive” to “preventive”
- Repair in TR schema does not match the MAI definitions.
- Indictments (Ion) –Would like to add optional failure mode to each indictment by adding an optional element Failure Modes, below Reference Designator,containing one or more Failure Mode as a non-blank string.
Action: Add FailureModes as an optional child to ReferenceDesignator
Action: Add FailureMode as multiple children to FailureModes
- A description of Test Results Collection must be added to the document relative to the XML.
- Question: Was ReTestGroup made optional in the schema? Found under Indictments child. Based on review of the schema the attribute needs to be changed.
Action: Make the retestTestGroup optional for element Indictments
14. Test Limit (Ion) – Add TestOutcome as an attribute of TestResult. Currently, it only exists as an attribute of Test.Altimately, Ion would like clarification in the documentation between the TestOutcome on Test versus the TestOutcome on TestResult. The annotation of the TestOutcome under Test requires update. The Test Outcome under Test dictates the result of the test, regardless of the outcomes in each Test Result listed under the Test. When multiple Test Results are specified under Test, the Test limit represents the logical limits applied to the set of test results (e.g. 75% passed). (This provides for the use case where a failed test is repeated and passes on multiple repeats).
Action: Rename the element “Outcome” under Test to “Diagnosis”
Action: Rewrite the annotation of “Diagnosis” as suggested above.
Action: Rewrite the annotation of “TestLimits” as suggested above.
15. Use of xs:id or xs:unique versus the non-blank id in the ATML components. Using xs:ID and xs:unique would allow id uniqueness during validation.If uniqueness across types is required an additional type would have to introduced applied to all components. See log for details on Ion’s concerns and potential solution.
16. Add “Skip” to test outcome –Provide for the uses cases (e.g. production or
diagnostics) where the user may skip a test.The 1232 standard does not have Skipped but
it does have NotStarted. Add “NotStarted” and “Unknown” to list of test and test group
Action: Add “Unknown” enumeration of the attribute “value” of element “Outcome”
Action: Add “NotStarted” enumeration of the attribute “value” of element “Outcome”
17. Add optional boolean attribute named “forced” to Test and Action outcome to indicate if the operator forced an outcome of a test during execution.
Action: Add optional boolean attribute “forced” to “Action” element
ATML Meeting - Wednesday February 9th
8:30am – John Sheppard gave a 15min briefing on Gray-Scale diagnostics, introducing a soft outcome called degraded that lies between hard outcomes of pass and fail.
10:31am – Test Results
1. Indictments (Chris G.) –Extend the annotation of indictments to explain the presences of multiple indictments and how each set of indictments are related. Chris to provide text to Tony for this annotation.
Action: Chris G to provide text to Tony for “Indictments” annotation.
2. Referencing the test result to the test. (Covered by earlier change)
3. UUT description, test description, and … have different ways of mapping the faulty component to other components. Currently this is done through refdes and the failure mode descriptions are not consistently expressed the same way.
On ReferenceDesignator of test results add an attribute to reference the component attribute ID in Test Description and UUT description. Same for FailureMode of test results that will link back to Fault ID in Test Description and UUT Description. An ID attribute must be added to Fault in UUT Description.
Action: Add optional attribute “componentID” to “ReferenceDesignator”
Action: Add optional attribute “faultID” to “FailureMode”
11:30am - Lunch
Started review of the SIMICA models.