Horse Program Sponsorship


Print your name as you would like it announced & printed in the Program

Deadline to have your name printed in the program is June 1!

Deadline to have your name announced is before the class ends!




$10Class Sponsorship (choose a level and class)

$40 Championships (choose a level and class)

$75 Combination & High Point Awards

(choose a level)

List sponsorships here:

(Please note the Level & Class - if blank one will be selected for you)

Please use my sponsorship on any class!

Total Paid $

 Cash Check #



Sponsorship Options


 Nov W/T  Nov Adv  JR Adv  HM

 Nov Int  Nov Adv Pony  SR Int

 Nov Int Pony  JR Int  SR Adv

Classes ($10 Sponsorship) (Choose a Level)

 Showmanship Hunt Seat Jumping Over Fences

 Showmanship Western  Jumping Equitation

 Showmanship Saddle Seat  Jumping Hunter Hack

 Showmanship Horseless

 Equitation Hunt Seat Riding Pattern Western

 Equitation Hunt Seat Disciplined Riding Pattern Hunt Seat

 Equitation Dressage Seat  Riding Pattern Saddle Seat

 Equitation Saddle Seat  Dressage Tests - English

 Equitation Western Dressage Tests - Western

Equitation Gymkhana Saddle Seat Pattern

 Equitation Bareback

 Equitation over Poles (WT Only)

 Pleasure West Pony  Pleasure HS Pony

 Pleasure West AQHA/Appendix  Pleasure HS AQHA/Appendix

 Pleasure West Reg Color Pleasure HS Reg Color

 Pleasure West Non-Reg Color Pleasure HS Non-Reg Color

 Pleasure West Grade  Pleasure HS Grade

 Pleasure West Arab/Half Arab  Pleasure HS Arab/Half Arab

 Pleasure Saddle Seat

 Contesting Down & Back  Explorer Showmanship

 Contesting Pole Bending  Explorer 7 & 8 Yr Old Pattern

 Contesting Flag Race  Explorer Equitation

 Contesting Cloverleaf  Explorer Pleasure

 Contesting Speed & Action  Stick Horse Jumping

 Contesting Keyhole  Stick Horse Speed

 Stick Horse Reining

 Stick Horse Trail

 Reining  Trail

 Team Performance (Nov – HM) Pairs Trail

 HM Freestyles Grand Parade (Before Contesting)

Championship Classes ($40 Sponsorship) (Choose a Level)

 Showmanship Equitation

Combination Award ($75 Sponsorship) (Choose a Level)

 Western  Hunt Seat

 Contesting Hunter Over Fences

 Saddle Seat  Dressage

 High Point Trail

Please return this form with payment to Adela Leark @ any Horse Leaders Meeting or KFNO Show OR

Mail to: Kent County Horse Leaders; c/o Adela Leark, 12299 100th Street, Alto, MI 49302

Sponsorships will be accepted during fair as well

Call 4-H Club(Leader Name: ) with any questions @ (phone)


Receipt of Donation to the Kent County 4-H Horse Leaders Tax ID# 38-3571677


Total Paid$

Cash Check #

(Please make checks payable to the Kent County Horse Leaders)


THANK YOU! Your Donation to the Kent County 4-H Horse Leaders helps our youth to have a fantastic week at the Kent County Youth Fair and to be used for upkeep and new development of our fairgrounds.

Kent County 4-H Horse Program Sponsorship

The 4-H Experience

The letter “H” in 4-H represents: head, heart, hands and health. Throughout the year, the 4-H organization offers experiences centered on these four building blocks. By participating in club meetings, performing community service, conducting fund-raisers, and being active in the Youth Fair program, young people develop skills that have a life-long impact on who they are and what they may contribute to society as an adult. We foster responsibility, independence, self-esteem, community pride and a respect for fellow man and animals. Membership in a 4-H program offers a wholesome extracurricular activity that cultivates healthy minds and bodies and provides young people with positive role models.

Supporting Youth Development…

Each day hundreds of young people participate in special activities and educational programs sponsored in part by individuals like you. As a result of such sponsorships, the Kent County 4-H Horse Leaders have the ability to provide opportunities for personal development of children in our local communities.

More Than a Tax Write-Off…

Your sponsorship is a tax write-off donation to the Kent County Horse Leaders. Your name will be proudly displayed in our Horse Program for all our families and members to read and your name will be announced at the classes and/or awards you have chosen to sponsor.


We will gladly accept your sponsorship at any time. As long as your form and payment are turned in before your chosen class begins, we will gladly announce your sponsorship! However, if you want your name printed in theprogram it must be turned in by June1.


The Kent County Horse Leaders THANK you for your generous support! Your involvement affects what 4-H means to our young people. They experience a positive, family-oriented atmosphere at the Kent County Youth Fair whether they are directly associated with a 4-H club or simply a visitor at the fair. Together we are teaching these young people to be a giving generation! Again, we thank you for making the choice to become affiliated with the Kent County 4-H Horse Association as a sponsor for our Horse Program!