1. How are chromosomes passed on to new cells?
  1. What structures pass on traits from parents to offspring?
  1. List 5 individual features that genes account for in the offspring.
  1. 4.
  1. 5.

4. Define heredity.

5. Define genetics.

6. How long has man been interested in the relationship of parents and offspring?

  1. Name the Austrian monk who discovered the basic facts of heredity.
  1. List 3 reasons why Mendel succeeded in his experiments, where others failed.




9. What year did Mendel begin experimenting?

10. What plant did Mendel do his experiments on?

  1. How many traits of these plants did Mendel study?
  1. List these traits.


  1. 5.
  1. 6.
  1. How many contrasting traits did Mendel check at one time?
  1. What did Mendel call his true breeding plants?
  1. What kind of trait always showed in the first generation of offspring?
  1. What did he call the trait that didn't show through?
  1. How did Mendel represent a dominant and recessive trait?
  1. What is the first generation offspring called?
  1. What are hybrids?




  1. Did the second filial generation also show the dominant trait?
  1. What percent of the F2 generation were long stemmed? Short stemmed?
  1. Can you tell if an F1 plant was carrying a recessive factor?
  1. In humans, is blond hair dominant or recessive?
  1. In humans, is curly hair dominant or recessive?
  1. Is being horned in cattle a dominant or recessive trait?
  1. What Mendel called "factors" later proved to be what?
  1. How many genes determine each trait?
  1. Where do these genes come from?
  1. Each parent has two genes controlling each trait, how many will they give to an


  1. If a parent's two genes controlling height are Tt, how will they segregate in sex cells.

12. From a cross involving two traits (round yellow with wrinkled green), Mendel

found that these genes segregate independently, what is the name of Mendel's

law explaining this?

13.What molecule contains the hereditary information?

  1. What is an allele?
  1. Name a human trait determined by multiple alleles.

16. What situation shows an intermediate between two contrasting traits in the F1?


  1. Give an example of a trait inherited by incomplete dominance.
  1. Mendel's law of independent assortment actually refers to chromosomes rather

than ______.

  1. What would've happened if all the genes for the traits Mendel studied we on

the same chromosome?