Southampton City Council
Civic Centre
SO14 7LD
Please ask for: / Local Taxation Services
Direct Dial: / 023 8083 2997
Our Ref:
9th November 2006
Small Business Rate Relief
The government introduced a new rate relief scheme to help the occupiers of small businesses and to qualify for small business rate relief, each business must apply to their Local Authority.
To be eligible for small business rate relief a business property must be shown in the local non-domestic rating list on the 1st April for each financial year with a rateable value of less than £15,000.
However, the Council must look to see if you occupy more than one property. If the rateable value of any of these additional properties is less than £2,200 you will still qualify for relief on your main property only, provided the rateable value of all your properties added together is not greater than £14,999. I regret that if any of your additional properties has a rateable value greater than £2,199 you will not qualify for any relief under this scheme.
If you think you are eligible to receive small business rate relief please complete the enclosed application form. If you would like more information about the small business rate relief scheme please contact Local Taxation Services, Business Rates Section, Civic Centre, Southampton, SO14 7LD. Telephone 02380 832997.
Yours sincerely,
Local Taxation Services Manager
Application form for Small Business Rate Relief 2007/2008
Account Number …………………………………………………….Property Reference …………………………………………………
Article 4 of the Non-Domestic Rating (Small Business Rate Relief)(England) Order 2004 as amended.
1. Name, address, fax number (where applicable), telephone number and electronic mail address (where applicable) of the ratepayer making the application for small business rate relief – this should be the rateable occupier i.e. Limited company, partnership or individual.*
2. Address of the property in respect of which the ratepayer is making this application
3. Please list the full address of any other additional properties for which you are liable to Non-Domestic Rates in England. Please quote property reference numbers if known.
4. If your circumstances have changed since first applying for small business rates relief and you have occupied additional properties you will need to reapply for the relief, pleasecomplete the following –
(a) The property in England which you have started to occupy since making your first application.
(b) The date on which you started to occupy your new property.
I confirm that the properties listed in paragraph 2 are the only properties** in England occupied by (insert name)…………………………………………………….
I confirm that the changes listed in paragraph 4 are the only changes relating to the properties in England occupied by (insert name)…………………………………
and the date of those changes has been accurately recorded.
(Signature of the ratepayer)
(Capacity of person signing)
*If the application is not in the name of the rateable occupier we have shown on our records we will not accept the application. Therefore if you have recently taken over the premises and not informed this office please provide details of your occupation.
** No account shall be taken of any other properties the ratepayer occupies in England where-
(i)the rateable value of each such property shown in the local non-domestic rating list for that day is not more than £2,199; and
(ii)the aggregate rateable value of all the properties the ratepayer occupies in England, including the property for which relief is sought, is not more than £14,999 (where the property for which relief is sought is situated outside Greater London) or £21,499 (where the property for which relief is sought is situated in Greater London).
Warning – the application must be signed by the ratepayer or a person authorized to sign on behalf of the ratepayer. This means, where the ratepayer is
(a)A partnership, a partner of that partnership
(b)A trust, a trustee of that trust
(c)A body corporate, a director of that body, and
In any other case, a person duly authorized to sign on behalf of the ratepayer.
It is a criminal offence for a ratepayer to give false information when making an application for small business rate relief.
Please return this application form to:
Local Taxation Services,
Business Rates Section,
Civic Centre, Southampton.SO14 7LD
Telephone 02380 832997
Fax: 02380 832144