Frequently Asked Questions
Program Overview
1.What is the Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program?
2.What are the funding streams under Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program?
3.What is funding intended to do?
4.Who is eligible to apply?
5.Can another organisation apply on my behalf?
6.What type of projects will be considered under the Buildings and Playgrounds stream?
7.When do applications for the Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program open?
8.When do applications for the Buildings and Playgrounds stream close?
9.How much funding is available for the Buildings and Playgrounds stream?
10.How do I submit an application?
Eligibility and Funding
11.Can I apply for funding if my project would be considered for funding under other grants programs?
12.Can I submit more than one application?
13.I have already commenced or recently completed renovations to improve my facility; can I apply for funding to cover the costs of this project?
14.If I am not the building or land owner, can I apply for funding under the Buildings and Playgrounds stream?
15.Will I be required to match or contribute to funding if applying for funding?
16.If there are more applications than funds available, or there are not enough funds to cover my entire request, can I receive partial funding?
17.What will not be considered for funding?
Application requirements
18.What information can be provided in the application for program criteria requirements?
19.What information must be provided in the application for assessment criteria requirements?
20.Can I provide attachments or other supporting information?
21.The word limit is restrictive – can I prepare a larger response and reference it in the application form?
22.If I apply for a grant, why am I required to provide a history of successful grants projects?
23.If I apply for a grant, what information can I provide to demonstrate a history of successful grants?
24.If my kindergarten is managed by an Early Years Management organisation, do I need their support for my application?
Project costs and planning
25.When do the projects need to be completed?
26.I am unsure if my project requires a planning permit, who can I contact?
27.If my project requires a planning permit, am I eligible?
28.Who should my cost estimate be provided by?
29.What should be included in my cost estimate?
30.What is the Construction Supplier Register?
31.How do I access and search the Construction Supplier Register?
32.What if the original cost estimate and actual costs for the works are different?
33.Why have I been asked to include project management costs?
34.Why will some applications be referred to a quantity surveyor?
35.Why am I asked to provide estimated dates of commencement and completion if the VSBA will be delivering the works?
36.What happens if the project runs over budget?
Building licensing, regulations, ownership
37.My building is located on land owned by the Department of Education and Training (DET) – what do I do?
38.My building is located on land not owned by The Department of Education and Training (DET) – what do I do?
39.Why is a ten year lease or permission to use the land for ten years required?
40.If VSBA is delivering my project, what standards are the works required to meet?
Assessment of Applications
41.Are there other factors that the Department will take into account when assessing applications?
42.If my application meets all of the criteria will my project receive funding?
Support for applicants
43.What do I do if I am having technical difficulties with the online application form?
44.Who can I contact for further information about the grant program?
Project delivery
45.Should I let VSBA deliver my project for me, or should I choose to receive the funding as a grant?
46.Why would I choose to let VSBA deliver a project on my land, or on land I have permission to use?
47.What assurances do I have, if I agree to let VSBA conduct this project?
48.If my application is successful for VSBA to deliver my project, what is the process?
49.If my grant application is successful, what additional requirements do I need to meet to deliver my project?
50.If VSBA deliver my project, will I receive funding directly?
51.If my grant application is successful, how will I receive funds and what are the requirements?
52.How do I apply to receive a grant to deliver my project?
53.Can I choose the building professional who will deliver my project?
54.Who will be responsible for the project management of the works?
55.What if there are proposed variations to the project?
56.If the VSBA deliver my project, how will planning, construction and timeframes be communicated?
57.What happens if there are construction/installation issues identified once the works are completed?
58.Once the project works are completed, who is responsible for the ongoing maintenance?
1.What is the Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program?
The Victorian Government made a commitment to establish Victoria as the Education State, where every Victorian has an equal right to the knowledge and skills to shape their lives. Part of this work is to promote inclusive practices in early childhood settings so they can better support all children, including those with disabilities or additional needs.
The Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program (IKFP) is part of a $61 million suite of inclusive education initiatives announced in November 2017 to strengthen inclusive education practice.
The $6.4 million IKFP will upgrade early childhood infrastructure (including playgrounds) across the state and provide grants for equipment to allow kindergartens to provide safe and more inclusive environments.
The program is split into two funding streams:
- $4 million: Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program - Buildings and Playgrounds
- $2.4 million: Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program – Equipment
2.What are the funding streams under Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program?
There are two streams available:
i.Buildings and Playgrounds
- for infrastructure upgrades – including playgrounds - that promote inclusive early childhood environments. Projects should support children with disabilities or additional needs to participate and engage with learning in early childhood facilities across Victoria.
- for the purchase of improved moveable (non-fixed to buildings) inclusive education equipment.
3.What is funding intended to do?
Funding for the Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program is intended to:
- increase engagement and improve learning outcomes for children with disabilities or additional needs through strengthening inclusive early childhood learning environments.
- promote inclusion in early childhood learning settings and teaching approaches that tailor to the needs of all learners on the same basis, including those with disabilities or additional needs.
- create innovative early childhood learning environments based on inclusive best practice and universal design.
4.Who is eligible to apply?
We welcome applications from the following entities offering a State Government-funded and registered kindergarten program:
- Local governments
- Not-for profit community organisations that are a legal entity (for example an incorporated association, incorporated cooperative or Indigenous corporation)
- Government schools
- Non-government schools registered with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority or Catholic Education Commission of Victoria
NOTE: For-profit businesses are not eligible to apply.
5.Can another organisation apply on my behalf?
Yes, in some circumstances. Not-for-profit organisations in the process of becoming incorporated, or those without capacity to manage the funding, may arrange for an eligible organisation to apply on their behalf. This is known as an ‘auspice’ arrangement.
We directly fund the auspice organisation, and they agree to take the full legal and financial responsibility for the project. You can find more information about auspicing arrangements at
If you want to make such an arrangement, you are responsible for identifying an auspice organisation and working with them to prepare their application. We will not make auspicing arrangements on your behalf.
Auspice arrangements cannot be used by for-profit businesses to apply for any type of funding under IKFP.
6.What type of projects will be considered under the Buildings and Playgrounds stream?
The following are examples of projects we would consider under the Buildings and Playgrounds stream:
Indoor Inclusive Learning Spaces
Funding may be provided to create learning spaces that engage all children, and focus on improving the social and emotional wellbeing of children. This includes flexible areas that can cater for the needs of different types of learners and are innovatively linked with education programs.
Outdoor Inclusive Learning Spaces
For some children, a learning place that addresses sensory or learning needs can be an appropriate adjustment. These spaces are areas where children can go voluntarily and need to be supervised at all times. Demonstrating how the outdoor learning spaces will benefit all children and connect with teaching practices will enhance your application.
Outdoor Inclusive Learning Spaces – Playgrounds
A key objective under the Supporting Children and Families in the Early Years Compact is that all young children are engaged, confident and creative learners.An accessible and inclusive playground means it is as easy as possible for everyone to play, encouraging all children to be more physically active. Demonstrating how the playground is accessible by all children will enhance your application.
7.When do applications for the Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program open?
Applications for both streams opened8 February 2018
8.When do applications for the Buildings and Playgrounds stream close?
Applications to the Buildings and Playgrounds stream will close 30 April 2018
9.How much funding is available for the Buildings and Playgrounds stream?
Funding is available for projects ranging in cost from $15,000 to $200,000.
10.How do I submit an application?
Applicants for the Buildings and Playgrounds stream must apply online through the SmartyGrants system at
You must complete all sections of the application form to be eligible for consideration.
Applications to the Buildings and Playgrounds stream will close 30 April 2018.
You can make changes to your application any time until you submit your application.
The Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) will not consider late applications.
Eligibility and Funding
11.Can I apply for funding if my project would be considered for funding under other grants programs?
No. Projects that would be considered for funding under other grants programs are not eligible for this funding and will not be considered.
If you are unsure whether you can apply, please contact the Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program via email () to discuss further.
12.Can I submit more than one application?
Organisations can submit an application under both streams of the Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program.
However, your organisation may apply for only one application per facility under each stream (i.e. one application for Buildings and Playgrounds and one application for Equipment).
13.I have already commenced or recently completed renovations to improve my facility; can I apply for funding to cover the costs of this project?
No, funds are not available from the Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program for retrospective assistance.
To remain eligible for funding, applicants must not enter into a contract for any works proposed in their application prior to being informed of the application outcome.
14.If I am not the building or land owner, can I apply for funding under the Buildings and Playgrounds stream?
Yes. However, to be eligible for fundingunder the Buildings and Playgrounds stream you must provide evidence of permission from the landowner to complete the proposed works.
You should discuss the proposed project with the landowner early in planning process and ensure you have permission before your application is submitted. These discussions should include how the project could be delivered (i.e. by the VSBA or grant delivery).
Project works will not commence until this evidence has been provided.
Further information on what evidence may be provided is detailed under the Building licensing, regulations, ownership section of these FAQs.
15.Will I be required to match or contribute to funding if applying for funding?
No, projects that require additional funding sources or co-contributions are not eligible for this funding and will not be considered.
16.If there are more applications than funds available, or there are not enough funds to cover my entire request, can I receive partial funding?
No, in order to support the financial viability of proposed projects, proposals will not be partially funded.
17.What will not be considered for funding?
Funds are not available under the Buildings and Playgrounds stream for:
- Information technology costs
- Staffing costs
- Loose furniture and specialist disability equipment (e.g. specialty chairs and toilet frames)
- Significant building projects (e.g. demolitions, new buildings)
- Purchase of relocatable buildings (including “pods”) which would extend or increase the number of early childhood buildings
- Maintenance funding for wear and tear of existing compliant facilities and/or works
- Reimbursement for works already completed
- Projects that require additional funding sources or co-contributions
- Projects that would be considered for funding under other grant programs
- Projects with a total estimated cost greater than $200,000
Application requirements
18.What information can be provided in the application for program criteria requirements?
Applicants are required to submit a detailed application and the information we will consider is listed in the Supporting Documentation under Section 3 and in Appendix A of the Program Guidelines.
Please note that the list is not exhaustive – any information provided which outlines the scope and intended benefits of the proposed works and how they support the program principles,will be considered in assessing the merit of your application.
19.What information must be provided in the application for assessment criteria requirements?
The following assessment criteria will be used to prioritise projects for funding.
Buildings and Playgrounds stream:
1)Demonstrate the current and future demand for the proposed works.
2)Demonstrate how the proposed works develop and/or enhance the inclusiveness of the kindergarten environment.
3)Demonstrate how the proposed works increase engagement and improve learning outcomes for children with disabilities or additional needs.
4)Demonstrate how the proposed works support teaching approaches that promote inclusion in classroom organisation and/or outdoor activities.
5)Demonstrate how the proposed works support the seven universal design principles.
6)Demonstrate project readiness, additional information is required if you wish to apply for a grant where you deliver the project, not VSBA.
20.Can I provide attachments or other supporting information?
Yes. However, please note that any attachments provided not directly referenced in the relevant response will not be considered in assessing the merit of your application.
21.The word limit is restrictive – can I prepare a larger response and reference it in the application form?
No. For the purposes of consistency and transparency all merit assessment criteria responses must be completed in the assessment form provided.
22.If I apply for a grant, why am I required to provide a history of successful grants projects?
As all Buildings and Playgrounds projects must be delivered by 30 June 2019, VSBA requires applicants to demonstrate they have a history of successful delivery of grants projects.
23.If I apply for a grant, what information can I provide to demonstrate a history of successful grants?
There is no stipulated information requested, however as an example you could:
- Provide the name and brief description of the grants project(s) and include the work start and completion dates of the project(s)
- Attach any documents which demonstrate the successful delivery (e.g. final acquittal documents)
24.If my kindergarten is managed by an Early Years Management organisation, do I need their support for my application?
Yes. If your kindergarten is managed by an Early Years Management (EYM) organisation, you should discuss your application with your EYM. If supported, your EYM must provide a letter of support.
The letter of support should be provided on official letterhead of the EYM and state they support the proposed works outlined in your application.
Project costs and planning
25.When do the projects need to be completed?
All Buildings and Playgrounds projects must be delivered by 30 June 2019.
26.I am unsure if my project requires a planning permit, who can I contact?
Applicants should consult their local council to determine if a planning permit is required.
27.If my project requires a planning permit, am I eligible?
No. While not expected to be an issue for many proposed projects, proposed works requiring a planning permit will not be considered.
28.Who should my cost estimate be provided by?
Your cost estimate must be provided by a building professional. You have the choice of building professionals to provide the cost estimate, however they musthave the necessary experience and skillsrelevant to the scope of your proposed works.
29.What should be included in my cost estimate?
Cost estimates MUST include:
- The Trading name of the organisation providing the cost estimate;
- An Australian Business Number; and
- Itemisation of individual costs to demonstrate all expenditure is eligible under the Program Guidelines.
The cost estimates should be presented in a professional format (e.g. on the building professionals letterhead).
30.What is the Construction Supplier Register?
The Construction Supplier Register may be used to identify building professionals with suitable expertise and experience to assess the costs of the proposed works.
The Construction Supplier Register pre-qualifies building and construction industry consultants and contractors in a range of categories.
31.How do I access and search the Construction Supplier Register?
The Construction Supplier Register may be accessed at:
1)From this page, select Access the Register from the left hand menu.
2)Select either Pre-Qualified Consultants or Pre-Qualified Contractors
3)Either select a pre-qualification categoryfrom the drop down; or