FRIDAY, June28TH, 2013
Principal Mrs. C. Herauf 1342 Edenrose Street, Mississauga, L5V 1K9
Vice Principals Ms T. McNeely/Mrs. K. McTavish Phone 905 – 567 – 4296
Superintendent Ms C. Speers 905 - 569 - 9946 Fax 905 – 567 – 9846
Trustee Mr. J. White 905 – 267 - 0764 SAFE ARRIVAL – 905 - 567– 4296 Ext. 700
so long, farewell, Auf Weidersehen, goodbye
As another year draws to a close, we say a fond farewell to Mrs. Herauf, along with Ms. PreetiBhogal, Mrs. Adrienne Sykes, Ms. FarrahSuleman, and Ms.Karen Mahoney, who have provided Edenrose with invaluable support as Long Term Occasional teachers during the 2012 – 2013 school year. We appreciate all you have done for the school and students. We wish all the best to Mrs. Chandrei O’ Neil, and Mrs. Nikki Johnston, as they begin their maternity leaves over the summer. Congratulations on your growing families!
Please join us in welcoming the new additions to the Edenrose staff for 2013 – 2014! Welcome, of course, to Mrs. Linda Lennox (our new principal)! Also joining us are Mrs. Karen Haney (teaching Grade 1/2), Mr. Joseph Meli (Gym and Planning Time), Mrs. Stephanie Mazzone (teaching Grade 1), and Ms. Heather Hammond, who is joining our Section 23 staff.
We welcome back Mr. Dave Goodeto the gym, Mrs. Tonya Long to the classroom, and wish all the best to Mrs. Erica Tutte, Mrs. AlannaCantafio, and Mrs. Tara Alpaugh, who have extended their leaves, and will not be joining us at Edenrose in the Fall. We are very much looking forward to a great new school year. See you in September!
2013 - 2014 staff List
Principal:Mrs. L. Lennox
Vice Principal:Ms T. McNeely
Vice Principal: Ms K. McTavish
Kindergarten:Mrs. Samarita, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Angra, Mrs. Chan-Toki & Mr. Scott
Grade 1: Mrs. Price, Mrs. Alpaugh (LTO)
Grade 1/2: Mrs. Haney
Grade 1 French Immersion/English: Mlle Lesperance, Mrs. Robinson, Ms McGuire, Mme. Fidler, Mme. Van Dongen, Mrs. Mazzone, Mme. Ronald
Grade 2 FI/English: Mlle Young, Mrs. Reid, Mlle Asselin, Mme. Sikka, Mme. Karrys, Mrs. Tutte (LTO)
Grade 2: Mrs. Abols, Mrs. Marcantonio
Grade 2/3 FI: Mr. Gagliardi
Grade 3 FI/English: Mlle. Geier
Grade 3: Mrs. Kan, Mrs. Diamonon & Mrs. Sykes
Grade 3/4:Mrs. Redman
Grade 4: Ms Parker & Mrs. Cantafio (LTO)
Grade 4 FI: Mrs. McKay, Mme. St. Onge
Grade 4/5: Ms Long
Grade 5: Ms Barron, Mr. Zelinka & Mr. Pietrantonio
ISSP: Mrs. Mackenzie, Mr. Menezes & Mrs. Pellerin,
ELL: Mrs. St. Hill-Taylor & Mrs. Pellerin
Physical Education: Mr. Goode, Mr. Scott, & Mr. Meli
French: Mlle Da Silva
Library: Mrs. Allore
Music: Mrs. Barratt & Mrs. Ventura-Quintos
Planning Time French and English: Mme.Karrys, Mrs. Lynch-Pappas, Mr. Meli, Mrs. Tutte (LTO),
EdenroseErinoakKids: Primary - Mrs. O'Neil (LTO), Junior – Mrs. Hammond
Office Manager and Office Assistants: Mrs. Karnik, Mrs. Smith & Mrs. Greco
Head Custodian:Mr. Walt
Teaching Assistants: Ms Barbosa, Mrs. Szczygiel, Mrs. Perveen, Ms Johnston, Ms. Kivell, Mrs. Appanovich
Behavioural Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Jimenez (LTO)
Karate Kids
We are excited to announce that the Karate Kids program will once again be coming to Edenrose P.S. next year! This 40 minute class will run during lunch hour recess on Tuesdays in the school gymnasium. It combines fun fitness activity, character education lessons and non-contact basic martial arts movements. The class is designed to build self confidence, self discipline and fitness levels in a non competitive environment. For a fee, this program will be offered to grades 1 & 2 during the first term, and grade 3 - 5 during the winter term, the program will run once a week for 18 classes every Tuesday. Enrolment flyers containing full details will be distributed to the grade 1’searly in September, with more information to follow about later grades. This is a popular program that is currently running in over 95 schools across Ontario. You are invited to visit their website for more detailed information at or call 416 482-8198.
dates to remember
August 26 – Edenrose Office re-opens
August 29 – Bussing Information Posted
Sept. 2 – Labour Day
Sept. 3 – Welcome back! First Day of School
Sept. 26 – Open House
okee in action!
Okee was proud to be part of Peel Regional Police’s 5km Race Against Racism with Eric L. (Mrs. Parker), Marcus T., Neel S. & Yasmeena S. (Mrs. Chan-Toki), Nikhil S. (Mrs. A. Sykes), Sitara S. (Ms. Reid), Neha K. (Mrs. Parker) and Faith T. (Mr. Scott). Congratulations to this enthusiastic group of runners!
new phone system
The Edenrose phone system will be changing in October 2013. During this transition, the teacher’s voice-mail numbers may change. We will update you as soon as we have any new numbers to share. Stay tuned!
how to find your child’s teacher on the first day?
On Tuesday, September 3, 2013, we welcome back all of our Edenrose students, and students new to the school. To make this day a smooth one, we are asking that all students meet their teachers on the soccer field and black top on the North end of ourschool (by the basketball nets and the Kindergarten play area). Classroom teachers will be wearing name tags and carrying signs so theycan be easily located. If you cannot find your child’s teacher, there will be other staff members to help. All staff will be wearing black OKEE tee-shirts. **In the event that it is raining, this process will take place inside the school. See you on September 3rd 2013.
best wishes to mrs herauf from school council
When we think of Mrs. Herauf, we will remember a dynamic woman with a talent for balancing the needs of students, staff, school board and community with efficiency and professionalism that rivals the CEO of any company.
Since her arrival in 2007, she has led our school through a constant series of changes and growth including our huge construction and renovation project and the integration of multiple new regional programs simultaneously. And she has done all of this with energy and enthusiasm while remaining dedicated to the skills we value in a principal - leading, teaching and empowering students and staff.
At our final meeting, School Council was happy to share with Mrs. Herauf that we have made a $200 donation to Autism Dog Services to celebrate her time here at our school. Mrs. Herauf has been the heart of Edenrose and we truly appreciate everything she has done for our school community.
June 2013 Grades 1 - 5ACHIEVEMENT / DILIGENCE
Anna B / Maan M / Raneem N / Manaal R / Mahin S / Amena S
Ahmed I / Ramisha A / Sitara S / Shayan K / Yesha V / Sean O
Fiona Z / Inaratah K / Sammy J / Daniel K / Grace C / Dia S
Faria M / Nicki K / Jackson L / Sharon Z / Anaiah R / Samira K
Alyshba S / Zachary Z / Vicki Y / Imra H / Tracy L / Acacia C
Ganishta R / Nicole T / Samhita G / Aleza A / Mason L / Nikki K
Diya L / Alima S / Mohammad H / Lauryn N / Ahmed D / Mason P
Niviya K / AlizaH / Chantel B / Juno J / Hannah J
Aareez K / Adrian C / Hana S / Maryam I
Rayan A / Alex W / Haneen S / Kaylee T
Jack W / Irteza A / Dominic B
Aya A / Ivy L / Shem K
Sachinna K / Huzayl Y / Kiara M
Shawn M / Eli I / Darren H
Saveer R / Rafey I / Alina H
Baldeep H / Rehma S / Vanessa R
Abood S / Leandro M / Emily T
Isabella G / Laya A
Samantha K / De Andre D
Anna K / Alan Z
Zehra R / Liza S / Paul L
Mohamad A / Sarah A / ShaiyaanI
Irtaza H / Mamoun S / Jagrit R
Faris R / Mariam U / Hannah S
Daniyal A / Arshjot S / Israr I
Bill W / Mustafa A
Steven G / KeiAndre B
Lama H / Laksh B
Kaiden R / Jenna N
Tharny E / Lilika P
Andrew Y
Sahib S
Sheena M / Kieran G
Lakshana G / Tanya C
Nikhil K / Zoha Am
Brandon H / Hamda S
Aushus A / Hassan F
Justin T / Mannat J
Nyagoa K / Darrius S
Ally K / Jessica C
Simona K / Rayaan K
Emily T / Gurleen S
Sakina R / Nyannah A
Sophia S / Simran A
Cristo S / Kaylie L
Affan K / Markus M
information for pdsb parents regarding school start up transportation procedures
If your home address will be changing during the summer, please notify the office staff at your child’s school prior to June 30. STOPR will also accept address change information after June 30 until July 12. Address changes received after July 12 will not be reflected in the planned bus routes to commence in September and may result in transportation services not being available for your child during the first weeks of school. Parents will be responsible for their children getting to and from school until appropriate transportation service is arranged.
The distance criteria for transportation eligibility is: 1.0 kilometer Kindergarten
1.6 kilometers for Grades 1 – 4
2.0 kilometers for Grades 5 & 6
3.2 kilometers for Grades 7 & 8
4.8 kilometers for Grades 9 – 12
If your child is moving to grade 1, grade 5, grade 7 or grade 9 in the 2013-2014 school year, their eligibility status for transportation may be changing. Eligibility information can be accessed at the website noted below.
• All transported kindergarten students are required to be met by a parent/caregiver when disembarking from their bus on their return trip from school.
• Courtesy transportation, which is assignment of ineligible students to available, empty seats on buses, will not be initiated prior to October 3. No exceptions.
• Please be aware that during September and early October, STOPR priorities are eligible students requiring transportation service, bus overloads, and route timing adjustments.
• Requests for additional or adjusted bus stop locations, route adjustments, and challenges to eligibility status will not be addressed until late October.
• Please be patient. STOPR provides transportation services for approximately 62,000 students to 350 schools on 1,300 buses. This is accomplished with an operations staff of 15. Every effort is made to complete required adjustments as quickly as possible, but there are limitations to the volume of changes which can be appropriately communicated and implemented each week.
• All transportation operations issues are the responsibility of STOPR and not either Board or individual Trustees.
Contacting STOPR
Internet: This website provides up to date delay and inclement weather cancellation information in addition to policy, procedures and frequently asked questions This website allows parents to access information specific to “what school do I attend” and “am I eligible for transportation”. This site also provides parents access to specific bus stop location and pick up and drop off times for their children if eligible for transportation
Telephone: STOPR: Phone: 905 890-6000
Toll free: 1-800 668-1140
STOPR Administration: Phone: 905 890-0708 ext. 23220