P. O. Box 4024
4TH Street, Tubman Blvd., Sinkor
1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia
Assignment Title: Development of compliance monitoring standards, regulations and guidelines.
- This request for expressions of interest follows the General procurement Notice for this project that appeared in Development Business No. WB452-01/17 of January 31, 2017.
The Government of Liberia through the Forestry Development Authority (Implementing Agency) has received a grant from the International Development Association (IDA) acting as administrator of the Liberia Single Donor Forest Landscape Trust Fund (financed by the Government of Norway) in the amount of US$36.7 million towards the cost of the Liberia Forest Sector Project, and the Environmental Protection Agency (Project Implementing Entity) intends to apply part of the proceeds of this Grant to eligible payments under a contract for consulting services for development of Compliance monitoring standards, regulations, and guidelines.
- The consulting services (“the Services”) include an inventory of existing laws, regulations, guidelines, and standards relating to water, air, noise pollution, and the ESIA process, stakeholder consultations, and the preparation and facilitation of validating the regulations, guidelines and standards relating to water, soil, air, noise pollution and the ESIA process.
The objective of this consultancy is to develop regulations, guidelines and standards in relation to water quality, waste, air quality, soil quality, noise pollution, and environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA).
These outputs would be used in project development in various sectors including forestry (especially by the LFSP Project Implementing Entities).
It is expected that the duration of this assignment will cover a period of 75 days.
- The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The shortlisting criteria are:
The consulting firm must possess the following experience and competencies:
- At least ten (10) years’ experience in drafting regulations, guidelines and standards relating to environmental protection and management;
- Must have provided consultancy services relating to water, soil, air, noise pollution and the ESIA process; experience in providing such services to Government agencies in Sub-Saharan Africa is an added advantage;
- Must be familiar with Liberian regulatory frameworks and national circumstances; working with a local firm is an added advantage;
- Extensive work experience and proven record in the development of environmental regulations, policy, legal, and monitoring tools such as regulations, guidelines and standards affecting water, soil, air, etc.;
- Availability of Competent Staff with relevant qualification and experience to undertake the assignment;
- Experience in the Region (West Africa; Liberia is a plus).
- The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s
Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants [under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants] by World Bank Borrowers, January 2011 revised July 2014 (“Consultant Guidelines”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of a joint venture or a sub consultancy to enhance their qualifications.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Selection Based on the Consultants’ Qualification (CQS) method set out in the Consultant Guidelines.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 0900 to 1600 hours GMT.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, by mail or by e-mail) by 16:00 GMT on June 26, 2017. Envelopes or subject of emails must be marked “Expression of Interest for Development of Compliance Standards, Regulations and Guidelines for the EPA”.
Environmental Protection Agency
Procurement Unit
4th Street, Sinkor
P.O. Box 4024
1000 Monrovia, 10 Liberia
Attention: Z. Elijah Whapoe, LFSP Focal Point
Tel: +231(0)886524657
Email: and copied to: