Your Job: practice citing a book and a database by creating a Works Cited page and showing what an in-text citation should look like on your properly formatted MLA document.

1) Personalize the properly formatted MLA document

Library homepage > Resources by Subject > Research and Writing> MLA Template: Word OR Google Doc

2) EasyBib > Login or Sign up > Create a “New Project” > Name your project (nothing else needs to be

filled in but choose MLA 8) > Click on the blue “Bibliography” under your new project name…

3) Citing a Book

In your EasyBib bibliography, choose the “Book” tab > get book at your table > locate ISBN# (it’s the
bottom-most number, starting with 978…no spaces/dashes) enter the ISBN# in the boxthen “Cite This”

4) Citing a Database (and KCLS Database info)

KCLS: Library homepage > “Databases & eBooks” > Choose database w/“KCLS” (for this, choose “KCLS
eBooks…” at top); use info on bookmark to log in.

Searching database: Do a searchonce a search list is generated, click on an orange article title to open
article > find the citation on the page (icon at top/side)when the citation dialog box opens, copy citation

Adding to EasyBib: Go back to EasyBibChoose the “Database” tabon bottom right corner – choose
“Copy & Paste” > Paste your database citation and “Create Citation” > this database citation will join your
book citation in your project’s bibliography.

5) Create a properly formatted Works Cited page in EasyBib

Library page > Resources by Subject > Writing and Research > Creating a Works Cited…

6) Adding your Works Cited to your personalized and properly formatted MLA document

Copy all information from your just-created Works Cited page (keep all formatting) > paste it to page two
of your personalized and properly formatted MLA document that you have open.

7) In-text Citation Example

On your MLA template, where it says “Begin first paragraph…” delete that and literallywrite these two
statements, finishing each line with the correct information:

This is what an in-text citation should look like from the book source in my Works Cited list below: (correct citation here).

This is what an in-text citation should look like from the database source in my Works Cited list below: (correct citation here).

Reminder: a) in-text citation needs to be in parentheses followed by a period, b) whatgoes in the
parentheses is the first word in on your Works Cited list (author's last name if there is one, if not, include
the first word in the entry-- if there are quotes around this word, you must add the quotes in the in-text
citation), c) book sources also need a page number (for this – everyone will use page 10 for their book
source) and because an in-text citation is as brief as possible, you do not add a comma nor the word
“page”, nor “pg”, nor “p” – it is just the number.

8) Title

And because you should get in the habit, add a unique and useful title.

That’s it! You now have a sample cheat-sheet for what a formal MLA paper with citations looks like. Print this and turn it in. If you do not finish in class today, it is due on Wed., 9/28.