Prairie Rose School Division
SchoolAnnual Report and Plan on Continuous Improvement 2017/2018

Principal: Brandy ChevalierDate of Report: October 2017School Plan Website:


Overview – Provide a brief overview of relevant geographic or demographic information as well as specific PRSD strengths, equity issues and/or challenges.

Roland School is a K-6 elementary school in southern Manitoba that prides itself in being a welcoming, inclusive school, striving for all staff and students to feel welcome and valued. It is located in the heart of a strong agricultural community and is a bedroom community to Winkler, Morden, and Carman.

Administrative Team

Roland School is supported by one teaching principal and a compliment of guidance counsellor, social worker, clinical psychologist and speech language pathologist.

Staffing (Provide the staffing numbers in the following roles using FTE as of September 30th.

Positions / FTE / Position / FTE / Position / FTE
Principals / 0.35 / Vice-Principals / 0 / Teachers / 4.36 /
Counsellors / 0.2 / Resource Teachers / 0.3 / Literacy and Inclusion Support / 0.65 /
Educational Assistants / 2.5 / Social Work as Needed / FTE / Other: / 0 /
Disaggregation / Number of students / Percentage of student population
English as an Additional Language / 12 / 19% /
Self-declared Aboriginal / 2 / 3% /

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Disaggregated Data

Does your school have an ESD plan?

☒ Yes☐ No

REPORTING 2016/2017

School Priorities – Please check the box indicating the last year a report was submitted to the Department. ☐2012/2013☐ 2013/2014 ☒ 2014/2015

  1. Literacy
  2. Numeracy
  3. Equity

School Report – Staff have continued to place emphasis on improving literacy and numeracy successes at Roland School while working on reducing behaviour issues as they present themselves.

Expected Outcomes / Results (status, data or anecdotal evidence)
  1. By June 2017, 80% of all students will meet reading targets.
/ Goal not met, 60% of students are currently meeting reading targets. Ongoing efforts are being made to continue to work towards achieving this goal through use of literacy teacher leader, scheduled collaboration opportunities with resource teacher, and teacher teaming with literacy focus.
  1. By June 2017, 75% of all students will be meeting grade level targets in numeracy with a focus on mental math.
/ Goal not met, 65% of students are currently meeting grade level targets in numeracy. Ongoing efforts are being made to continue to work towards achieving this goal through use of numeracy teacher leader, scheduled collaboration opportunities with resource teacher, and teacher teaming.
  1. By June 2017, students will acquire an advanced understanding of equity through the implementation of monthly virtue studies.
/ Student behaviour continues to be an issue. Ongoing efforts are being made to continue to work towards achieving this goal by creating a more simplistic behaviour tracking tool and ensuring true inclusion in our classrooms on a daily basis.

PLANNING 2016-2017

Planning Process

List or describe factors that influence your priorities: Divisional goals focused on literacy, numeracy, and diversity have guided our own school goals.

Describe the planning process and the involvement of students, staff, families and the community: Staff have taken opportunity to meet on numerous occasions and are constantly discussing opportunities for continued growth. Staff are reviewing data for literacy and numeracy through the data inquiry process and applying their findings to adjust their teaching practices and guide their planning. School plans and reports are shared with our PAC and community during meetings and via our school website.

How often did you meet: Roland School’s plan for improvement is constantly being reviewed and applied.

What data was used: Fountas and Pinnell scores, ELI data, Grade 3 assessment data, Strong Beginnings, Teacher assessments, Report Card Data

School Priorities 2016-2017

  1. Literacy2. Numeracy3. Diversity

School Plan

Expected Outcomes / Strategies / Accountability / Monitoring systems / Data Collection
  1. By June 2022, 85% of Roland students will be reading at/or above grade level with regard to their ability to read and comprehend text in a variety of forms. (June 2018 – 65%, June 2019 – 70%, June 2020 – 75%, June 2021 – 80%)
/ -Daily Five
-Guided Reading
-Cross-curricular, literacy rich lesson plans
-Words Their Way
-Handwriting Without Tears
-Direct instruction of reading and comprehension strategies
-Precision reading
-Scheduled library time twice per cycle
-Scheduled team teaching
-Scheduled resource teacher meetings with classroom teacher / Literacy Leader
-biweekly class check-ins (scheduled)
Classroom Teachers
-all classrooms will incorporate Daily 5
-K-4 teachers will use Handwriting Without Tears as outlined in the program
-Strong Beginnings
Resource Teacher
-schedule weekly CT/RT meetings
-teacher teaming
-train and schedule in precision reading by November 2017 / -Improved reading levels
-Students will enjoy reading
-Reading scores will reflect projected outcomes / -Precision Reading
-Observation survey data
-Strong beginnings
-Grade 3 assessment data
-Teacher observation
-Teacher assessments
  1. By June 2022, 85% of Roland students will demonstrate numeracy skills at/or above grade level. (June 2018 – 70%, June 2019 – 75%, June 2020 – 80%, June 2021 – 85%)
/ -Select a numeracy assessment tool to use across all grades for growth comparison purposes
-Math centres (incorporating math manipulatives)
-Variety of grade appropriate mental math strategies taught at all levels
-Grade 1-6 Mathletics implementation
-PRIME: All teachers will receive training / Numeracy Leader
-biweekly class check-ins (scheduled)
Classroom Teachers
-contact colleagues in other schools about assessment tools
-explore common teaching materials across all grades (Math Makes Sense)
-provide opportunity for PRIME to be utilized / -Improved student math performance
-Improved student engagement in math / -Grade 3 assessment data
-Data from numeracy assessment tool that is selected
-Teacher assessments
-Teacher observation
  1. By June 2022, staff will engage with our students facing behaviour challenges to create a safe and inclusive classroom climate that invites and supports positive behaviour and skilled problem solving.
/ -CT meeting with RT once per cycle
-Team teaching opportunities (with RT & teacher leaders)
-Senior Administration support with class profiles
-Literacy & Numeracy PD opportunities
-Book Study (One Without the Other – Shelley Moore)
-PD put on by OT in handwriting without tears and self-regulation
-Recess Plans
-Character Themes
-Create efficient behaviour tracking process / Principal
-create schedules with common preps for meetings
-schedule pertinent PD opportunities
-collaborate with senior administration
-maintaining behaviour tracking records
-develop school teams
Classroom Teachers
-maintaining behaviour tracking records
-develop school-wide character theme plan (September 2017) / -increased student inclusion
-decreased/eliminated student pull out / -Survey Monkey
-F & P scores
-Behaviour tracking tool
-Students will use self-regulation equipment in the classroom
-Teacher reflection