Princess Bride Theme Analysis

This packet will take you through the steps you need to complete to write a theme analysis. Read each step carefully.

Step One: Create a Theme

Theme: a message about life, society, or human nature present in a piece of literature. A theme must be a phrase; it cannot be a single word. A single piece of literature can have more than one theme.


Not a Theme: Love

Theme: Love conquers all evil

Not a Theme: Censorship

Theme: Censorship negatively effects society

Create a list of possible themes within The Princess Bride




Step Two: Complete “Theme Analysis Planning Chart”

Step Three: Write a Thesis Statement

Directions: Take the theme you chose and the examples written briefly in your own words from the analysis planning chart and plug them into the appropriate spaces below.

______is a theme present in The Princess Bride and

(create a theme and place it here)

is shown through the following examples: ______,

(example one)

______, and ______. (example two) (example three)

Step Four: Write an Outline

Directions: Now begin to constructing your analysis.

I.  Introduction

  1. Attention grabbing introduction



  1. Author and book context information




  1. Thesis statement-copy this from above



II.  Body Paragraph One

  1. Topic sentence setting up the reader for what is to come



  1. Example from story which demonstrates the theme (quote, action, event, etc.)




  1. Explain how that example supports the theme



  1. Closing/transition sentence



III.  Body Paragraph Two

  1. Topic sentence setting up the reader for what is to come



  1. Example from story which demonstrates the theme (quote, action, event, etc.)




  1. Explain how that example supports the theme




  1. Closing/transition sentence


IV.  Body Paragraph Three

  1. Topic sentence setting up the reader for what is to come



  1. Example from story which demonstrates the theme (quote, action, event, etc.)




  1. Explain how that example supports the theme




  1. Closing/transition sentence



V.  Conclusion

  1. Restate thesis in another way



  1. Summarize main points




  1. Final thought provoking statement about the theme



Step Five: Rough Draft

Use your outline to help you construct a rough draft. The rough draft must be five paragraphs, typed, double-spaced, and in 12 point Times New Roman font. Look at the example and copy the heading. Print the rough draft.