Name: ______


Directions: Look at the pictures below and add the suffix /ful/ ,/less/ or /ly/ to the correct base word. Use the Word Bank below to check your answers.

sleepless / peaceful / friendly
quickly / fearless / helpful
thoughtful / slowly / effortless
/ly/ / Prefix
/ful/ / Suffix
quick___ / / peace___ / / effort___ /
slow___ / / thought___ / / fear____ /
friend___ / / help______/ / sleep____ /

Cantu 2008


Name: ______


Directions: Draw a line from the word with a suffix to its meaning.

1. / friendly / To do something in a quick way.
2. / slowly / Without fear
3. / quickly / To do something in a friendly way.
4. / peaceful / Something/someone that uses thought
5. / thoughtful / Something/someone that is calm and quiet.
6. / helpful / Something/someone that helps
7. / effortless / Without effort
8. / sleepless / To do something in a slow way.
9. / fearless / Without sleep

Directions: Circle the correct answer.

Cantu 2008


Name: ______

1. In the words harmless, fearless, and helpless, less means

a. to do again

b. without

c. to be happy

2. Helpful means:

a. Something or someone that helps

b. without help

c. to help again

c. not do

4. Sleepless means:

a. to sleep again

b. to do something while you are sleepy

c. to be without sleep

5. Quickly means:

a. to not be quick

b. to do something quickly

c. to be quick again

Cantu 2008
