PRIMOCID project form

General instructions:

PRIMOCID is part of the EC network activity EUPRIM-NET.

Proposals for experiments requiring rhesus monkey or marmoset models should be submitted to: . A signed paper copy must be received in addition. All questions asked below must be answered. Proposals that do not meet these criteria will not be accepted. Please use font size 10 minimum. Fill in all questions and submit the signed paper version to: Dr. M. Jonker BPRC PO box 3306 2280 GH Rijswijk Netherlands

The PRIMOCID program covers the costs of animal experimentation and determinations directly related to the animal model. All other costs are to be covered by the applicant.* The applicant is asked to provide information on how this part of the study, which is essential to the correct evaluation of the results, will be financed. All proposals will be judged for their scientific quality, justification to perform the experiments in non human primates, feasibility to bring the results to the clinic, degree of discomfort for the animals, scientific competence of the research group to perform the required additional research using blood and tissue samples from the experimental animals. Eligibility for support is also dependent on EU rules. Groups from all EU member states and associated states are eligible to submit proposals and have equal opportunity to get access. The users can not be of Dutch nationality. First users of the BPRC facility have priority over past users. Due to the limited access that can be given, only proposals will be accepted that can start within 6 months of proposal acceptation. If drug production or other preparatory work takes longer than 6 months, a definite date must be mentioned and be accompanied by an explanation.

Each group leader of a user project supported under this EC Research Infrastructure contract is requested to complete the User Group Questionnaire of the European Commission. The questionnaire at must be submitted once by each user group as soon as project is granted. The EC contract is EUPRIM-NET (026155).

* i.e. : production experimental drugs, drug level determinations, specific ex vivo assays related to the experimental treatment and/or scientific question.

1: The first page should contain:
- Descriptive title of project
- Principal applicant
- Title/Degree
- Nationality principal applicant
- Organization full legal name
- Street address
- P.O. box
- Town/city
- Postal code/Cedex
- Country
- Telephone
- Telefax
- E-mail
2: Description of proposed research project: (maximum: ±5 A4)
- non technical summary of the project, intelligible for lay people
- scientific background
- rationale and previous research relevant for proposed experiments
- applied significance
- direct aim of the study
- relevant literature
3: Rationale why proposed experiments should be conducted in nonhuman primates.
Give detailed argumentation for the use of non-human primates.
4: Exact description of animal experiment.
Describe the work to be carried out by BPRC.
The use of a flow chart or table is advised.
5: Location where experiment will be conducted
Which part of the project will be done at BPRC?
Which part of the project will be done at applicant institute?
6: Provide information on how the following items will be financed:
Drug production
Drug level determinations
Immunological and other assays related and essential to the protocol
7: Justification of animal number and species.
species (give rationale for choice)
number of animals (give statistical justification)
special requirements (specify)
Application of methods to replace, reduce and refine the use of animals in procedures
8: Expertise requested from the BPRC
- surgery (please specify)
- hematology (please specify)
- clinical chemistry (please specify)
- microbiology (please specify)
- MHC-typing (please specify)
- irradiation (please specify)
- MRI testing (frequency)
- other support (please specify)
9: Starting date.
- Planned starting date (animal experimentation must start within 6 months from mentioned starting date)
- Estimated time span.
10: Ethical justification
- provide your ethical justification of the planned experiment and address why these particular experiments must be performed now and why alternatives (such as other species, in vitro experiments, clinical research) are not possible.
11: Description of the research team
provide list of participants, affiliation and role in project
Which individuals are anticipated to stay at the BPRC and for how long?
12: CV of the principal applicant
- Education
- positions held
- honors and memberships
- relevant publications (10 maximally)
- add attachment if needed
13: Any other information
please add any other information here or as attachment



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