In GOD We Trust

As Free men, we are endowed with certain unalienable rights these rights being given by God. With this great truth and understanding, the Founding Fathers sought the Lights of Liberty to uphold Laws of Nature and Nature’s God. The great moral and spiritual words of the Declaration of Independence state our Godly purpose. “When good men do nothing Evil will flourish.” For only Under God do men follow a Heavenly Divine Purpose? The Rights of Man are not given by man, but through the Spiritual Gifts of a power greater than he.

The great men of this proud nation understood that Divine Providence is a blessing not to be taken lightly. He who understands that when words and deeds are in line with God this will bring forth freedom into one’s mind and heart. This is the essence of what the Founding Fathers understood. That when one is free to express and follow their Religious beliefs man is better served and evil turns away.

Evil searches to deny men their basic right to believe in God. Evil’s success thrives on man’s weakness to turn away from a Spiritual direction with false promises and temptation. The existence of God as supreme is not questioned by Satan, but by Satan’s hand evil thoughts are put in Man’s mind that he is Supreme to God. This brings up Man’s continued obsession to act God like to be supreme and to control all things as through Evil to be King.

Tyranny is the devils playground. When no Moral, Ethical or Religious foundation exists man is lured by power to become a Tyrant and be Satan’s great fool! The Founding Fathers saw this in their time and we see this today. We must put back our faith to religious principles that this Great nation was founded upon to always be on guard against the Tyranny that evil brings. With stated purpose we must declare:

We reject Satan’s plans to turn Brother against Brother

“In this we PRAY United by Thy Grace of God”

We reject Satan’s evil to take our Children unto him

“In this we PRAY United by Thy Grace of God”

We reject Satan’s evil to kill the Unborn

“In this we PRAY United by Thy Grace of God”

We reject Satan’s false promises that lead us to sin

“In this we PRAY United by Thy Grace of God”

We reject Satan’s Unjust Laws cast upon us

“In this we PRAY United by Thy Grace of God”

We reject Satan’s desire to remove our Christian Faith and subvert God’s Will

“In this we PRAY United by Thy Grace of God”

We most firmly reject Satan and all his works

“In this we PRAY United by Thy Grace of God”

We must conclude that Evil is amongst us threatening our Lives, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. Through stealth and cunning as the Lion stalking its prey Evil has come to rule. Under the guise ofFAIRNESS and EQUALITYdoes the Devil speak be it Communism, Socialism or Democracytocapture the Hearts and Minds of those that are weak. To know this enemy we must be strong. Through humility and grace we must turn, seeking forgiveness to receive the Heavenly Light of Faith from above that all Satan’s great Evil will be known.

This Nation Under GOD are we, given a Blessing from on High to promote freedom from Tyranny in whatever form it may be. We are a Republic to which we stand constructed by the Founding Fathers who from their Faith and Wisdom knew Christian laws are not those of Man but given by the Lord God our Creator. We can no longer Appease Non-Believers (Atheists) thee putting our Faith aside for the sake of compromise as they are not part of our “JUST CAUSE” to uphold God’s Laws. We call all believers of Gods Faith to stand United on this Common Front against Satan’s great Evil to Protect Liberty so that all Men will be FREE from this Satan’s imposed Tyranny.

We therefore cannot in good Heavenly conscious comply with Evil and its dominions to rule over this land. Through God’s grace and divinity, let us be open and candid about who we are and forever more not ashamed to pronounce our Christian faith in the Public Square. With this we do Pledge to never run from the Ambushes of Evil, but instead turn to face them head on scattering Evils plans to do us great harm. The Battle is upon us, we must hold all Evil as Enemies in War and in Peace until Gods Faith and Great Blessings are restored. Great efforts this will require to educate others of Evils Desire.

We must heal this Great Nation to be “connected in one indissoluble bond, principles of civil government to the principles of Christianity”. As our Founding Father believed, Christian principles are the bedrock, immoveable and unchangeable foundation upon which this country was built. So too must we understand this Great Truth that Evil will deny to cast out all doubt and fear. Let us move with Unity, Focus, and Moral Resolve to take back from Evil what is ours this Christian Nation given by and founded unto GOD. For this great country Under God to live and not be taken by the great Evil of Satan, we must hear and listen to our Blessed Mothers call to repent from our sins and return to love, honor and trust in thy Lord.

Written by my hand from the Grace of the Blessed Mother and through the power, glory and honor of the Most Holy Trinity—the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Inspired by “They Fired the First Shot”.

Copyright © 2013 David Kline