Thursday 7th June 2012
Sattavis Patidar Centre
Boardroom (First Floor)
Forty Avenue, Junction Of The Avenue
Wembley, Middx
Chair - Irwin Van Colle (IVC) – Patient Representative
Vice Chair - Angela Reeves (AR) - Kingsbury Commissioning Locality Representative
Item / Agenda Item / Action1. / Welcome, Introductions and Apologies
IVC welcomed everyone attending the meeting as noted in Appendix A
Isabelle Iny was welcomed as a guest. II is a member of Brent’s Clinical Commissioning Group and lay member of the LMC.
It was noted the meeting was quorate with patient representation from practices (10 out of 16 practices present).
All apologies are noted in Appendix A.
No declarations of interest were made.
2. / Minutes from 5th April 2012
Page 5 – It was pointed on page 5 of the attendance register that HL is not a Councillor of the Preston Ward although Jean Hossain is. To be removed.
Mr Michael Turner was in attendance at the last meeting in April.
All attendees were notified to ensure that they sign in as the attendance register is used for the minutes. / NH
3. / Matters Arising (Update on Action Points)
Second patient questionnaire
The sub mini group devised a second questionnaire for practices to complete. This was sent to all practice managers with a note inviting them to the next PRG meeting.
At present 3 out of 16 practice questionnaires have been returned.
AR highlighted that the information being sought already exists on various domains e.g. NHS Choices and can help along with the interim improvement manager collate the information on behalf of all the Kingsbury practices. IVC concurred with this.
“Changing Healthcare” Presentation
The Changing Healthcare presentation was emailed to all the PRG members following the last meeting and posted to those that do not have an email address.
4. / Review of Terms of Reference and Constitution
The PRG terms of reference were deferred in view of the changes to the Brent constitution.
The Brent Link Chair MR asked for his comments on the existing PRG TOR’s to be considered. IVC confirmed that his comments will be taken into account when the ToRs are revised
5. / Development of a Strategy for Public Engagement
IVC highlighted that he has been in intense discussion with the Harness PRG Chair as all PPG Chairs have been contacted by NHS Brent to attend a meeting on 12th June. A formal invite has been sent to Brent Links.
IVC was concerned that the Chairs have never met before and feels that needs to happen in order to have a common patient view.
At present there is no patient Chair of the Willesden PRG. Wembley does not have an active PRG but Kingsbury has the largest, active and advanced PPG out of all the five localities. The Chair of Harness is keen to adopt Kingsbury’s objectives.
II advised that the meeting on the 12th will discuss patient and public involvement including the emerging membership of the EDEN (equality, diversity and engagement) Committee. The key discussion of the meeting will be to identify with the PPG chairs that should be on this Committee.
It was asked what powers the EDEN Committee will have. The committee will have powers to influence the decision taking of the main CCG committee as it will be essential that the EDEN committee is consulted on the CCG’s strategy before decisions are taken.
Faizal Yousufzai was welcomed and introduced. FY has been tasked to work on the development of the patient and public engagement strategy for NHS Brent.
Patients were advised that the slides produced at the meeting were a working draft and need patients to feedback on the proposed model for the equality and diversity and engagement group. It was felt the proposed operating model was not clear i.e. in what part of the diagram will patients make decisions. It was also requested that acronyms should not be used.
II advised NHS Brent will be consulting on the constitution and is engaging patients as quickly as possible due to the pace of change and time scales it has to work to. All PPG members will receive the final draft of the constitution which will be circulated in July.
There were concerns that there are not currently 5 PPG Chairs across Brent. Patients were advised that PPGs in each locality were at a different stage of development.
EDEN will look at supporting development of the current locality PPG Chairs. It is hoped the committee will be made up of stake holders such as the local authority and health partners.
Further information will be sent out regarding an open consultation event on the 28th June. This meeting is an opportunity for all to be involved in the patient and public engagement strategy for Brent.
6. / Planned Care Outpatient Procurement on Ophthalmology and Cardiology
Anna Carratt,the Associate Director of Private Public & Ltd, was introduced.
Private Public & Ltd were appointed, back in December 2011, by NHS Brent, to work on a number of projects. NHS Brent is consulting on ophthalmology (disorders of the eyes) and cardiology (disorders of the heart) in order to engage patients at an early stage in developing new services in the community. The consultation will inform the development of these services in the community.
At present sites are being considered to move these services from the hospitals into the community. The aim is to move care closer to home and minimise the number of steps along the way to make the experience better and less confusing for patients and carers.
AS advised that there are currently services where patients are seen in the community. An example is the cardiology clinic where patients are seen for heart failure, murmurs and angina. GP’s that have specialist interests have been providing that care for patients for many years in such clinics.
Brent needs to understand the needs of the community with regards to outpatient ophthalmology and cardiology services.
Patients felt the questionnaire would have been more useful if it had listed the types of conditions that were being considered being re-provided in primary care. PPL replied they do not have a definite list of conditions at present but this consultation was really focusing on the issues that mattered to the patients and healthcare professionals with the shift of any of the services into the community.
AS advised the group of the types of conditions that could be looked at:
- Glaucoma
- Small eye cysts
- Retinopathy
- Dry eyes
- Initial assessment
- Follow up appointment
- Heart Failure
- Follow up care
- Stable angina
- Difficult to control Blood Pressure
- Problems with heart rhythm
- Heart Murmur
Comments can also be made online and will be anonymous. The questionnaire website link will be shared with the PPG. All were advised the link is available on the Brent’s Council web page.
The deadline for responses is Monday 25th June 2012.
7. / Any Other Business
A meeting was held with all Brent GP practices on the 17th May where the draft constitution was presented. Comments on the draft have been taken into consideration and will be reflected in version 2 of the document.
The constitution document will be shared with patients once it is available.
The next PPG meeting will be held in July instead of August due to emerging agenda and decisions that have to be made along with needing to avoid holding the meeting when the Olympics were taking place.
It was also agreed that the October meeting should be moved from the 4th to the 11th October.
AR thanked IVC for all his hard work and his Chairmanship, which had led Kingsbury to being seen as the most well developed PPGs in Brent.
8. / Next Kingsbury Patient Participation Group Meeting Date
Date: Thursday 12th July 2012
Time: 6.30 – 7.30pm
Venue: Boardroom -1st Floor
Sattavis Patidar Centre
Forty Avenue, Junction of the Avenue
Wembley, Middx
9. / Close – 8pm
No / Action / Initials1. / Page 5 – Councillor of the Preston Ward to be removed.
Add Mr Michael Turner to the April attendance register. / NH
2. / Second questionnaire - collect information from domains on behalf of the practice managers. / JM
3. / Send 28th June’s consultation meeting invitation to PPG members along with the June slide presentation and revised meeting dates. / NH
4. / Feedback from the 28th June’s Brent patient meeting / IVC
5. / PRG members to comment and return the planned care ophthalmology & cardiology procurement questionnaire. / PRG
6. / Cancel August meeting room booking and rebook for July (inform caterers). / NH
7. / Move October meeting room booking from 4th to the 11th (inform caterers). / NH
8. / Draft Constitution to be shared with practices in July / JM/AR
9. / Send PPG July meeting poster to practices / NH
10. / Practices to display July meeting poster / Practices
Thursday 7th June2012
Sattavis Patidar Centre
Wembley, Middx
Co Chairs
1 / Irwin Van Colle / IVC / Chalkhill Family Practice (Interim Patient Chair)2 / Angela Reeves / AR / Forty Willows Surgery (Practice Manager, Kingsbury Clinical Lead & Chair)
Present – 10 out of 16 practices
3 / Dr Ajit Shah / AS* / Primary Care Medical Centre, (GP & Kingsbury Clinical Director)4 / Arlette Ta - min / AT / Primary Care Medical Centre
5 / Ella Ng Chieng Hin / EH / Primary Care Medical Centre
6 / Dennis Tyler / DT / Primary Care Medical Centre
7 / George Toon / RL / Preston Road Surgery
8 / Richard Wisdom / RW / Forty Willows Surgery
9 / Abraham Schaufeld / AS / Forty Willows Surgery
10 / Vera Schaufeld / VS / Forty Willows Surgery
11 / Pauline Campbell / PC / Forty Willows Surgery
12 / Monica Barton / MB / Chalkhill Family Practice
13 / Valerie Pope / VP / Chalkhill Family Practice
14 / Mansukh Raichura / MR / Brampton Health Centre
15 / Kishor Hirani / KH / Stag Lane Medical Centre
16 / S Khokhrai / SK / Stag Lane Medical Centre
17 / Ramji Patel / RP / Stag Lane Medical Centre
18 / Joan Channen / JC / Stag Lane Medical Centre
19 / Clive Brand / CB / Willow Tree Family Doctors
20 / Phil Sealy / PH / Willow Tree Family Doctors
21 / Hazel Lunniss / HL / Willow Tree Family Doctors
22 / D Harper / DH / Fryent Way Surgery
23 / Seb Malde / SM / Fryent Medical Centre
24 / Pat Turner / PT / Ellis Practice
25 / Michael Turner / PT / Ellis Practice
26 / Jane Miles / JM / Kingsbury Locality Interim Improvement Manager
27 / Anna Carratt / AC / NHS Brent28 / Maya Polak / MP / NHS Brent
29 / Faraz Yousufzai / FY / NHS Brent
Minute taker
30 / Natasha Harnett / NH / Kingsbury Locality CoordinatorApologies
31 / Renuka Lingeswaran / RL / Preston Road Surgery Practice Manager32 / Valerie Burden / VB / Fryent Way Surgery Practice Manager
Kingsbury Locality Patient Representative Group Meeting – 7th June 2012
Terms of Reference
1Role of Chair and Vice-Chair
- Oversee conduct of meetings
- Agreement of agenda
ChairPatient representative
Vice-Chair Primary care representative
2Role ofSecretary and Admin support
- Draft Agenda and Action Notes for agreement with Chair
- Organise dates, room booking and refreshments
Secretary Patient representative
Admin SupportConsortium representative
3Elections to Roles
- Election by secret ballot on date agreed by PPG
- Up to two agenda items to be proposed at preceding meeting for agreement by PPG participants
- Further urgent agenda items to be agreed by the Chair and Vice-Chair
5Voting on agenda items
- Agenda items will be discussed fully to ensure everyone feels informed on the issue
- Decisions by simple majority of those present
- Chair has casting vote if there is no majority
- Aim for all practices to be represented by at least one person
- Space for at least one person from Brent LINK/Healthwatch
- Condition specific patients as appropriate
- Cluster Service Improvement Manager
- Five practice representatives - to be reviewed as PPG is established
8Meeting frequency
- Every two months, booked one year in advance
- Papers received five days before the meeting
Functions of Kingsbury Consortium PPG
1Kingsbury Consortium PPG is a forum to create a partnership between patients and their caring professionals to create a local health service in the top quartile of performance in London.
2Kingsbury Consortium PPG is local forum for discussing proposals about pathways and other initiatives affecting patients before decisions are taken. This excludes individual clinical decisions.
3Kingsbury Consortium PPG will work with health professionals to seek to eliminate waste in the commissioning budgets e.g. unwarranted visits to A&E and missed appointments.
4There is a clear understanding that health professionals will spend the commissioning budget as they see fit on each patient’s needs but that Kingsbury Consortium PPG is consulted on the cluster commissioning strategy.
5Kingsbury Consortium PPG has the right to consider how its patient charter, Kingsbury Consortium Healthcare Provision - “No decision about us without us being involved” is being implemented.
Ground Rules
- This meeting is not a forum for individual complaints and single issues
- We advocate open and honest communication and challenge between individuals
- We will be flexible, listen, ask for help and support each other
- We will demonstrate a commitment to delivering results as a group
- Silence indicates agreement – speak up, but always go through the Chair
- All views are valid and will be listened to
- No phones or other disruptions
- We will start and finish on time and stick to the agenda
KPPG Agreed Objectives
Kingsbury Cluster Healthcare Provision
“No decision about us without us being involved”
What do patients want from their local healthcare provision?
aAbility to see a doctor when required
Emergencysame day
Non-emergencywithin 48 hours
bSystem capable of arranging referrals if and when required
Emergencysame day
Non-emergencywithin 7 days
cTrained support staff to cope with chronic conditions if doctors are not available
2Quality of Service delivery
aAvailability of extended appointments
bAdvice and guidance available for out of hours problems
cCommunication about methods of dispute resolution and assistance
dAvailability of advocacy if required
eAdequate support for patients with sensory, physical and communication
aAlternative doctors to cover for absence of regular doctor
bAdvice always available over phone
cPrescription dispensing under control
aAdequate budget if patient needs are doctor prescribed
bLocal infrastructure capable of providing all but emergency support
What must any new system of local healthcare be able to provide?
aPublic Servants usually happier if accountable to their communities
bDefinitely not under local authority control, but with LA participation
cPatients in control of their own cases in partnership with their own
dThe local healthcare system accountable to its patient base in broad
Kingsbury Locality Patient Representative Group Meeting – 7th June 2012