Mostar-Hotel „ERO“

5 and 6 October, 2007


UNESCO-BRESCE Venice, in co-operation with University of Ljubljana, Academy of Sciences and Arts of BH, Impro Impex Center for Renewable Energy Sources Mostar and Energy 3 Mostar, is organizing a seminar"Renewable Energy Sources in BH and European Perspective“ which will take place in Mostar, Hotel ERO from 5 – 6 October, 2007.

The purpose of the seminar is to promote and develop research in sector of renewable sources of energy in BH and implement it according to the guidelines of Energy Association for South-East Europe and Energy Policy of EU. It is necessary for BH to increase the share in renewable energy sector.

Analysis of actual sector status of renewable energy resources in BH, relating to legislatorial framework, energy policy, business and financial aspects will be presented.

Current status and perspective of development of this form of energy in Europe and process of development in BH will be exposed by lecturers who are prominent experts from the areas of renewable energy sources.

Participants of the seminar are going to be institutional structures in BH, electricity power companies and business subjects, non-governmental associations and scientific institutions.

The aim of the seminar is to confirm justification of utilization of renewable energy sources, which besides a direct impact on production of energy and transfer of technology, helps opening new jobs and contributes to development of local community-rural area.

Within the seminar, a presentation of current R&D activities in BH will be organized. The purpose of those presentations will be to exchange knowledge and synchronize activities in the West Balkan and EU area.

Conclusions of the seminar will be presented and discused through interdisclipinary discussions and round tables by the lecturers.

Preliminary program of the seminar

1.  Perspectives of Energetic association for countries in Southeast Europe and policy and program of EU relating to renewable energy sources,

2.  Perspectives of development of renewable energy sources in BH,

3.  Increasing of share of renewable energy sources in BH : law regulation, possibility of financing, fonds and support (round table),

4.  Achievement in the region of renewable energy sources : biomass, hydrogen and biofuel, solar energy and PV, chemical energy sources, wind energy, energetic efficency.

Registration and participation:

The application form is in appendix.

Participation fee is 200 KM (100 EUR)

All the costs for lecturers outside BH will be covered by UNESCO-BRESCE.

Seminar will be carried out in BH and English language and simultaneous translation will be provided for.

All interested parties are invited to participate and contribute to quality of the seminar. An interchange of experiences and opinions on the subject is wellcome.

For further information you can send e-mail to: ,

Contact persons :

1.  Prof. Dr. Stane Pejovnik

University of Ljubljana

Tel: + + 386 1 24 19 350

Fax: + + 386 1 24 19 350


2.  Suad Zalihić

Center for renewable energy sources Impro Impex Mostar

Tel: + + 387 36 668 940

Fax: + + 387 36 580 116


Timeschedule of seminar :

Thursday, 4.10.2007

18.00 -20.00 – Hotel Ero, Arrival and Registration

20.00 -21.00 – Hotel Ero, Welcome Reception

Friday, 5.10.2007

8.00 -8.45- Arrival and Registration

8.45 – 9.00- Opening - Chairpersons: Enes Sarač and Silvio Dottorini

Introduction into the Seminar by President of ANUBiH PhD Božidar Matić

9.00 – 9.30 Official Opening of Seminar and Welcome Address:

-  Mayor of City Mostar, Mr.Ljubo Bešlić

-  Director of UNESCO BRESCE Venice, Mr. Engelbert Rouss

-  Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia in BH, Mrs Nataša Vodušek

-  President of Presidency of BH, Mr. Željko Komšić

-  Minister of Ministry of energy, mining and Industry of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr Vahid Hećo

9.30-10.00- Coffee Break – Press Conference and Photo Session

Session I:- Chairpersons : Stane Pejovnik, Mehmed Behmen

1.  / 10:00 – 10:30 / Academician, Božidar Matić / Criterial basis for renewable energy sources
2.  / 10:30 – 11:00 / Academician, Naim Afgan / Future develoment of energy sector in Western Balkan Sector
3.  / 11:00 – 11:30 / Academician, Alija Lekić / Current situation of energy sector in BH
4.  / 11:30 – 12:00 / Franco Cotana / The Italian Biomass Research Centre activities
5.  / 12:00 – 12:30 / Francesco Di Mario / Fuel cells: an opportunity for decentralized energy production
6.  / 12:30 – 13:00 / Giuliano Martinelli / History and perspectives of Concentrators

13:00 – 14:00 – Lunch

Session II- Chairpersons: Naim Afgan, Miralem Čampara

7.  / 14:00 – 14:30 / Stane Pejovnik / Chemical energy sources
8.  / 14:30 – 15:00 / Marko Citterio, Francesco Asdrubali / Solar energy and energy buildings
9.  / 15:00 – 15:30 / Rešad Malović, Enes Sarač / Perspectives of energy production from small hydro electric power plants in BH

15:30 – 16:00 –Coffee Break

Session III: – Chairpersons: Silvio Dottorini, Suad Zalihić

10.  / 16:00 – 16:30 / Peggy Friis (Wind Farms - Dennmark) / Wind energy, market and technology development, a good resource for many countries
11.  / 16:30 – 17:00 / Ole Rathmann (RISØ –Roskilde Denmark) / Research in the field of wind energy
12.  / 17:00 – 17:30 / Elvir Zlomušica,
Mehmed Behmen / Research of Wind energy resources on complex terrains in BH

17:30 – 18:00 – Coffe Break

Session IV - Presentation of BiH Research Groups in Renewable Energy Sector and

Discussion of Posters

13.  / 18:00 – 18:45 / -  EP HZ-HB Mostar
(wind energy)
-  Energy3 Mostar
(wind energy)
-  Bičakćić Sarajevo
(Small hydroplants)
14.  / 18:45 – 19:15 / Presentation of Programme of establishing Center for renewable energy sources Mostar

20:30 – Dinner for Lecturers /Restaurant Kriva Ćuprija/

Saturday, 06.10.2007

Session V – Round table : Moderators: Božidar Matić, Silvio Dottorini, Miralem Čampara

15.  / 8:30 – 8:45 / Amra Avdagić / Directions of development of institutions for research and role of country BH
16.  / 8:45 – 9:00 / Academician Alija Lekic / Cogeneration, development perspectives and dimension of encouragement in BiH
17.  / 9:00 – 9:15 / Almir Bećarević / Gasification Project in BH
18.  / 9:15 – 9:30 / Srecko Vucina / Essential of development of power network as a stimulant for investing in energy sector in BH
19.  / 9:30 – 9:45 / Miralem Čampara / Law regulation in BH from domain of renewable energy sources – Some experiences in development of projects in BH
20.  / 9:45 – 10:00 / Amira Pintul
Hilmo Šehović / Activities of Federal ministry of energy, mining and industry on regularisation of renewable sources of energy
21.  / 10:00 – 10:15 / Vjekoslav Domljan / Possibilities of financing development programs from energetics domain in BH
22.  / 10:15 – 10:30 / Stane Pejovnik / Possibilities of utilization of EU funds for examinations and development of sector of renewable eenrgy resources in BH
23.  / 10:30 – 10:45 / Aleksandar Knežević / Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kyoto protocol

10:45 – 11:15 - Concludings remarks

Organizing Committee:

1. Silvio Dottorini Co-Chairman

2. Miralem Čampara Co-Chairman

3. Stane Pejovnik Co-Chairman

4. Mehmed Behmen

5. Fuad Ćatović

6. Branko Grk

7. Alija Lekić

8. Vlado Marić

9 Amra Pintul

10. Enes Sarač

11. Vojo Višekruna

12. Srećko Vučina

13. Faik Begić

14. Alija Turajlić

15. Mirsad Šarić

16. Ljubo Bešlić

17. Rusmir Čišić