Price Comparison for Purchases of Construction Services

$10,000 to $249,999

(Rev 01/01/2015)


To comply with the requirements of our funding sources, you must document a basis for supplierselection and proof of reasonable price by performing a price comparison (Section A). If there is justification for not performing a price comparison, document the justificationin Sections B1 and B2.


This documentation is required to be filled out and retained as part of the permanent departmental purchase record for purchases totaling$10,000 – $249,999. Complete Section A or Section B. You will have to manually calculate totals at the bottom of the Section A.

Use the Documents Library to get a fresh copy of the form each time it is needed to ensure use of the most current version

Note the following when requesting a bid:

  • It is recommended you request a bid from a firm that is listed as a Registered Vendor with the University.
  • The Vendor cannot charge a Change Order Mark-up Percent that exceeds 8%.

  • Prevailing Wage Rates must be paid on ALL projects. Current Wage Rates can be found on the Department of Labor & Industry website.
  • Insurance is required on ALL projects. Vendor must maintain the Limits noted in Article 11 of the A201 General Conditions.

  • Responsible Contractor Verification and Certification Compliance is required on projects exceeding $50,000. Vendor must submit, with their bid, the 00900 Form.
  • Payment and Performance Bonds are required on projects exceeding $100,000. Vendor must include the cost for Bonds in their bid.

  • Targeted Business and Urban Community Development Questionnaire is required on projects exceeding $100,000. Vendor must submit, with their bid, the 00658-A Form.

QUESTIONS–Submit all questions regarding this Form to

Date: / Name of Person Completing this Form:
Required / Required

Section A.Attempt to obtain three or more competitive bids. Bids MUST be hard copy and be submitted with this Form.

Geographical preferences may not be used as a selection criteria when choosing a vendor.

1st Vendor Name / 2nd Vendor Name / 3rd Vendor Name / 4th Vendor Name
Contact Name
Contact Email
Base Bid
Add Alternate(s) (if applicable)
(if applicable)
Change Order Mark-up Percent
Awarded Vendor:
If lowest priced Vendor did not receive award, please explain:

Section B.If a price comparison (See Section A) was not performed, complete Section B1 AND B2 below to justify an exception.

B1.) Check the appropriate box or fill out "other" section.

Justifiable Exceptions

1) / Funding source or granting agency specified a single supplier.


Justifiable Exceptions (Emergency)

1) / A threat to health, welfare, safety.
2) / A significant loss to the University.
3) / A failure to provide core services to University students/faculty/staff.
**Note: The urgency cannot be caused by department's own lack of planning.



B2.)Price Reasonableness

In the absence of a price comparison, how can you be assured that the price quoted by this single supplier is reasonable?

Negotiation with Vendor. Explain vendor’s concession.
Qualified individual with knowledge of the market for this item(s) judges the price to be reasonable:
(a) what is the individual’s name
(b) what makes this individual qualified to make a judgment of reasonableness
Other evidence that price is reasonable: