DRAFT – definitely subject to revision!

Installing SAS 9.1.3, stand-alone versions on a PC.

(prepared by Wendy Bergerud)Last saved on 05 November 2004

These instructions are based a few installs, each of which differed somewhat. Most of the pictures come from an example install done on an old Win NT machine. I was able to install SAS (Base SAS, SAS/Access Interface to PC Files, SAS/Graph and SAS/STAT) with just four of the eighteen CDs:

1)SAS Setup

2)Software Disk 1

3)Software Disk 3

4)Shared Components

Other CDs may be necessary if you install more than this. Consider installing the Enterprise Guide which involves one more CD. All CDs are currently stored in S: dive at \\fshre-r3\ROOT\Apps\Vendor\SAS\SAS 9.1.3 Original CDs (this link should take you to the right place!) If you want to save your current window settings and preferences then do that BEFORE you start installing SAS. See Appendix for how to save the files with this information.

The steps, in excruciating detail are outlined below.

1)Execute sas.exe on the SAS Setup Disk or directory (\\fshre-r3\ROOT\Apps\Vendor\SAS\SAS 9.1.3 Original CDs\SAS Setup Disk\sas.exe).

2)You will see a window called SAS Software Navigator that says it is Initializing . . .

3)You will then be asked to choose your language. English is the default.

Then you will see the software installation window below.
Look at the second column called End User Steps and run step 2 – Verify System Requirements. If your system passes and/or after you made the required changes, then run Step 3 – Install SAS Software.

The following steps 5 and 6 are necessary if some supporting software needs to be added to your machine. If that software is already there, then you won’t see these steps.

5)Follow the steps of the installation wizard. You can leave the following password request blank and avoid the automatic logon.

6)Then you should get a screen that looks like:

This tells you what software SAS needs to update on your machine. Click on next and let itinstall everything. Then you must restart your machine.

For this example machine, quite a bit of stuff had to be loaded. After the restart we got the following message:

So, click on next. When this is finished we got:

7) Now we get this window again: This time we click on step 4: Install SAS 9.1 Foundation.

Now we get the SAS setup screens:

Click Next

8) We get the following screen. We must now tell SAS where the setinit file is. We choose the file option. Click Next.

We fill in the next screen with the file’s location (using browse) and then click on Next.

We now get a screen that looks like this. You can scroll down and look at if it you’d like. When you are finished, click on Next.

Then you will see a screen like:

Then you get a language selection window, so choose your language(s):

Now you get this screen. You must tell SAS where you want to save the program files. For a stand-alone version of SAS, the default folder in C: might work if there is enough space there. If you want to change the default then you can click on browse and find the spot you want.

Specify data files folder. I THINK that this is where your personal profile information goes.

Where do you want the saswork directory to be? This is the default value:

9) Now we are going to begin choosing which SAS components we want to install!

Expand the root to see and choose the BASE component:

Choose SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC/Files – this allows you to import and export EXCEL and ACCESS files.

If you want SAS/Graph here is the place to check it. Also, this screen shows you the ETS and IML components.

Here is the place to check the SAS/STAT module. Notice that the amount of space required to load all the selected components is listed below the screen (I made the screenshots AFTER I had selected everything!).

Once everything has been selected, hit next.

Now, we have to tell SAS where the install CD’s or files are. Here I have specified a copy of the Software Disk 1 that has been placed on S:drive.

Things are working!

Now we must specify the location for the Software Disk 3. Again we use the copy on S:drive. It doesn’t seem to need this one for very long, unlike the Disk 1.

Now we need the SAS Shared Components CD:

You may be asked to register a variety of file types for SAS use. These include the log, sas and sc2 extensions. You will have to make this decision for yourself and your setup.

Near the End! We need the Setup Disk again.

SAS is now successfully installed!

10) We can start it and make a few changes to make it look the way we are used to. When we first start it we get this prompt for start guides for SAS. Click the little box to the bottom left if you don’t want to see this again.

11) For some reason SAS does not automatically put an icon on our desktop. But we can do that manually. Right click somewhere on the desktop and choose New then Shortcut. You will get the screen like the one shown below. Use the browse button to find the sas.exe file where you installed SAS on your machine.

Type in a name for the Shortcut. I chose to call it SAS 9.1.2. Then click Finish.

We can modify this shortcut that we have created to have some useful properties. We do this by right-clicking on the short-cut, choosing properties and choosing the ShortCut tab. We should see something that looks like:

To choose the working folder within the shortcut add –sasinitialfolder “.” to the end of the text in the Target window. To choose the working folder associated with that shortcut, type it into the Start in: window. This dialogue box should now look like:

12) I like to have the results and explorer windows undocked and minimized. To do this highlight the explorer window, then click on the window drop-down menu and uncheck docked. Do the same for the results window. Then minimize them both. Our SAS window now looks like:

To keep this setup again when you restart: Click on the Tools drop-down menu, choose options, and then preferences. Click on the Save Setting on Exit box.

Close SAS. Restart, then go back to the Preferences box and uncheck the Save Settings on Exit box so that each time SAS starts up, it looks the same.

13) How do I setup access to the online docs CD?? It is located at "S:\Apps\Vendor\SAS\Sas9.1.2\Original CDs\803 Mid-Tier Media\OnlineDoc for the Web" Apparently it needs something called WEBDOC to be loaded??

Appendix: Saving your current window settings and preferences.

You must find and backup two files that are stored in your SASUSER library. If you don’t know where that library is stored then:

Go the SAS Explorer window and find SASUSER.

2)Right click on SASUSER and choose Properties.

3)If you click on the down arrow at the top and to the right, you will see the name of the directory where the files in the SASUSER library are stored.

4)Using windows explorer, go to this directory and backup the files called profile.sas7bcat and profile3.sas7bcat.

5)When the new SAS is installed, copy these files into the new SASUSER directory, where ever it is for the new version of SAS. You will have to replace the default files that are already there.

Now you should be in business!