Parks Advisory Board Minutes
March 2, 2011
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Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting of March 2, 2011
7:30 a.m. — Carpenter House at Hollywood North Beach Park – Hollywood
Members Present: / Members Absent: / Others Present:Patrick Brochu / Jack Talabisco (excused) / Mayor Sue Gunzburger
Terry Danger / Dan West, Parks
Keathan Frink / Mike Harlan, Parks
Tyson Jones / Cyndy Baker, Parks
Marc Kiar / Cheryl Cayer, Parks
Stephen Lawson / Cathy Hagen, Parks
Jack Mathison / Lou Metz, Parks
Catherine Minnis / Sarah Perkins, Parks
Heather Moraitis / Laurel Person, Parks
Quentin Morgan / Jim Federici, HCED
Stephanie Munson / Patrice Eichen, County Attorney’s Office
Marsha Oster-Levy
Guy Roper
Sheila Rose
Nick Steffens
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (Board) meeting was called to order by Jack Mathison, Chair, at 7:35 a.m., after which all present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
New Business: Three new Board appointees were introduced and invited to speak. Heather Moraitis represents District 4 Commissioner Chip LaMarca, Keathan Frink represents District 7 Vice-Mayor John E. Rodstrom, Jr., and Tyson Jones represents District 9 Commissioner Dale V. C. Holness.
Approval of Minutes: Roll was called; a quorum was present. Chair Mathison requested a motion to approve the minutes of the February 2, 2011 meeting. A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously passed.
Employee of the Month: Molly Taylor was congratulated as March’s Employee of the Month. Ms. Taylor was applauded for her leadership skills, professional manner, work ethic and enthusiasm, and was awarded a framed certificate of appreciation as well as a gift certificate to a local restaurant. South District Superintendant Sarah Perkins accepted Ms. Taylor’s awards on her behalf since she was unable to attend the meeting.
Park Manager’s Report: Director Dan West welcomed the Board to the Carpenter House, noting that this morning’s meeting is only the second official meeting to be held there since the renovation. He directed the Board’s attention to the historical photos being displayed throughout the second floor, and described plans for the site, which include interpretive tours, meetings on the second floor, small weddings on the lawn, a sea turtle exhibit and interpretation area, and a gift shop. The main issue being considered is parking, and talks are ongoing with the City of Hollywood to devise a plan that will increase the availability of adequate parking. Laurel Person, Parks and Recreation Manager V, described the preparations being made to use the site as a rental location for small weddings, meetings, and retreats. The Board discussed various transportation and parking options for future events at the site.
Parks and Recreation Division Update: Director West discussed several agenda items that the Division brought before the Commission, including the agreement with Memorial Hospital for its employees’ use of the parking lot at C.B. Smith Park and the renewal of an existing relationship with Broward Sheriff’s Office for its use of the Target Range at Markham Park. Mr. West met with the Commissioners, County Administrator Bertha Henry, and Director of the Office of Management and Budget Kayla Olsen, on the day previous to today’s meeting for a Budget Workshop, where he gave a brief presentation to summarize the Comprehensive Analysis. Staff will be involved in the budget process as it progresses. Referring to the Budget Workshop of the previous day, Mayor Sue Gunzburger praised Mr. West’s vision to make the parks better than they have ever been. The Board discussed the recommendation included in the Comprehensive Analysis to create enterprise operations within the Division, how to staff and build on the concept, develop a business plan, and create synergies with staff and the Division’s assets so that staff is able to see a return on their efforts. Mr. West updated the Board on the Fallen Officer Memorial at Markham Park – the groundbreaking took place the previous Saturday with approximately 100 people in attendance, including local police and representatives from federal and state agencies. The supporters have started the drive to raise about $750,000 and anticipate opening the memorial by next spring. The Board and staff discussed the reopening of parks that have been closed two days each week – four regional parks will reopen daily in conjunction with spring break. The under-utilization and under-capacity of several parks was discussed, in particular Central Broward Regional Park. Staff will look to the upcoming business plan for ways to improve utilization and capacity at the parks.
Mayor Gunzburger spoke briefly about the complaints her office receives and the economics of staffing as related to the park closures. She commended the work that has been done on the Carpenter House to reflect the period of the prior owners’ residence while bringing the facility up to modern standards. Mayor Gunzburger also commented on the synergy of Parks working with Nova Southeastern University for the sea turtle interpretive center and the mutual benefits of such an arrangement.
Bond Construction Update: Jim Federici, Planning and Design, reviewed bond projects currently under construction and provided each member of the Board with a copy of the Project Status Report summarizing the current bond projects, and distributed photographs of projects that are nearing completion at Tradewinds Park and Quiet Waters Park. Several new projects are in the Design or Planning Stage, and are listed in the Project Status Report. These include Miramar Pinelands and Everglades Holiday Park.
Public Communications Group Update: Public Communications Group Supervisor Cyndy Baker provided an informative PowerPoint presentation about the section’s marketing activities, integrated benefits-based advertising campaign, and overall responsibilities in support of Parks and Recreation. The Public Communications Group assists all sections of the Division: the regional and neighborhood parks, nature centers and natural areas, extension education, and the administrative offices with graphic design and printing requirements, media releases, keeping the Web site up to date, and most any job that relates to providing information about Parks and Recreation to the public. The group is working on updating kiosks and developing Advantage Marketing, mobile media, and social networking.
Old Business: Board member Levy asked for an update on the work being done at Plantation Heritage Park. Staff asked the Board to replenish the supply of gift cards for its Employee of the Month program. Chair Mathison announced that long-time Board member Sharon Kent was not reappointed to the Board but would appreciate being kept up to date on the Board’s activities.
Board Meeting adjourned at 9:56 a.m.
Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held at Tree Tops Park, April 6, 2011 at 7:30 a.m.