c)DaltonE. Hamilton Memorial National CWI Of The Year Award. This award, administered by the Certification Committee, is given annually by the American Welding Society as a means of recognizing individuals participating in the Senior Certified Welding Inspector (SCWI) and Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) program whose inspection, American Welding Society, professional activity and civic activities are considered to have enhanced public awareness and opinion of both the Society and the CWI program or otherwise have made an outstanding contribution to the science of welding inspection.
There are three levels of consideration for this Award; National Level, District Level and Section Level. A single nomination may indicate that the nominee is to be considered for all three levels. Selection for the District and Section Level of the awards are made by the District Awards Committee, at the District conference. The National Level of the Award shall be determined by the AWS Certification Committee.
Each AWS District Awards Committee, with its District Director's approval, may submit the name of one nominee by August 1. There are also three other methods of nomination. The nominations will be held for a period of three years during which the recipient may be selected. The recipient is presented a certificate at the Annual Awards Luncheon during the AWS Show.
Beck, W. R. (2003)
Cole, G. L. (1996)
Fairbanks, Jr., G. D. (2004)
Falbo, P. (1999)
Hennessy, J. P. (2005)
Hoffman, J. J. (1992)
Kriger, G. D. (1994)
Lewis, W. J. (1988)
Mancuso, L. A. (1989)
Plumstead, R. F. (2000)
Sanquini, E. V. (1990)
Sisson, J.E. (1995)
Slote, R. C. (1997)
Soref, E. (1991)
Stockton, K. R. (2002)
Timmerman, H. T. (2001)
Tuttle-Stewart, J. (1993)
NOMINATION FORM – Complete and follow attached submission instructions
** Designate level of desired recognition: National-CWI__ or District-CWI__
or Section CWI__ ; More than one level of recognition may be designated
District Affiliation: / Section Affiliation:Member Number: / CWI Certification Number: Expiration:
Name of Nominee:
Home Address:
Home Telephone: Email address:
Present Employment:
Position/Title: Service: From-To
Type of Business:
Previous Employment:
Position/Title: Service: From-To
Type of Business:
Section Offices Held:
District/National Offices Held:
Civic/Professional Participation:
Publications/Presentations/lectures (place and date):
I certify the foregoing is a true statement of the requested information, and hereby give permission for verification if required.
When additional room is required for any line item, additional sheets may be appended to the nomination form.
Note! The nomination submission shall be assembled in the following order:
Top page – nominee’s photograph with name.
Second page - District Director’s cover letter, if available.
Third page - Certificate of “Surprise Nomination” and required attestation from nominator. (If applicable.)
Fourth page - Nomination form and additional sheets when additional room was required.
Fifth page - Supervisor’s “Letter of Recommendation”.
Sixth page - Peer’s “Letter of Recommendation”.
All other supporting documentation or exhibits.
(Do not include entire books, pamphlets, articles or pamphlets, just copies of the title and author reference pages, or publication references.)
Forward completed nomination packet to either your District Director, if submitted through the District nominating Committee or to:
Wendy Sue Reeve
Managing Director, Foundation
and Administrative Services
American Welding Society
550 NW LeJeune Road
Miami, FL 33126
** Submission deadline for nomination is August 1, one year prior to year of recognition i.e. submitted August 1, 2009 for 2010 recognition. **
Selection of the DaltonE. Hamilton Memorial
Certified Welding Inspector of the Year Award
This award is sponsored by the American Welding Society in memory of Dalton E. Hamilton, who contributed greatly to the success of the Society’s Certified Welding programs. This award recognizes AWS members participating in the SCWI/CWI programs whose inspection, Society and civic activities have enhanced public awareness of the Society and the CWI program or who have otherwise made an outstanding contribution to the science of welding inspection.
This award is intended for the following;
-AWS Certified Welding Inspectors who are involved in actual visual inspection of welds as their primary duty.
-Senior Certified Welding Inspectors who perform visual inspection of welds as their primary duty or as part of their supervisory activity when monitoring other welding inspectors or during auditing activities.
-Managers of Testing Laboratories or other visual inspection operations and NDT operations, who spend at least 30% of their time performing hands–on visual inspection of welds that is notcoincidental with an NDT function or destructive testing function and is not Bidding Operations, Fiscal Operations, Personnel Operations or other administrative activity incidental to company management..
-Inspection operations or testing agency supervisors, who spend at least 30% of their time visually inspecting welds, including travel time.
-Managerial personnel in manufacturing or fabrication operations involved in managerial activities that also include hands-on visual welding inspection on a daily basis as part of the quality control or quality assurance operation in a company.
-Consulting inspectors who serve different clients and perform a multiple of duties such as; welder training, NDT operations, writing welding procedures and quality manuals, performing some limited welding engineering functions, performing contract assistance, trouble shooting or optimizing welding operations, ETC., but who also perform visual inspection of welds not coincidental to NDT operations at least 15% of the time.
NOTE! The following are considered managerial/ supervisory visual welding inspection activity for the purposes of this award; (This list is derived from AWS B5.1, Specification for the Qualification of Welding inspectors, Table 1, which may be used for clarification)
-Reviewing drawings and contract documents for QC and QA duties, but not for Bidding Activities.
-Assisting in dispute resolution, RFI evaluation, repair proposals, engineering consultations for weld problems.
-Assisting in failure investigations.
-Testifying in court or at hearings where welding or welding inspection is at issue.
-Performing QA inspection of inspection employees work.
-Performing QA or QC inspection of third party inspector’s activities, including NDT personnel.
-Reviewing or critiquing employee/inspectors reports.
-Performing assessments, audits or critiques of QA/QC Manuals.
-Communications and meetings with clients and contractors regarding the inspection project.
-Surveillance of NDT activity, and training of visual inspection personnel for surveillance activity.
-Reviewing WPSs, WQRs and WPQRs and Manufacturers / Mill Test
-Developing welding procedures.
-Conducting WQR Tests, WPQR Tests and Testing the coupons.
-Conducting trend analysis and improvement training for company welding inspection employees
-Actual visual inspection of weldments.
-Travel to/from and visiting time at job sites for the activities listed above.
-Instructional activity for company visual inspection employees.
Who is not eligible for the
DaltonE Hamilton Memorial CWI of the Year Award
This award is not intended for personnel who’s;
-Primary function is an engineering activity,
-Is an educator at a Vo-Tech or company training center,
-Is a welding consultant who does not perform visual welding inspection at least 15% of the time as part of the contract duty,
-Is an NDT inspector, who only does visual inspection as part of NDT duties,
Is a company principal, shop manager, shop supervisor or plant foreman, who just happens to be a CWI or a SCWI, and occasionally looks at welds.
This award may not be awarded during any year when the Certification Selection Committee determines no qualified candidate packets were submitted. Following the same nomination guidelines as presented, members of the Certification Selection Committee may submit candidates for consideration.
5.1.1Nominees may be submitted for the National Level of this award four different ways;
A)Through the District Nominating Committee process.
B)Through self-nomination directly to the Selection Committee.
C)By an interested third party with or without the knowledge of the nominee (Surprise Nomination).
D)Directly from the AWS Certification Committee.
5.1.2 All persons submitting nominations for this award shall fully complete the nomination application and include the required references described in Section 6 of this procedure.
5.1.3Self Nominated persons, interested third party nominators and persons submitting “Surprise Nominations” shall also be responsible for preparation of the nomination documentation described in Section 6, except where otherwise noted.
5.1.4All District Directors and District Award Committees should follow the steps provided in Section 6.
6.Requirements and Recommendations;
6.1Nomination Sequence and Timeline
Submissions for the Dalton E. Hamilton CWI of the year award through the normal submission process must be submitted to the District Director or the District Awards Committee, by a date selected by the District Director in each district. The District Director shall submit the District Nominee for the National Level Award, (Dalton E. Hamilton Memorial Certified Welding Inspector of the Year Award), to the AWS Awards Coordinator, by August 1 of that year. District and Section level winners shall be selected by the District Director and/or the District Awards Committee with the approval of the District Director. The names of the winners (for District and Section level awards) shall be forwarded to the AWS Awards Coordinator. One Nominee per District is permitted through the District Nominating process. There is no limit to Direct Submissions.
6.2District Director Endorsements
When the nominee is submitted through the District Awards Committee, the District Director shall attach a cover letter, typed on District Director’s letterhead, to submission packet for the National Level Award, notifying the AWS Awards Coordinator that the individual has been chosen as the National Level nominee from that District. The District Director, at his/her discretion, may endorse, or add comments about the merits of the nominees being endorsed. These comments shall be considered by the selection committee. The lack of any cover letter from the District Director will be deemed by the Selection Committee to be a negative endorsement or adverse comment about the nominee.
The District Director, at his / her discretion may also include an endorsement with or without comments to “direct submission” and “self nomination” packets. Because this endorsement may be submitted separately, the endorsement and any comments will be considered if received right up to the date the Selection Committee begins considerations. (Paragraph 6.6.3 will not apply)
6.3Submission as a Surprise to the Nominee (Surprise Nomination)
With the prior approval of the District Director, an individual may be nominated and submitted for the National Level of this award, without his/her direct knowledge. This may be done by the District or Section Awards Committee, or an Ad-Hoc task group that has the authority from the Section Executive Committee or the District Awards Committee to do so.
6.3.1 A private individual (interested third party) may also submit a Surprise Nomination, in accordance paragraph 6.2, or in accordance with paragraph 6.4.
6.3.2 If submitted directly, all the other requirements, and line items on the application form of the award submission must still be addressed and completed.
6.3.3 It is incumbent on such an Ad-Hoc Task Group or individual to compile a credible and worthy submission packet, which adequately describes the attributes that make their candidate worthy of this award. Veracity and accuracy must be attested to by the nominator per paragraph 6.5.1
6.4Direct Submissions and self-nominations.
Self-nominations or nominations submitted by an interested third party that are not submitted to the Section of district Awards Committee, may be submitted directly to the Certification Committee through the AWS Staff Secretary to the Awards Committee.
A nomination submitted in this manner, which bypasses the Section and District Awards Committee and may also bypass the District Director, will not be given the same consideration or value as a nomination submission offered by the District Awards Committees.
Nevertheless, certain individuals who are not involved with AWS Sections or are not known to the District Awards Committee, or who have other issues with the District Awards Committee, may not be able to get recognition or acceptance, and feel need to bypass this process.
6.5Signature and attestation
6.5.1In order for the Selection Committee to be assured of the veracity of all claims made in a nomination submission, the nominee’s signature and attestation is required on the nomination form, unless submitted without the nominees knowledge (Surprise Nomination).
6.5.2When a surprise nomination is submitted in accordance with paragraph 6.3, the requirement for the individual nominee to sign the award application is waived. The requirement to submit a photograph is also waived. In this instance, the leader of the ad-hoc task group will sign the award submission, and attest that the information is true to the best of his/her knowledge, by including this statement;
“I certify that I have conducted an extensive review of this nomination, and to the best of my knowledge this application contains no incorrect or untrue statements, or exaggerations. Furthermore, I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the nominee has no direct knowledge that this action is being taken on his behalf”.
This statement shall be placed as the cover sheet to the unsigned application sheets.
6.5.3If the surprise nominee becomes aware of the nomination effort prior to actual submission of the nomination, it is no longer a surprise. In this case, the nominee must sign the nomination and attest to the accuracy or the information being submitted. This signature and attestation removes the requirement for the surprise nominator’s attestation in paragraph 6.5.2.
6.5.4Many nominees may be reluctant to supply information about their accomplishments to those responsible for preparing their submission packet. A lot of effort is often required to create a worthy submission packet. Modesty is counter productive. The nominee should unashamedly assist the person charged with assembling the submission packet by extolling his/her accomplishments and ensuring the accuracy of the information. Exaggerations or false information are prohibited, but correct information should always be presented in the most advantageous way.
6.5.1Supporting Documentation
6.6.6 “Letters of Recommendation” are required from a Peer and a Supervisor.
6.6.2 When an individual who is self-employed, is applying for or is being submitted for this award, the requirement for the Supervisor’s and Peer’s “Letter of recommendation” is waived. Instead of a Supervisor or Peer “Letter of Recommendation”, the submission shall contain other letters describing the nominee’s functions and meritorious accomplishments. These letters shall be obtained from individuals, who have first hand intimate knowledge or anecdotal knowledge, of the nominee’s activities. All letters in support of a nomination shall describe specific instances of work experience that indicate especially meritorious activity, superior performance or special contribution to the field of welding inspection. Letters shall be dated no more than six years prior to the date of submission. With this six-year time limit, individuals will have a reasonable time span to prepare material for nomination.
The persons submitting the letters shall come from one or more of the following:
- A client / customer, contractor, government agency, owner, and engineering firm involved in the inspection.
- An associate involved in quality control or acceptance inspection.
- A regulatory agency or third party surveillance company who can describe the nominee’s activities in detail.
- A law firm, or attorney involved with the inspection activity.
- Other persons that can present credible evidence of meritorious activities.
6.6.3All “letters of recommendation” shall be included with the nomination packet. Letters received after the nomination packet is submitted will not be considered and will be discarded forthwith. No modification or additions to the submission packet are permitted after submission, except as provided in paragraph 6.2.
6.6.4Peer and Supervisor’s “letters of Recommendation”, and all letters specifically endorsing this current nomination, shall dated not later than one year prior to submission of the nomination.
6.6.5Peer and Supervisor “letters of Recommendation” and all other letters in support of a nomination shall describe specific instances of work experience that indicate especially meritorious activity, superior performance or special contribution to the field of welding inspection. These “Letters of Recommendation” shall be on company letterhead.
6.6.6“Letters of Recommendation” and other letters specifically endorsing the nominee for this award, (not to be confused with general recognition letters used to support the claims, which are not specifically drafted to support the award effort) should include specific details of the special performance.
The selection Committee does not wish to set a standard definition of “especially meritorious activity, superior performance or special contribution to the field of welding inspection”. However, “he’s a Great Guy”, “he worked with us to help us set these welds just right” or other “feel good” statements that describe what is deemed by the Selection Committee to be ordinary or routine activity does not meet the standard. In general, emphasis on design or welding engineering accomplishments are not germane and are not considered applicable to this award.
6.6.7For consideration, all endorsement letters written directly in support of the nomination shall be dated within twelve months of submission, except for self-employed nominees who are providing letters according to paragraph 6.6.2.
6.6.8Other letters, not specifically written to endorse this nomination, such as “Thank you” letters from clients, letters praising the CWI’s accomplishments, letters of recognition of a presentation, ETC. are not time sensitive, because they are not written directly in support of the nomination effort.
6.6.9 Where a nominee does not have a traditional supervisor the “Letter of Recommendation” may be from another party such as an employer or contract manager. The letter shall be from a management type of person, directly involved with the work of the nominee. The letter shall be on official letterhead for the company involved.
6.6.10 A “Letter of Recommendation” shall also be included from the candidate’s peer inspector. Preferably, the letter shall be from an AWS Certified Welding Inspector or Senior Certified Welding Inspector directly involved with the work of the nominee. When an inspection peer is not a CWI the letter shall identify the peer’s qualifications as an inspector and shall be on official letterhead of the company involved.