Wines of Chile
Independent Wine Merchant Promotion 2012

By running a promotion for one month and helping raise awareness of Chilean wines in the UK during September 2012 you could win a trip to Chile in early 2013 with four fellow winners as well as a cash prize of £500.

5 runners up will also be awarded a prize of £500.

A judging panel will select the overall winners and runners up by the end of October 2012.

How the promotion works:

The competition is exclusive to independent wine merchants that have between one and ten retail outlets with or without an online sales operation.

You must agree to run a Chilean wine promotion for one month during September 2012 & submit along with your application your Chilean list to WoC UK.

In return we will provide point of sale material to help advertise the promotion in store or on line including:

Chilean wine maps, booklets, posters, bunting, neck collar design, USB stick preloaded with an educational video & additional maps, carrier bags, corkscrews and staff training on request.

A mail shot to our consumer database as well as to regional press notifying them of the in-store promotion.

How you will be judged/guidelines:

  • In-store and window displays (if applicable) will be assessed
  • Use of promotional materials both supplied and created by you for the promotion
  • How the promotion is advertised & promoted to your customers including:

Direct mailing through your own database

Website features (if applicable) and educational information

Local press, wine evening/dinners and wine groups

  • Uplift of Chilean sales on wine £6.99 or above compared to same trading period last year
  • New listings, interesting grape varieties & regional focus will be looked on favourably in judging

After the promotion please send all supporting material for your entry (photos showing window/in-store displays/web pages, copies of any mail shots, media coverage promotions, sales figures etc.) to WoC UK by 25th October 2012.

Chilean Independent Wine Merchant Promotion 2012 Prizes

A panel of judges will be selecting the five winners as well as 5 runner-ups.

The five overall winners will win a buying trip to Chile including international flights, accommodation and a tour of Chiles wine regions visiting a selection of wineries. (Please see terms and conditions below).

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions regarding the promotion.

Kind regards

Michael Cox

Director Europe



The organiser of this promotion is Wines of Chile UK Ltd. By registering for the promotion, entrants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

The Chilean wine promotion should commence in 2012 and run for a one month period between September and October.

Any number of store outlets may register for the promotion but only the ‘parent company’ will be able to become a finalist.

The judges’ decision is final.

Winners must be available to travel to Chile on 21st – 26th January 2013.

No cash or credit alternatives will be offered.

Individual registering must be UK residents and over 18 years of age.

Visas are not necessary for travel in Chile; however the winners must ensure that they have a valid passport which does not expire six months before the date of travel.


There are five prizes for five winning Independent Retailers consisting of a 7 day trip to Chile as well as a £500 cash prize.

The trip will include international flights from London to Santiago, as well as any domestic economy flights with LAN that are required for visiting wineries and wine regions during the trip. Ground transportation and accommodation lunch and evening meals will also be paid by Wines of Chile.

Travel insurance is also included in the prize; however other expenses including spending money, tips, vaccinations, any room services such as laundry, minibar, room service, telephone calls are not included in the prize.

The flights are non transferable.

5 Runner-ups will also receive a cash prize of £500

The five winning Independent Retailers and 10 runner-ups will be chosen by a panel of judges by the end of October 2012 and selected from entries received by 25th October 2012.

Wines of Chile Independent Wine Merchant Promotion 2012

Entry Form

Name of Business:

Contact Name:





Number of Outlets:

Online Outlet: Yes / NoWebsite:

Have you enclosed a copy of your Chilean wine list? (Pls tick)

I have read and understood the Terms & Conditions? (Pls tick)



Wines of Chile UK Ltd 13 Hermitage Parade, High Street, Ascot, Berks, SL5 7HE

Tel: 01344 872229 Fax: 01344 872227 Email: Website: