Flutes Week Three - 10

Hand out CD’s to families who still need them!!

Teachers: What’s your goal this term? More senior teachers, how well do you understand the musical development of the students who have been coming to you for more than one term? Do you have a sense of what stage of rhythm competency they are at or tonal competency? See if you can get curious about one of your kids this term and figure out where she falls on the musical development scale we learned at the teacher training!


There’s a Little Wheel – C in C major

·  Circle your two index fingers around each other on micro beat

·  Little wheel: index fingers circle; then on the “in my heart” phrase bring your arms from your heart and extending out and back to your heart; then come back to the index finger circles on the last phrase of “there’s a little wheel…”

·  “Little dance” – dancing fingers on palm of hand on micro; “in my heart” phrase – same as above

·  “Little song” –“conducting”; “in my heart” phrase on micro – same as above

·  Can repeat as last week with Big wheel, giant dancer, great big song or work with the harmony line – see video and last verse of song on CD… “In my heeeeeeeart” for eight counts over the song. Can get group on la la la version of song or little wheel repeat and then have teacher sing longer phrase overtop or break into two groups if strong singing group. Be clear about when the line comes in cause it’s not on the first beat of the verse.

·  To end: repeat the “in my heart” phrase and slow it down bringing hands to the heart to finish

TP’s major

Sandpiper A in D major

·  Can hook with Brrrr sound sliding up and down the scale

·  All sound effects are with rollbacks

·  Running in the sand – alternating knees and macro hands on child’s body / micro hands on body

·  Playing in the waves – rocking side to side / same again

·  Flying through the air – bounce legs with plane arms

Jim Along Josie – A in D Major

·  Set up syncopated snapping

·  Verse with snapping 2x

·  Clap vamp into “Hey Clap along”

·  “La La la” with clapping micro beat

·  Drum vamp on micro into “Hey drum along”

·  “Bang Bang Bang” with drumming

·  Stand up Josie

·  Walking/snap vamp into “Hey Walk Along”

·  Hey Walk around with Freeze 2x and audiation

·  Hey Run Along with Freeze 2x and audiation

·  Hey Walk Backwards now Josie

·  Jump vamp into “Hey jump along”

·  Boing Boing Boing

·  “Hey wiggle on down to sitting, hey wiggle on down to sit”

·  Snap or clap vamp into RP’s

Dum Ditty with sticks - A

·  Stick Play

·  Basic stick song playing with division of beat – Big beat (4 beats), macro (2 beats), micro (each beat), sub micro (beat/and, beat/and) and singing different vocables or single words – can ask parents for words their kids say – mommy, daddy, no etc.

·  (Ostinato if you want can be Dum Ditty Dum – see vid – if you want to have part singing)

·  Action ideas:

o  Clicking

o  Drumming

o  Scraping

o  Windshield wipers

o  Bug Antenae (bee)

o  Ow, ow

o  Hammering

o  Rowing

o  Digger gears

·  Find clear ending

RP’s and 1-8 Stop play

Rocketship - unusual

·  Introduce unusual metre on count and vocable – 123/123/12/12

·  Or use Joan’s intro from SSW “CHshhhhhh..Houston all systems are go 10, 9, 8, 7…etc.” Could add counting metre between Rocket and Fire truck.

·  Rocket ship – hands make rocket taking off (keep macro in the body and rocketship movement)/ Fly - hands open over head = 2x

·  Fire Truck – Steering the wheel/ Rrrreeer – finger circles overhead = 2x

·  Butterfly – arms flying / Ahhh to standing 1x --- Butterfly – standing on spot and flying/ Ahhh stepping in and creating your tight circle for next song

Aeolian Dance with Scarves and CD

PE: In this next song we’re going do a community circle dance. In these classes, you are giving your child (and yourself!) a rare music making experience in a society that has a very heavy emphasis on music listening verses music making. There are very few opportunities for us in today’s society to get together in a group and make music without the being in some sort of performance situation. So while we are dancing here I want you to notice that we are creating form out of the music and that the kids are inside this form in their own way. Sort of how little ones dance around or watch when we do the electric slide/line dance/ chicken dance at a wedding. J They may be in our arms, they may copy us or they may simply watch while they do their own dance or sit on the ground. That’s fine! It the community dance that we are exposing them to that is important. Can everyone find a grown-up partner? Alright, so I’m going to guide you through this like an mideval square dance. J Just keep an eye and ear out as you sing and it’s work out just fine! So let yourself go back in time and find your inner King and Queen or prince or princess.

Basic form:

Curtsey or Bow to your partner on the intro

1.  Facing your Partner - step towards and away from your partner

2.  Arms up circle around with your partner

Four count interlude:

3.  Whole group in and out 4x on four counts OR 2x on 8 counts

Two Verse Instrumental Interlude – Free play with scarves (throwing, spinning, what the kids are doing) “Find your partner!”

4.  Facing your Partner - step towards and away from your partner

5.  Arms up circle around with your partner

Four count interlude:

6.  Whole group in and out 4x on four counts or 2x on 8 counts

So it groups together as 2 partner movements/breath/ in and out/ 2 verses free play/ REPEAT

FM – with or without scarves


This is your time snuggle and sing or dance gently around the room together. Rock to the beat and sing.


·  Verse

·  Vocable/ Audiation

·  Verse/ Humming

No classes on Saturday Thanksgiving weekend!!!

Parent Info Night – the more parents you have come to this event the more participation you will have. Really celebrate this event and let them know it’s included in their tuition.

Things they will learn:

·  What to look for in their child’s musical development at all ages – newborn to four years – what you might be missing

·  Why immersion in a music making community is good little infants and why it still important for older children who are three and four

·  How you can feel more empowered as a parent to bring music to your child.

You can also check in to see if any of your parents have been before and have them give a little testimonial. If no one has gone, then “Great what a golden opportunity for you to go this term! J Book a babysitter, go for martini’s afterwards and call it night!” Thanks!!

Goodbye - A