Minutes from the NGO Working Group Meeting
Date:29 Sept 2006
Venue: FPA Willis Street Wellington

Present:Marion Blake (chair), Muno Richards(Secretariat-minutes )Jo Fitzpatrick, Joanne Hayes, Lani Mc Cluskey(proxy attendee), Jacki Richardson, Louise Carr, Lynette Collis(proxy attendee), Kawshi De Silva, Anna Seatter (MOH),Damian Zelas(MOH)

Apologies: Damian ( leaving meeting at 12.30pm)
Welcomes: Marion welcomed Muno Richards to the Secretariat role

Previous Minutes: Minutes were accepted with typographical errors.

Matters arising from previous meeting:
1.Contract Monitoring Training Booklet
Anna tabled this document.
Action: Damian suggested sending an email to Debbie Chin with a copy to Christine thanking her for the preparation of the report. Working group agreed that conversations around the Contracting Model with the MOH was needed to clarify understandings of this.
2. MOH Analyst Training

David(Platform)and Angela (Plunket) delivered this presentation. Anna reported that it was well received by attendees.

Working Group members can request a copy of this training from Marion.
New Business:

3. Recording Process for MInutes
The Working group agreed to have 1 set of minutes for distribution and a separate set with the In Committee matters recorded.
4.Changes in MOH
Damian presented an overview of this. NGO Help Desk to continue regular updates to NGOs re : new structure, access, relationships and reporting arrangements to the MOH.
5.Sue Ineson Transitional CEO -PHO NZ
Sue outlined the two main foci of PHO NZ:
a)Alternative models of care
b)Alternative models of general practice
She facilitated discussion around the relationship between NGOs and PHOs by asking the following questions:
a)What could be a good fit between PHOs and NGOs in their future relationship?
b)What workforce issues should PHOs get involved in?
Discussion points raised included the following:

●Are PHOs deliverers or contractors

●Suggestion of an improved link between PHOs and local providers
●Engagement of PHO in a collaborative community model
●What is a PHO
●Does increasing infrastructure solve the health challenges facing communities
●Does the current PHO model facilitate competition
●What would a high performing PHONZ umbrella look like
●Suggestion of a coming together by DHB/PHO/NGO reps to talk through issues together

Marion acknowledged the sound knowlege of PHOs that members in the Working Group have and suggested that a collation of all this information is needed .
Action: Louise to send Muno IPAC conference information
6. Forum

●Feedback from the last forum indicated that there was a need for a “bigger and better” venue.
●The budget was discussed and approved for the October forum as there was a commitment to proceed with the current plan.
●All members agreed that options for the next forum must be in line with the budget.
●Anna confirmed agenda items and papers for inclusion in forum packs


●Registration desk at forum to include NGO resources, MOH resources and a request list for attendees
●Anna to confirm arrangements for Mihi. WG to send feedback re Director-General and Minister addresses to Anna
●Jacki and Jo to theme out the key questions on governance for the panel and send to Anna. Anna will send on to panel members
●Marion to invite Winnie Laban
●Muno and Marion to confirm chairs for sessions
●Muno to compile information for chair folders

7. Election
●Jo to email working Group the process of registration by the 3 October 2006.
●Jo to update Working Group Representation Process and send this as a draft to Working Group
8. Terms of Reference
All members acknowledged that it was a clear paper that links with the Working Group Representation process.
Jo recommended that the Terms of Reference (Draft) and the Working Group Representation Process be sent to attendees prior to the forum.
Amendments to Draft:
8.2 Quorum..... to read that member must instead of may nominate
8.5Location of Meetings .....to read in wellingotn and other centres
12 - to read MOH/NGO WG will jointly organize and lead the Forums
9. NGO Workforce Development Document
Marion welcomed Kirsty Peel, the writer of this report.
Comments and questions were invited from the members.
Big question raised “Where to from here”
Discussion points included:

●Devise a plan of meetings with stakeholder groups
●Effective relationship management with stakeholders and community groups
●Relationship of NGO WG with NGOs on a national, regional and local level
●Suggestion that the NGO WG needs to have a strategic role
●More feedback required from the MOH to guide /provide the strategic overview
●Peak Bodies need to come together to discuss their issues , services and development
●What is contractual obligation and what is social responsibility
●Discussions around sharing and managing the risk of global health services is strongly required to move forward and move away from silo effect
●Suggestion for Kirsty to look at Best Practice Models /Literature Searches on NGO structures and relationships on local, regional and national levels.

Action:Kirsty to develop new brief based on discussions with group at this meeting and to circulate this to the Working Group.
Marion thanked Louise Carr and Damian Zelas for their contributions and involvement in the work of the NGO WG .Rose Wall (MOH) will assist Anna Seatter with MOH NGO Desk enquiries in the interim.
Meeting Closed 3.00pm
Next meeting: 30 November 2006