Prevention Works!Parenting Education Committee Minutes of Meeting February 7, 2008

Those in attendance included Jennifer Charles (), Florence Bucierka (), Karen Meyer (), Lisa Lyons () and Cynthia Martin ()

The Statewide Parenting Initiative Meeting: On Febuary 11 from 10 a.m. until noon either by phone or at DSHS Region 5 in Tacoma they will be discussing Parenting in Washington State. Karen and Cynthia will call in and report back. Both must RSVP.

Guiding Good Choices Training: The training has been changed to March 20-21 if DSHS Conference Room is available. Florence suggested it include Friday since treatment providers like Friday. Jennifer will check on room availability. The Incredible Year Training was a great success.

Trainer List: Our goal for the year is to get all trainers on one list and make it available to anyone providing classes. Then people can call if there are changes and if need be to have it sent to them in a different form. Jennifer will work on that too.

RFPs:We discussed future Requests for Proposals. Since no proposals came in for the Healthy Youth Coalition we discussed why. The group felt it was time to take a look about the positives and negatives about providing parent education across the county. We will have a meeting where we invite parent education service providers to sit down together to discuss the needs and how to meet them. We will meet after the February 29 Prevention Works Board Meeting. Prevention Works! meet at 8:00 and this Parent Education Information Exchange meeting will be at 9:45.

Sequim School District and Providers Meeting: Cynthia has discussed with Bill Bentley and the Board President from Sequim about working more closely with child care providers and preschools to help children be ready for school. We discussed Lisa or Nancy being there as well as Janet Anderson, Yvette Cline, Martha Standley, Jody Moss, and Cynthia. They will set an agenda to meet with all people involved in March. Lisa will check with Nancy when she gets back.

Pending Items:

  1. Kids Fest is in April 12 this year.
  2. Nancy will send Cynthia name of woman from Bremerton who is trained to do Los Ninos program.
  3. Guiding Good Choices next class begins February 19. Call Cynthia for more information.
    Still working on a true Parent Education Calendar to have on the website so people could find classes which involves Jennifer and Shaine. It should include the name of the class, for what age, the time, city and a phone number. All of us felt this would really be beneficial.
  4. Examine our goals: Are they where we think we should be


  1. To identify gaps in services and support programs which serve to eliminate these gaps.
  2. To plan, implement, and evaluate the Parenting Education Summit.
  3. To promote parenting education training opportunities.
  4. To develop an electronic resource guide of parent education opportunities to be linked to the Prevention Works! website.
  5. To maintain, update, and distribute a list of parenting educators and available parenting resources.
  6. To inform and support parents in their pursuit of parenting information, education, and resources within Clallam County.
  7. To educate the community about the value of parenting skills.
  8. To use community data identifying evidenced-based parenting practices.
  9. To include evaluation as a significant part of parenting in our county.

I keep putting these in so we will make sure we are on the right path.


Input on Website: All parent educators are encouraged to check out the website and send ideas for changes to the webmaster. Remember that this site is used by funders so it is important to keep it up to date.

We will continue to diligently work to keep meetings to less than 1 hour and 15 minutes or at least very close as today’s meeting was. Anyone is welcome.
