Presentation Request Form

Requested Presentation: Please check the presentation you are requesting:

Child Abuse 101 – Indicator of Child Abuse & Neglect (must be 18 or older to attend); Requires 1.5 hours for presentation

Child Abuse 102 – Effects of Violence on Young Children (must be 18 or older to attend); Requires 1.5 hours for presentation

Combination Child Abuse 101/102 – (must be 18 or older to attend); Requires 2.5-3 hours for presentation

SIS/Abusive Head Trauma-Professional - for Day Care Staff & Law Enforcement; Requires 1.5 hours for presentation

SIS/Abusive Head Trauma-Medical – for Medical and Health Professionals; Requires 1.5 hours for presentation

Safe Tots – Combined of SIS, Safe Haven, Safe Sleep, Firearm Safety, Water Safety & Know Your Partner/Caregiver;

Requires 1 hour for presentation

Nurturing Healthy Sexual Development: Introductory workshop on child sexual abuse prevention; Requires 2-3 hours

Zero to Three’s Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect - Curricula designed to help early childhood professionals;

Requires 1.5 hours for presentation

Stewards of Children – (must be 18 or older to attend) Training program that educates adults to prevent, recognize and react

responsibly to sexual child abuse. Requires 2 hours for presentation

“I Never Meant” – A short movie presentation by the Asante Children’s Theatre depicting a day in the life of a family and the

stress and frustration that can lead to an incident of physical violence. Topic focuses on adolescent issues. Requires 1.5 hours

Bullying Prevention - Tailored to fit your needs for audience type; 45 minutes to 3 hours--can be tailored to fit your time

schedule (not intended for anyone younger than 14)

Human Trafficking: Myths & Realities

Human Trafficking 101 - Upper Middle & High School ages; Requires at least 45 minutes (for ages 14 to 18 years)

What Would I Do? – Upper Elementary to High School ages; Requires 2 Hours (either 2 separate hours or one 2-hour class)

Myths, Facts, and our Community’s Response; Time length is flexible from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours (must be 18 years or older)

Resilience – (Must be 18 or older to attend) This video presentation reveals how toxic stresscan trigger hormones that wreak

havoc on the brains and bodies of children, putting them at a greater risk for disease, homelessness, prison time and early death. Also learn how these risk factors can be diminished through science, therapy, resilience and other protective factors. Requires at least 2 hours for video and discussion.

Understanding Child Sexual Abuse: An Overview – (Must be 18 or older to attend) Overview of child sexual abuse;

Discuss the various ways in which a child can be sexually abused, the impact of sexual abuse, the people who perpetrate sexual abuse, the laws in Indiana, and ways in which to prevent this particularly challenging form of child maltreatment. Requires 1 to 2 Hours (to fit your needs)

Please allow enough time required for the presentation of choice (indicated above)

Requested Presentation Date: Start Time: End Time:

Eastern Time Zone or Central Time Zone

Number of participants: (Must have over 10)

Type of Audience (e.g. staff, parents, youth, etc):


Address of Training Location:

City: State: Zip: County:

Contact Person: Email Address:

Phone Number:

Alternate phone number for day of Presentation -- Cell phone:

Can you provide Screen or White Board (Wall): Yes No

Can you provide a Computer & Projector with PowerPoint capabilities? Yes No

If there are any time changes, a cancellation, etc., please notify Katherine King, Admin. Asst. or call 317-775-6439 as soon as possible.

Directions (from our address in Indianapolis-3833 N Meridian Street, Indianapolis 46208) to the Location of the Presentation: (Please do not direct us to use MapQuest or other online map search. We have found them very unreliable.)