OCFS Data Warehouse
IBM Cognos 10: / Predefined Report List

The shaded header row of each section contains the name of

the folder in which the reports are located in Cognos.

Note: The letter next to the report name refers to whether the data for the report is refreshed daily (D), weekly (W), bi-weekly (2W), monthly (M), bi-monthly (2M), quarterly (Q), annually (Y), or bi-annually (2Y).

Child Welfare Services Reports

Contains reports about children receiving services

W / Foster Care Roster / Provides a detailed list of children in the care and custody of the county Departments of Social Service (DSS). The data in this report is from CCRS.
D / Tracked Child Roster / Provides a detailed list of tracked children in open Family Services Stages in CONNECTIONS. There are VA and LDSS versions of this report.
D / Tracked Child Roster with Workers / Provides a detailed list of tracked children in open Family Services Stages in CONNECTIONS and the workers with a current role in their stage. There are VA and LDSS versions of this report.
W / Admissions to Foster Care Summary / Provides summary information for foster care admissions for a District/Agency during a specific time period. This report contains a link to a detailed report with Case and demographic information for each child.
W / Children with Admissions During the Period – with District Prompt / Provides Local Districts with a list of children admitted to foster care during a specified period. This is a detailed report to correspond with the Admissions to Foster Care Summary Report.
W / Discharges from Foster Care Summary / Provides summary information for children discharged from foster care for a District/Agency during a specific time period. This report contains a link to a detailed report with Case and demographic information for each discharged child.
W / Children with Discharges During the Period – with District Prompt / Provides Local Districts with a list of children discharged from foster care during a specified period. This is a detailed report to correspond with the Discharges from Foster Care Summary Report.
W / In Care Summary Report / Provides summary information for children in-care and absent for a District/Agency during a specific month. This report contains a link to a detailed report with Case and demographic information for each child.
W / In Care Detail Report / Provides detailed placement and family information for a specific foster child currently in care. A CIN is required at the report prompt.
W / Legal Detail Report / Provides detailed legal history information for a specific foster child currently in care. A CIN is required at the report prompt.
W / CCRS Legal JD/PINS Indicator Report / Provides detailed JD/PINS information for children in care on the last day of a selected month, as determined by CCRS legal codes.
W / ASFA Trends / Displays the number of children in care for at least 12 of the last 22 months for each District. The count is a snapshot of the ASFA population on August 31st of each year.
W / ASFA Child Specific List / Lists the children, currently in care, who have been in care for at least 12 of the last 22 months.
W / Children Placed Out of State with Prompt / Provides a list of children in care placed in facilities located outside of New YorkState by District.
W / Children Placed Out of State Congregate Care / Provides a list of children in care placed in congregate care facilities located outside of New YorkState by District.
W / Children In Care by District, Agency Where Placed and LOC / Provides a count of children in placement (active and absent) by the physical location of the facility in which they were in care on the last day of the month entered in the Date Prompt.
W / Foster Children Grouped by In Care & IV-E Status / Provides the overall number of foster children currently in one of the following categories: (1) in care & IV-E, (2) in care & not IV-E, (3) absent & IV-E, and (4) absent & not IV-E.This report contains a link to a detailed report with placement and demographic information for each child.
W / Children in Care by Agency by Facility Type / Provides the number of children in foster care for each agency and facility type for a District during a specified month. This report contains a link to a detailed report with Case and demographic information for each child.
M / Children and Youth in Foster Care by Month / Provides summary information for children and youth in foster care for all districts by region for the latest 12 months. This is run as a PDF file and posted to the Child Welfare Services Reports folder quarterly.

CCRS Cube Reports

Contains reports about children receiving services that allow users to make district and agency comparisons at the summary level

W / In Care Summary Report by Year by District / Provides summary information for children in foster care during the last five years for all Districts.
W / In Care Summary Report by Year by Agency / Provides summary information for children in foster care during the last five years for selected Agencies.
W / Admissions Summary Report by Year by District / Provides summary information for foster care admissions during the last five years for all Districts.
W / Admissions Summary Report by Year by Agency / Provides summary information for foster care admissions during the last five years for selected Agencies.
W / Discharges Summary Report by Year by District / Provides summary information for foster care discharges during the last five years for all Districts.
W / Discharges Summary Report by Year by Agency / Provides summary information for foster care discharges during the last five years for selected Agencies.

AFCARS Reports

Contains reports based on the federal AFCARS data submission

M / Children Served with Missing Clinical Diagnosis Summary / Provides the overall number of children served during a particular AFCARS submission who have a missing clinical diagnosis in CONNECTIONS. This report contains a link to a detailed report with Case, Stage, and Health Responsibility information for each child. There are VA and LDSS versions of this report.

KinGAP Reports

Contains reports related to the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program (KinGAP)

W / Table 1: Children Entering KinGAP / Provides the overall number of children who have entered into KinGAP within the yearly reporting period, as well as the total cumulative number of children in the program.
W / Table 2: Applications for KinGAP / Provides the overall number of applications for Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program, including the number of applications denied, the number of applications accepted, and the number of applications pending decision.
W / Table 3: Ages of Children at KinGAP Entry / Provides the overall number of children entering into the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program at different ages.
W / Table 5: Changes in Permanent Exits from all Foster Care Settings & Approved Relative Foster Care Settings Since KinGAP Implementation / Provides the overall changes since implementation of the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program in the percentage of foster children adopted, reunified, and released to other permanency outcomes for the reporting period and for the baseline period. It includes children who permanently exited foster care and also children who permanently exited from approved relative foster care settings in the period.
W / Table 7: Average Length of Stay for Children Exiting Foster Care / Provides the average length of stay for children exiting foster care, children exiting from an approved relative home setting and children exiting from an approved relative home setting to KinGAP, as well as the changes since implementation of the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program in the average length of stay.

Permanency Hearing Reports

Contains reports related to Permanency Hearings (PHR)

M / PHR: Due Detail / Provides information on PHRs coming due in a specified three-month time period.
M / PHR: Management / Provides summary information on PHRs that were launched during a specified thee-month time period.
M / PHR: Management Detail / Provides detail information on PHRs that were launched during a specified three-month time period.

Child Protective Services

Contains reports about CPS allegations and investigations

W / Overdue Reports / Provides detail on CPS reports that are currently overdue and/or overdue as of the date entered at the prompt.
W / ACS Reports Overdue / Provides detail on ACS CPS reports that are overdue as of the date entered at the prompt.
W / ACS Reports Currently Overdue / Provides detail on CPS reports that are currently overdue.
W / Report Determinations by Allegation Type / Provides the number of CPS reports Statewide with the determinations for a specific allegation type and year.
W / Report Determinations by District, Allegation & Year / Provides the number of CPS reports and determinations for a specific allegation type and year by District.
W / CPS Reports Year to Year Weekly Comparison / Provides a comparison of CPS Investigations assigned to Districts during the same calendar week in any two consecutive years.
W / Workers with Open CPS Reports / Provides detail on workers that currently have at least XX open CPS reports, where XX is a number entered at the report prompt.
Previous versions of this report include “Workers with 25 or More Open CPS Reports” and “Workers with More than 20 Open CPS Reports.”
M / Consolidated Investigations Summary Report / Provides the total number of duplicate investigations that were closed and consolidated into open, on-going CPS investigations for each District. This report contains a link to a detailed report with the consolidation information for each investigation.
W / Current Secondary Assignments Received Summary / Provides a summary of secondary assignments received, grouped by the District that made the secondary assignment.
W / Secondary Assignments Received During a Quarter / Provides a listing of secondary assignments received by an LDSS, grouped by the unit and worker to whom the secondary assignment was made.
M / First Contacts / Allows CPS staff to identify how quickly first contacts are being made by staff within significant categories of contact persons during a particular month and year.
M / Total Contacts / Allows CPS staff to identify the total number of contacts being made by staff within significant categories of contact persons during a particular month and year.
M / Manager Reviews / Allows CPS supervisors/managers to identify the degree of compliance with NYC regulations concerning supervisor and manager reviews.
M / Safety Assessments Overdue / Provides a detailed list of Safety Assessments that were approved more than 7 days after the Intake Start Date for a particular month and year.
M / Safety Assessment Trends / Provides the number and percent of Safety Assessments that were approved on time and those that were approved late for each month and year.
M / Risk Assessment Profile / Shows the relationship between Risk Assessment ratings, report determinations, and the decision to open CPS cases for protective and/or preventive services.

CPS Cube Reports

Contains reports about CPS allegations and investigations that allow users to make district and agency comparisons at the summary level
W / CPS Report Determinations During the Period / Provides summary information on CPS report determinations for a specific year.
W / CPS Reports Processed During the Period / Provides summary information on the status of CPS intakes and investigations processed for a specific year.
W / CPS Stages and Reports Current Status / Provides summary information on the status of CPS workloads for the current month.
W / CPS Reports Processed and Determined - 5 Years / Provides summary information on CPS report determinations and the status of intakes and investigations for the past five years.
W / Allegations by Type / Provides summary information on substantiated, unsubstantiated, Family Assessment Response, and undetermined CPS allegations for a specific year.
W / Allegations by Type with Nested Row / Provides a version of the Allegations by Type report withthe ability to add another (i.e., nested) row of data.

FAR Reports

Contains reports about Family Assessment Response cases
W / FAR: Total and Percentage of Familial Reports Assigned to FAR Track / Provides FAR counties with the number and percentage of FAR reports as a subset of all familial reports for each month in a specified time period. This report contains a link to the FAR: Cases Summary Report by Worker report.
W / FAR: Cases Summary Report by Worker / Provides FAR counties with the number and percentage of FAR reports as a subset of all familial reports for a specified time period with a breakdown by Unit and Worker. This report contains a link to a detailed report with Case ID, Report ID, and start/end date information for each FAR case.
W / FAR: Allegations in FAR Reports / Provides FAR counties with a breakdown of FAR allegations for the specified time period.
W / FAR: Total and Percentage of Reporters of Familial and FAR Reports / Provides FAR counties with a breakdown of FAR reporter types for the specified time period.
W / FAR: Children in Familial & FAR Reports, Demographics / Provides FAR counties with a breakdown of demographics for children in Familial and FAR reports for a specified time period.


Contains static reports containing annual Child Protective Services data
Y / CPS Reports by Reporting Source & Region / Provides the number of CPS reports received during the selected year from each mandated and non-mandated reporting source. (Table 6)
Y / Age & Gender of Abused or Maltreated Children / Provides the number of Indicated CPS reports opened during the selected year with a breakdown by gender and age range. (Table 9)
Y / Race and Ethnicity of Children / Provides the number of Indicated CPS reports opened during the selected year with a breakdown by race and ethnicity of the child. (Table 10)
Y / CPS Reports by Perpetrator Age & Gender / Provides the number of Indicated CPS reports opened during the selected year with a breakdown by age and gender of the perpetrator. (Table 11)
Y / Reports of Suspected Child Abuse and Maltreatment / Provides the number of children and Indicated CPS reports opened during the selected year with a breakdown by abuse or maltreatment for each local district. (Table 13)

FASP Reports

Contains reports about Family Assessment and Service Plans

M / FASP Status Summary / Provides the number and percentage of Initial, Comprehensive, and Reassessment FASPs and their respective statuses for a specific month. This report is for Districts only.
D / FASPs Due / Provides the number and percentage of Initial, Comprehensive, and Reassessment FASPs that are overdue or coming due within 60 days of the current date across several “day ranges.” This report is for Districts only.
D / FASPs Due Detail organized by Worker / Provides a detailed list of FASPs that are currently overdue or coming due within 90 days of the current date. This report is organized by worker name. There are VA and LDSS versions of this report.
D / FASPs Due Detail organized by Stage ID / Provides a detailed list of FASPs that are currently overdue or coming due within 90 days of the current date. This report is organized by Case ID and Stage ID. There are VA and LDSS versions of this report.
D / Overdue FASP Activities / Provides the number of submissions, rejections, and approvals for FASPs overdue on a specified date. Also includes the length of time the FASPs have been in the submittal-approval process. This report contains a link to a detailed list of submission, rejection, and approval activities for a selected FASP. There are VA and LDSS versions of this report.
D / Due FASP Activities / Provides the number of submissions, rejections, and approvals for FASPs due during a specified date range. Also includes the length of time the FASPs have been in the submittal-approval process.This report contains a link to a detailed list of submission, rejection, and approval activities for a selected FASP. There are VA and LDSS versions of this report.
D / Approved FASP Activities / Provides the number of submissions, rejections, and approvals for FASPs approved during a specified date range. Also includes the length of time the FASPs have been in the submittal-approval process.This report contains a link to a detailed list of submission, rejection, and approval activities for a selected FASP. There are VA and LDSS versions of this report.
D / Current Pending FASP Activities / Provides the number of submissions, rejections, and approvals for FASPs currently pending final approval. Also includes the length of time the FASPs have been in the submittal-approval process.This report contains a link to a detailed list of submission, rejection, and approval activities for a selected FASP. There are VA and LDSS versions of this report.
D / Current Pending FASPs - Agency Pending With / Provides a list of FASPs in “Pending” status, including FASP Submitter information and the name of the agency with which the FASP is awaiting action. There are VA and LDSS versions of this report.
D / FASPs Due Calendar / Provides a chronological list of FASPs in “Not Launched,”
“In Process,” and “Pending” statuses that are due during a specified date range. There are VA and LDSS versions of this report.

Casework Contacts Reports