Prestonsburg Church of Christ

88 KY Rt. 1428. Prestonsburg, KY 41653. 606.886.6223


Prestonsburg Informer

A weekly bulletin for God’s family

at the Prestonsburg church of Christ

February 26, 2017

5 Fellowships a Week

Sunday fellowship” has come to mean “bring your favorite dish and plan to stay for the potluck after services.” God wants His children involved in no less than five fellowships every week. The New Testament uses “fellowship” (koinonia, found 17 times) to mean “association, community, joint participation.”

1.)The Fellowship of Fraternity.

The church is an exclusive club for everyone. Its members share “the right hand of fellowship” (Galatians 2:9) which means each one is considered a faithful member—one truly committed to serving the Lord and being a partner in the activities of the group (1 Corinthians 3:9). The local congregation is the place Christians put this spirit of fellowship into active operation. Fellowship is not just a theory on paper that applies to someone else in some other place.

The early church, a model for today, was a close-knit community. “The multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul” (Acts 4:32). They exercised unusual hospitality and generosity. Luke says of them: “All that believed were together, and had all things common; and sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need” (Acts2:44-45). “Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold, and laid them down at the apostles’ feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need” (Acts 4:34-35; cf. 2 Corinthi­ans 8:5; Philippians 4:10-16).

Does this mean we must sell our possessions and live in a commune? No. Early Christians were not communists. The difference between a Christian and a communist is that a communist says, “All yours is mine;” but a Christian says, “All mine is yours.” Those converted on Pentecost had intended only to stay for the feast week of Pentecost (Acts 2), but they had extended their stay to enjoy fellowship in the new church. While away from their regular jobs, they practiced voluntary, communal living. Local Christians sold possessions to support those from out-of-town.

How does this apply to us? Selling possessions was a means to an end. We have the same end as a goal. We should demonstrate genuine caring for each other and meet each other’s needs.

Prayer Requests & Updates

February 26, 2017

Brett Hunter; Chris Tackett; Verna Bowling; Jeff Stratton; Dennis Boggs; John Berry; Tommy Holland; Crystal Marsillett; Debbie Burchell; Mike Horn; Edward Webb; Edna Johnson; Billie Snyder; Steve Stewart; Ruth Maynard; Linda Caldwell; Mike Hancock; Sherry Shelton; Jill Scott; Bonita Hackworth; Becky Boyd; Alex Marsillett; Janet Ruth Cline; Gene Ramey; Beth Watts; Mona Thacker;

Our members:

Arnold Campbell, Herb Charles,Jim Ramey,Roberta Sturgill, Pamela Wright, Alva Ousley, Valerie Hall, Dean & Garnett Laferty, Linda Lyon, John Webb,Jim & Theda Slone; Tex Keathley; Glenda Adkins, Vernie Tackett, Keith Samons, Linda Samons; Earl Hughes, Mary Wells, Velvia Hall, Dwight Justice, Bob Tackett,Tincy Cooley, Lora Dingess, Vernon Hall, Judy Hall, Ethel Hamilton, Lynn Hill,Nola Mayo, Regina Miller, Carl Robinson, Jennifer Robinson,Jackie Tackett, Candace Tackett, Raymond Daniels, Bethel Click, Bobby Thacker


Emma Blankenship; Priscilla Fugate; Destiny Kesler; Norman Goble; Michelle Gardner; Sherry Lynn Massie; Faye Cecil; Luke Martindale;Doris Tackett; Mable Varney, Marsha Patterson, Susan Kendrick, Muriel Perkins, Loretta Schrake; Madeline Clark,Justine Kidd Honaker, Oakie Sparks, Liam Moore, Almas Shepherd, Elisha Branham, Matthew Hays, Rhonda Blair, Jessica Buchanan, Lyndsey Maggard


Families of Lola Roberts, Jason Charles, and Jim Willis May

Riverview Nursing Home:Betty Lafferty, Gary Samons, Lana Samons, Arnold Gillespie, and JR Fannin, Ernie Cooley

CHURCH PANTRY ITEMS (see: Dean Cooley) Peanut Butter, Jelly, & Peas

Mark Your Calendar.

Little Ones Youth: Feb. 28 @ 6 pm

Potter’s Children Home Commodities: Apr. 2-7 will pick up

If you haven’t already, please fill out a visitors’ card. We would love to have a record of your visit with us today!

Need a Bus Ride Contact: Herb Charles @ 606-886-1753

We have no name but Christ’s, no law of conversion but the Spirit’s, and no creed but Christ.