MINUTES of the meeting held at
Preston Brook Village Hall
15th April 2014
Present: C.Wyna (Clerk), G.Littler, D.Felix (Chair), J.Hickman, J.Sampson, Cllrs J&M Bradshaw, 6 members of public
Apologies: S.Rutter (work), J.Tickle (unknown)
1) To Consider Declarations of interest
There were no declarations of interest made. Cllr Felix did advise however re: 5.7 that the PA system was a donation of equipment from the church at no cost. It was concluded that no interest had to be declared.
2) Approve the minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 18th March 2014 were approved as a correct record. These were proposed by Cllr Hickman and seconded by Cllr Littler.
3) Consider matters arising from the minutes
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
4) Items for discussion (NB: change in agenda order)
4.1) Peel holdings – unfortunately Mike Webb wasn’t in attendance. Deferred to the next meeting and Clerk to liaise with Mike to rearrange.
4.2) Village hall update – There were no direct updates however, John Kinross (of Bridgewater Grange) requested airtime to discuss his concerns with the village hall. The Chair agreed to suspend standing orders at 7:40pm to allow this.
To summarise: the constitution of the hall was questioned as it was felt that this was not being adhered to following the recent AGM. He advised that there was an Acting Chair, a secretary who agreed only to undertake bookings of the hall and a conflict of interest with the treasurer; him being the husband of the secretary. He also advised that there should be 24 members which is currently not the case. In his conclusion, he proposed that the parish council take ownership over the operation of the hall.
The Chair, having heard his comments made it clear that whilst the parish council has the powers in which to intervene, it would not be in the best interests of both parties, given the hall has a defined constitution and committee structure in place. Whilst it was recognised that there may be some constitutional issue, it would be more advantageous to identify ways in which the parish council can further support the operation of the hall and its committee.
Clerk to write to the secretary of the village hall for a response and parish council representatives are to take this to the next meeting of the village hall in June.
Standing orders were reinstated at 8pm.
4.3) Contribution to new PA system for village hall – Cllr Felix advised that the church had a surplus PA system which was available to give to the village hall to take at no cost. There would be costs involved in installing new speaker system and rewiring. It was agreed to fund up to £500 for the costs of the works. This was agreed by all.
4.4) Proposals for Windmill Lane/Hill Top Road – Cllr Felix established whether any parish councillors had been approached regarding this matter – all confirmed they hadn’t. No further points were made against the meeting notes held on 10th April. Cllr Felix also advised that he had spoken with Richard Whitlow who had agreed to have the boundary sign on his land on approach to Windmill Lane from Barkers Hollow Road. This has also been agreed with Steve Johnson of Halton BC. All points as detailed in the minutes of the 10 April meeting were discussed and agreed to pursue with Halton BC except point B (posts outside Irene Rutters barn – this was a private issue). Clerk to action and Cllr Felix thanked all for their participation in this ongoing matter.
4.5) Agree maintenance costs for village – Clerk had requested costs from Halton BC to introduce better planting in all planters in the village and play park as well as regular maintenance and watering. Total costs would be £700 pa but offered for free during 2014. Clerk to negotiate but the sum of up to £700 was agreed by all present.
4.6) Bridgewater Green update – Valda MacDonald provided an update to the parish council on progress to date with Bridgewater Green. Phase 2 would commence soon however, there was a brief discussion on the introduction of fencing and/or ivy being introduced alongside the metal fencing. There is also an outstanding task of the coping stones and railings being repaired – Clerk requested a quote for approval at the next meeting – this could be funded from the reserved commuted sum funds.
4.7) Agree cost and purchase of domestic bin – At a previous meeting it was suggested to install a new domestic bin at the entrance to canal bridge to prevent continued dog foul bags being dumped on the roadside, in the grit bin or hung on trees. The cost to purchase and install would be £860 – this was agreed by all.
5) Financial Statement
5.1) Payments: £808.19 – C.Wyna – Clerks expenses
£178.71 – HMRC – Income tax
£243.80 – Zurich Municipal – Renewal of liability insurance
£37.42 – Reimbursement for stationery
£20.00 – CHALC – Planning seminar
£191.40 – CHALC Affiliation Fees
£65.05 – C.Wyna – Reimbursement for stationery (print waste toner)
5.2) Payments received: £8000 – Halton BC (Precept)
5.3) Balance of account: £21,262.69
6 Planning application
6.1) 14/00139/FUL – Proposed extension to rear of main factory at Excel Composites Ltd, Fairoak Lane, Whitehouse Industrial Estate
No complaints had been received. It was agreed to identify usage of storage area and whether this would impact air pollution. Cllr Bradshaw agreed to find out and report back asap and Clerk to communicate for a decision amongst parish council.
7) Any Other Business
7.1) Reports from Councillors
Cllr Littler
Advised that Barkers Hollow road near Northwich Road – welcome to Halton and ZZZ signs had been damaged. Clerk to report.
John Kinross raised the matter of Junction 11a and whether there was support to amalgamate the village in support of this. It was agreed to write to David Parr and Highways Agency to attend a future meeting.
8) Date and time of next meeting
20th May 2014 with the AGM commencing at 7:30pm. Cllr Felix advised that the general meeting would commence at the conclusion of the parish meeting.
Meeting closed at 9:05pm.
Signed by Chair: ______