APHUG Independent Reading Project
For this month-long assignment you will select a fiction or non-fiction book of your choice that is connected to APHUG themes (Ms. Justice will provide you with a list of books, or you can choose an alternate book with approval). As you read the book, you will look for evidence of APHUGthemes, including quotes, which you will share with peers in an assigned group each week. You will also complete a “Book FRQ” each week that will count as a test grade. At the end of the project, you will complete a tri-board poster that summarizes the book and its connection to APHUG themes, which will be presented to your peers as a final assessment.
Book Selection
- You will receive a list of approved fiction and nonfiction books from Ms. J. If you would like to choose a book that is not on the list you MUST receive approval from Ms. J in advance.
- A detailed list of books with brief descriptions is available on Edmodo and on Ms. J’s BHS APHUG web page.
- Most books are available in the BHS Library. The rest should be available from the Kitsap Regional Library (there is no need to purchase a book).
- One student per book, so claim your choice before it’s gone!
Reading Schedule
- Because everyone will be reading a different book, the number of pages you are required to read per night will vary. Therefore, you will determine your own reading schedule. Your Reading Schedule must conclude no later than Monday, June 10th
- Your Reading Schedule is due no later than Wednesday, May 22nd.
- Please do not choose a short book because you want to be lazy. A shorter book could make it more difficult to find the information you need for the class discussions and FRQ tests!
Book Talks
- You will participate in 3 Book Talks throughout this project.
- For each Book Talk you will be assigned to a group based on common elements in the books you are reading.
- For each book talk you will be expected to come to class with the following information:
- A description of the main character and at least 1 quote (with page #) from that week’s scheduled reading that supports your description
- A description of the main setting(s) and at least 1 quote (with page #) from that week’s scheduled reading that supports your description
- Evidence of at least 2 APHUG themes and concepts from that week’s scheduled reading and at least 2 quotes (with page #s) that support each theme.
- At the conclusion of each Book Talk you will write a reflection that explains how (at least) one other person’s information connects with yours (similar themes, etc.) – this is a graded assignment.
- Book Talks are intended to help you process what you are reading, learn about what others are reading, and to help you prepare for the next day’s Book FRQ (which will count as a test grade).
- Book Talks are scheduled for the following dates:
- Tuesday, May 28th
- Tuesday, June 4th
- Tuesday, June 11th
Book FRQs
- You will complete 3 Book FRQs.
- Each Book FRQ will count as a test grade.
- For each Book FRQ you will select one APHUG theme that has been evident in that week’s reading as the topic of your FRQ.
- You may only write about an APHUG theme once – you will write about a different theme each week for 3 weeks.
- Your Book FRQ must include at least 2 quotes (with page #s) from that week’s scheduled reading, which you may write on an index card (no other notes, the book, or any other materials will be allowed during the FRQ).
- Each week’s FRQ will be the same, but what you write about will be different because you will be focusing on a different theme and on a different section of the book. The FRQ is listed below:
You are currently reading a book of your choice that contains multiple AP Human Geography themes and concepts.
- Identify the title and author of the book you are reading and an AP Human Geography theme that is evident in your book.
- Explain how this theme is evident in your book. Provide specific examples, including at least 2 quotes (with page #s) from the week’s scheduled reading, along with multiple AP Human Geography terms and concepts.
- Book FRQs are scheduled for the following dates:
- Wednesday, May 29th
- Wednesday, June 5th
- Wednesday, June 12th
Final Presentation
- Your final assessment for this project will be a tri-board that contains the following components (If you need assistance getting a tri-board, please see Ms. J)
- Title & author of the book
- Your name (on either the front or the back)
- Brief description of 2 main characters (or main players, if nonfiction)
- Map that illustrates the main character’s perspective of the world (or the author’s thesis, if nonfiction)
- Brief description of at least 3 APHUG themes
- At least one quote (with page #) to represent each of these 3 themes
- At least 6 illustrations (in addition to the map)
- Your best work – neat, easy to read font, clean layout, etc.
- The following dates are scheduled as in-class work days for this final assessment. On each of these days the class will be in the computer lab and you will have access to basic art supplies.
- Monday, June 10th
- Thursday, June 13th
- Friday, June 14th
- You will present this tri-board in class during the final exam period on Monday, June 17th
- On this day, you will also be asked to bring in a snack or beverage to share with the class