News Release: The Adventure Begins Here

<insert date>

For immediate release

As part of its new campaignOne for All, The Boys' Brigade, has called on children and young people aged <insert ages relating to sections you are recruiting for> to join the adventure at <insert Company/Section name>

The <company/section> has been running for <years> and provides a wide range of exciting, challenging and fun opportunities for children and young people. The varied and exciting programme includes <insert a few examples e.g. weekly groups, residentials, special events, community involvement>.

Local BB adult leader<inset name>, said:

Provide quote e.g. “Membership of The Boys’ Brigade offers young people so much – the chance to excel in new skills or talents, to explore and to discover new things”.

For over 130 years, The Boys' Brigade has reached out to millions of children & young people across the globe.From expeditions to nature trails, camps to canoeing and even overseas, the BB gives young people the space to discover, to grow and to learn.

insert member name and age> , said

<insert quote e.g. The Boys’ Brigade is fun, exciting, energetic, makes you happy, it’s fantastic.>

The <insert Company or section name> Company meets at <insert location>every <insert day & time>.

Activities are all led by a group of trained volunteers who are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment.

If you want to join our group please contact <inset contact details>.

- ends –

<Insert case study – including volunteer role and the difference they made>

Notes to editors (for UK wide)

1.The Boys' Brigade was founded in Glasgow on 4th October 1883 by Sir William Alexander Smith. From this one Company formed in Scotland the BB has grown in to a worldwide movement having worked with millions of children and young people for well over a century.

2.The Boys’ Brigade cares for and challenges children and young people through a programme of informal education in a fun way. Each week more than 50,000 young people, aged 5 to 18, take part in one of its 1,450 groups supported by 12,000 volunteer leaders.

3.For more information, please contact:

01442 231 681 or

Notes to Editors (in Scotland)

  1. The Boys' Brigade was founded in Glasgow on 4th October 1883 by Sir William Alexander Smith. From this one Company formed in Scotland the BB has grown in to a worldwide movement having worked with millions of children and young people for well over a century.
  2. In Scotland, The Boys’ Brigade cares for and challenges young people through a programme of informal education in a fun way. Each week around 20,000 young people, aged 5 to 18, take part in one of its 430 groups.
  3. For more information, please contact:
    01324 562 008 or